Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1638: Nenxiang Warbu

The battle lasted less than a cup of tea.

   The 98765th Looting Fleet of the Red Nightmare Orc Empire completely collapsed.

  光chan initially showed how terrible he was in space battles after his awakening bloodline, shuttled like electricity, with infinite power, one paw slapped hundreds of orc warriors, and one end broke an orc starship...

   is exactly the crushing of a fleet by a rat.

   A rat surrounded a small fleet.

   In the end, the 98765 looting fleet could not even escape the battlefield.

   Their entire fleet was captured by a rat in Guangchan.

Dozens of people headed by    were beaten by the fat, with blue noses and swollen faces, and they carried the [Handsome Sword Fairy].

   "Go ahead, why do you appear in this star field?"

   Lin Beichen, while grilling, looked at the Red Nightmare Orc Fleet Commander Fei Lun, who was kneeling on the deck with a swollen nose, and said, "As far as I know, this is the starry sky of the human race."

   He really couldn't figure out who gave this group of rookie orcs the courage to take the initiative to attack [Handsome Sword Fairy].

   "My compatriots will avenge us."

Faerun was interrupted by his legs and knelt in a pool of blood, but he was still extremely sturdy and fierce, and said: "This starry sky is already trembling under the gaze of the great Red Night God. It is destined to be the Red Night Orc. Pastures, and you humble and poor human races are only worthy of our efforts and food..."


   Lin Beichen shot his dog head directly.

"wrong answer."

   Lin Beichen blew his fingers and said, "Next."

   More than twenty other high-ranking officers of the Orc Fleet, upon seeing this scene, roared together.

   But to no avail.

   Deputy Commander Brian was dragged over.

   "You are here to answer my question, why are you humble, dirty and humble **** appearing here?"

   Lin Beichen used his own way to treat his body, and his tone was full of contempt and contempt.

   "The Great Red Nightmare..."


   Brian was full of anger and stubbornness, but before he could finish a sentence in the future, he was directly headshot.

   The huge corpse banged and fell to the ground.

   "Damn, don't answer the questions according to the format, this is the end."

   Lin Beichen scolded and said: "Next."

   Soon, a dozen orc corpses were lying on the deck.

   I have to say that these barbaric creatures are really tough, and they are not afraid of death at all.

   Even if the teammates were beheaded one by one, at the end of the question, none of them were afraid to beg for mercy.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   Is this a soldier of the orc race?

   Compared with these Red Nightmare orc warriors, the battle-source green-skinned orcs in the Ziwei Star Territory are really stubborn, whether it is courage or combat power, they are not of the same level.

   sturdy and not afraid of death, it is indeed a very troublesome opponent.

   Lin Beichen's expression became serious.

   "Master, on the orc starships, I sent something."

   Wang Fengliu came over and reported: "Would you like to take a look?"


   Lin Beichen took a few skewers of barbecue and said, "Okay, go and see."

   Wang Fengliu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Master, why don't you eat it now?"

Lin Beichen glanced at him, and said: "Are you afraid that I would see the dirty and disgusting scenes in the Orc Starship, so I just throw up? Don't worry, I haven't seen any scenes before. I think I, Lao Han, and When classmate Yue and classmate Bai went to the North Barren Mountain together, they fell into the cesspit and saw Lao Han splashed a mouthful of shit...Uh, never vomited, let alone now?"

   Wang Fengliu: "..."


   after a moment.

   "Oh, vomit..."

   Lin Beichen, who checked half of the orc starship, lay pale on the ship's gunwale and threw up.

   He has all seen eating shit.

   But cannibalism is really never seen.

   Thinking of the scene of the stump and broken arm inside the Red Nightmare Orc starship being boiled in a pot, Lin Beichen really vomited out all the food he ate the year before.

   "Kill, all the prisoners will be killed for me, not one left."

   Lin Beichen vomited and roared.

   Orc, really not human.

   They are no different from beasts.

   Based on the cultivation and realm of these fighters, it is reasonable to say that there is no need to kill and eat so frantically.

