Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1635: What else did he say

The current battle between the Legion and the Huanggu Clan is the most anxious and tense.

   Whether it can break the seal of the alliance between the ancient tribe and the orcs in the eastern sky and open the flying fish's spiral path from the Tianyu galaxy to the Tear Mole galaxy is of vital importance to the Beichen Army Division Group.

   The current battle can be said to determine the Beichen Legion in the next hundred years.

   And among the enemy's army, there are three strong imperial realms.

  Especially the "Black Stone Emperor" of the deserted ancient tribe known for "Conquering Wushuang", he personally came to the front line. Although he hasn't taken any action so far, he really put a lot of pressure on the Beichen Military Group.

   There is no room for loss in this battle.

   That's why the Supreme Commander himself sits on the front line.

   There is a large amount of military information and intelligence gathered in the Command Operations Department every day.

Countless talented staff officers dealt with, reported, summarized and sorted out the information day and night, and then continuously sent it to the Supreme Commander. Through the Supreme Commander’s judgment, decision-making and feedback, they were immediately distributed to various war zones and operations. force.

   Many times, talented staff officers will be surprised by one thing—

   Why the Supreme Commander’s judgment on the military situation, the analysis of the battle situation, and the feedback on the situation are so accurate and infallible.

  Man is not a machine.

   But the Supreme Commander seems to be.

   No, to be precise, the great supreme commander seems to be more terrible than a precision-working machine.

   He is always energetic and never makes mistakes.

   After the information processed by him, you can tell the truth at a glance.

   After the decision he made, he never made a mistake.

   The military operations approved by him rarely fail to be effective.

It is precisely because of such a supreme commander with the world’s unparalleled ability to process information that the Beichen Military Group can rise rapidly in less than a hundred years, win impossible wars time and time again, and create miracles time and time again. The small Star Road-class military headquarters has become a top military group capable of controlling the situation of the prehistoric universe in a hundred years.

   The staff officers of the Command Operations Department are all stunning geniuses, each with their eyes above the top, and their self-esteem is very high. On weekdays, you do not obey me and I do not obey you. They are all the arrogant geniuses.

   But they crazily worship the Supreme Commander.

   adore this mysterious man.

   They regard the Supreme Commander as a spiritual pillar.

   is Haori.

   is a law that will never be violated.

   is direction and hope.

   They have never seen it before, and the Supreme Commander is like this, so gloomy.

   This calm man seems to be a rock in the rapids, no matter what kind of sudden situation he is facing-even if he was once found by a strong emperor to find the headquarters and suffered a beheading raid, he has not changed his color.   This time, I didn't know what information I read, but my hand shook and dropped the cup.

   The hearts of hundreds of combat staff officers suddenly hung up.

   Something big happened.

   Could it be that the situation of the battle has changed?

   For a moment, the entire commander's operations department was extremely quiet, and the needle dropped.

   Everyone stopped their work and looked nervously at the Supreme Commander.

   "Come on, go and invite Xia Wu..."

   The Supreme Commander spoke, the iconic sincere and gentle magnetic voice, every note seemed to bring endless courage and trust to the followers.

   But when he finished speaking, he interrupted himself and said, "Forget it, I will go find him myself."

   said, it was a gust of wind that hurriedly left the command operations department.

   "Don't stop, you guys keep doing things."

   The voice of the Supreme Commander came from outside: "There is no change in the war."

   This made the combat staff, who felt as if they were scratched by the heart of a cat's claw, breathed a sigh of relief, but their hearts were filled with almost unstoppable curiosity: it was not the war that had changed, but what could be that made the Supreme Commander so nervous.

   "Who is Natsutake?"

   Someone asked loudly.

   The staff officers looked at each other and didn't know.

   "Has anyone dealt with Xia Wu-related scroll letters?"

   Someone asked loudly.

   still did not answer.

   Among the crowd, the staff officer named Zhao Qiang looked surprised and suspicious.

No way?

   Is it Lao Xia?

   He suddenly remembered that his old classmate Xia Wu asked him to pass the paper to the war department.

   must be.

   What the Supreme Commander saw just now was the scroll.

What is written in the   ke scroll that would make the Supreme Commander so gloomy?

   Zhao Qiang recalled the little clues Xia Wu had mentioned before, but it seemed that it was not a bad thing, and he felt a little more at ease.

   "Hehe, are you curious?"

   Zhao Qiang coughed slightly and said, "Isn't this a coincidence? Ha ha, I happen to know that little clue."

  How could he let go of such a chance for a person to appear in front of him?

   There is nothing, it's more exciting than acting coercively in front of my colleagues.

   As expected—

   Brush Brush Brush Brush.

   Countless gazes were projected on Zhao Qiang's body all at once.

"you know?"

"Say it."

   "What the **** is going on?"    "Good thing or bad thing?"

  All the combat staff officers surrounded Zhao Qiang all of a sudden.

   "Ahem...Oh, my throat is a bit dry."

   Zhao Qiang smiled authentically.

   "Brother Zhao, I just made a pot of enlightenment tea here, please."

   "Old Zhao, I'm off work tonight. I invite you to set up a table in Tianxiang Building, and then ask Girl Xiangxiang to sing for you, how about?"

   Several staff officers who like to compete with Zhao Qiang the most on weekdays, suddenly seemed to be the most loyal licking dogs, and got close.

   "Haha, since you are so sincere and sincere, then I will accept it."

Zhao Qiang took the legendary Yi Ye Qianjin’s Enlightenment Tea and smiled and said with a smile: "Xia Wu is my old classmate. We are a student of the eleventh term of the Beichen Group Military Academy. He just got married two days ago. He did submit an article before. Volume, hehe...As for the content, I don't know."

"That's it?"

   "That's it."

   "Just this little news, would you lie to me for a meal at Tianxianglou?"

   "You volunteered, how can you say it's a lie?"

   "Shameless, everyone beat him."

   bang bang bang bang.

   Zhao Qiang was continuously besieged by his colleagues.

  The soldiers standing outside the door, heard the movement inside, took a look at the probe, and retreated when nothing happened.

   The staff officers of the Command Operations Department, although they are ‘civil officials’, this group of literati are the most combative, and similar fights occur from time to time.

   It's no surprise.



   "Swordsman Xia Wu of the 67th Squad of the Special Warhead, pay homage to the commander-in-chief."

   Xia Wu trembled with excitement. He never dreamed that the supreme and great commander would suddenly appear in front of him.

   "Brother Xia, get up soon."

   The supreme commander is very easy-going, and he treats everyone as a brother, saying: "I also came to know that you were married the day before... Congratulations, this is my gift."

   handed a hand-carved jade doll.

   is not a precious gift, but it is made by hand.

   In his spare time, the Supreme Commander likes to use jade carvings to rejuvenate his soul. In the entire military group, everyone knows that the jade carvings made by the commander himself are invaluable.

   "Thank you, Marshal."

   Xia Wu had already faintly guessed the reason for the commander's presence here, and said: "The commander came here to ask about Lin Beichen?"

   "Did he say his name is Lin Beichen?"

   The supreme commander showed excitement in his eyes, his tone trembled slightly, and said: "What else did you say? Describe it in detail."

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