   But they feed on people.

  Before, Lin Beichen always felt that no matter what kind of race, as long as it evolves to a certain degree, it will inevitably develop towards the same civilization and ethical system, and in the end it is very likely that they will reach the same goal by different routes.

   But now, he is wrong.

   The Red Nightmare orcs treat the human race just like the human race treats pigs, slaughtering and cooking.

  The human race kills pigs, pigs have no wisdom, only life instincts.

   Maybe in the eyes of the orcs, the human race is really just food.

   This means that the human race will never be able to coexist peacefully with the orcs-has anyone ever seen a creature that can get along well with their food?

   It is no wonder that the holy emperor had to expedition to the major star systems, establish the hegemonic civilization of the human race, and crush the orcs and demons mercilessly.

   This is really impossible to coexist.

   Soon, all the captured Red Nightmare orcs were killed, and the corpses were exiled into the stars, eventually turning into interstellar dust.

   But the killing in Lin Beichen's heart is difficult to calm down.

By searching for the loot and sweeping starships, we can see that this raiding and reversed fleet, code-named 98765, blocked the starry sky, intercepted and killed 371 Terran starships in less than a month. Hundreds of thousands of human warriors have plundered a lot of wealth.

   Lin Beichen sat in front of the barbecue booth, no longer having the slightest desire to eat.

"Master, this is the Red Nightmare Orc Empire's Troop Legion. According to some papers and letters collected from their flagship, there are at least ninety-nine similar raiding fleets distributed in this starry sky. They slaughtered all the past Terran starships indiscriminately, with the goal of completely cutting off the control of this passage and avoiding people from supplying the'North Star Legion' with supplies and military supplies."

   Wang Fengliu came to report.

   "The "Torrent Legion" of the Red Nightmare Orcs, are they fighting the "Beichen Legion"?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

Wang Fengliu said: "According to the information we have received, the Beichen Legion is simultaneously fighting against the Desolate Ancient Clan’s Heavenly Saint Legion and the Red Nightmare Orc Empire’s Torrent Legion. The battle of the Flying Fish Arm Swirl has reached a fever pitch, and the Beichen Legion I want to open up the passage of Flying Fish’s arm rotation, so that we can unite the human races of the Tear Mole Galaxy and the Tianyu Galaxy, open a life channel, and avoid being completely surrounded by the Tianyu Galaxy and becoming passive."

I see.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

   It turned out that Old Han was in trouble.


   Must have help.

   "Can the channel of the Sword of Revival find out the current situation of the war?"

   Lin Beichen tapped the grill lightly with his fingers, and said, "If we want to help, how can we intervene?"

   As for how to help, you have to listen to the opinions of professionals.

Wang Fengliu shook his head and said: "Master, [Sword of Revival] is not a military intelligence organization. It is now in wartime. Whether it is the Beichen Legion, the Wild Ancient Saints, and the Red Nightmare orcs, they have now completely taken over this area. It is difficult to penetrate, and any clues will be treated as spies of the other side and will be ruthlessly strangled."

  A trace of disappointment flashed across Lin Beichen's eyes.

"However, we have discovered that the Nianxiang War Department of the Beichen Legion is fighting the Red Nightmare Orcs' blood swallowing, fierce, and violent warheads in front of them, competing for the flying fish to spin southwest. The battle has been going on for several months. Difficult to solve and difficult to distinguish..." Wang Fengliu added, "If you want to intervene in this war, Master, then the Southwest Theater is a good choice."


   Lin Beichen's eyes lit up.

  Nenka Warbu?

The name    is very interesting.

   "Okay, let's go to Feiyu to swing southwest."

   Lin Beichen made a decision.

   [Handsome Sword Fairy] turned into a streamer, began to accelerate, and then shuttled through the space.

   is like a behemoth hibernating on the bottom of the sea, finally coming out of the water, opening its righteous fangs to this cold and cruel starry sky, revealing its merciless ferociousness.


Everyone rest early

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