Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1648: A powerful enemy strikes

After half an hour.

   "Ah, master, I can't do it anymore, you should go to Sister Qianqian."

   Qianqian is unbearable to flog, weak and authentic.

   She was defeated with a peach-faced face.

   "From now on, you have to take care of Qianqian."

   Lin Beichen looked at the flushing aftertaste on Qianqian's face and straightened out the long hair in her temples.

   "I have always taken care of sister Qianqian."

   Qianqian wiped the corners of her mouth, panted, and hummed and said: "It's you, the big bad guy, who has been tossing sister Qianqian all the time."

   Lin Beichen glanced at Qianqian and said to Qianqian: "I will tell you a secret."

   "What's the secret?"

   Qianqian became energetic all at once, her eyes shining brightly.

   Her gossip level is not inferior to Lin Beichen.

   "Your sister Qianqian has it."

   "I have it? What is it?"

"What do you think?"

   "Are you rich?"

   "Puff...has a baby."

   "Huh? Did sister Qianqian adopt a child?"

   "No, my own."

   "I picked it up by myself?"


  Lin Beichen couldn't stand it anymore, slapped it down, and the waves were rippling, and said: "Own, your sister Qianqian is pregnant."

   "Ah, pregnant? Whose?"

   Qianqian looked confused.

   Lin Beichen really wanted to kick this idiot away directly.

   At this time, she reacted.

Suddenly, a face was lost for a moment, and then suddenly she screamed in excitement, and said, "Master, you and sister Qianqian have children? Ahaha, is it true? I'm going to be an aunt. Ahhhhhhh..."

   She danced with excitement, and directly kicked Qiu away from her body.

   Suddenly spring is boundless.

   Qianqian smiled softly on the side.

   Qianqian rushed over, put her ear on Qianqian’s lower abdomen, and said, "Let me listen. Can you hear the heartbeat now?"

   "How is it possible? I am still young and my heart has not developed yet."

   Lin Beichen, as an avant-garde boy who has been filled with information from the past life, now retorted: "It will take four months before I can hear the fetal heart..."

   The voice did not fall.

   "I heard it, I heard it, it was a heartbeat."

   Qianqian said loudly: "The heartbeat after Xiaojia is so powerful."

   Lin Beichen's expression gradually solidified.

is that a lie.

   He also leaned in at the moment and listened carefully.

   bang bang.

   bang bang.


   There is really a heartbeat in the slight noise.

   is very regular.

   Ah, this...

  Growing so fast?

   Lin Beichen was a little dazed.

   shouldn't be.

   He combed Qianqian's body with his true energy again. Inwardly, he found that compared with the time he visited two hours ago, the energy light cluster in Qianqian's body was directly expanded and enlarged by about one third.

So fast?

   Lin Beichen was taken aback, a little unbelievable.

   Is this pregnant with a monster?

   grows so fast.

   Things seem a bit difficult.

   Seeing Lin Beichen stunned, Qianqian said with concern: "What's the matter?"

   "It's okay, this baby is too healthy, you are afraid that you will suffer."

   Lin Beichen kissed Qianqian's forehead.

   "Ahhhhh, I'm going to be an aunt..."

Qianqian was still very excited, and then suddenly a vicious dog threw Lin Beichen down on the bed and said: "Master, I'm doing it again, let's come again... I also want to be a mother, and I want to have a baby with sister Qianqian. I envy..."

   The violent little maid suddenly became crazy.



   "Master Yuwen, haven't you left the customs yet?"

   Han Shangxiang came to the outside of the retreat again, with more and more concern and guilt in his eyes.

In the past day, with the cooperation of Xiao Binggan, Guangjiang, Shui Liuguang and others, the'Nianxiang Zhanbu' wind-scrolled clouds swept across the southwestern area of ​​the flying fish's arm rotating starry sky, defeating the remaining Red Nightmare orcs. Keep this strategic location firmly under his control.

   can be described as a complete victory.

   So far, the'Nianxiang War Department' has completely completed the previous strategic mission.

   In this process, the efforts of the masters on the [Handsome Sword Fairy] played a vital role.

  Especially, "Wu Wen Xiuer" shot again, which is also one of the reasons for completing the task so quickly.

This'imperial realm powerhouse' has no imperial realm, and is very approachable, even if he is always silent, but he completely obeys the command and dispatch of [Xingrui Spear] Han Shangxiang, acting like an ordinary and firm The soldiers are average.

   Why is this happening?

   The answer is clear to everyone.

  Because of "Woobun Soo Hyun".

   is that'Woo Wen Soo Hyun' gave an order to let everyone cooperate with the'Nianxiang Warbu' before he retreats to heal his injuries.

  Han Shangxiang never dreamed that it would be such an occasion when he commanded an emperor realm powerhouse for the first time.

   The rapid progress of the battle made her feel more grateful and guilty for'Woo Wen Xiuxian'.

   The young man standing by the window in the morning when he woke up, his pale and weak face was sweating profusely, the kind of expression that remained gentle and smiling even after being rebuked and expelled by her...

   All the pictures, frame by frame, kept passing through her mind.

   over and over again, getting clearer and clearer.

   so that she couldn't wait to see this handsome boy.

   But, this is already the tenth time she has come outside the retreat cabin under busy military affairs, and what she got is still the news that she is still in retreat.

  Worried, lost, ashamed...

   Under the mixed emotions, Han Shangxiang, the iron-blooded head coach of the Nianxiang War Department, finally began to shake.

Wang Fengliu stood at the door of the cabin, seeing all the changes in sight, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the young master is really a good method, indeed clever. In just a short time, he has already touched the heartstrings of a female lunatic who only knows how to fight and fight. Of course, this also requires capital.

   A handsome face that is angry and resentful can also make the strong emperor realm willing to work.

  On these two items, who can ordinary people do?

   "I'm sorry, Dashuai Han, my young master's injury this time may be more serious, so it will take more time."

   Wang Fengliu sighed in his heart, while his expression was calm and authentic.

   Han Shangxiang nodded, looked at the confined hatch, stopped for a moment, and said, "If Master Yuwen leaves the customs, please be sure to inform me as soon as possible."


   Wang Fengliu is solemn and authentic.

   Han Shangxiang turned and left slowly.

   Looking at the lingering figure of this famous soldier of the Beichen Military Group, Wang Fengliu knew that another outstanding woman was pinched by the young master.

   He was very emotional.

   Speaking of it, he is actually also a romantic seed. He was also a famous prodigal when he was in the Chaos Alliance area. I don’t know how many rotten peaches there are. Many beautiful women fall in love with him and are willing to have children for him...

   The two characters ‘澤流’ in the name are not called for nothing.

   But compared with the methods of the young master, it is really a thousand miles away.

   Can't accept it.

   was thinking so, the hatch behind him slowly opened.

   Lin Beichen walked out inside with a red face.

   "Master, are you okay?"

   Wang Fengliu immediately showed a flattering smile: "Dashuai Han just came to you, this is the first time...I just left, I will call her back?"

"Need not."

   Lin Beichen waved his hand and said, "What is the situation of the battle here now?"

Wang Fengliu reported, and said: "Flying fish arm rotation southwestern star area has been completely locked...The next step is to stick to it. Before the flying fish swinging war is completely over, we must firmly hold this place, so that the forces of the Beichen military group can move southwest. Development...These are what I heard from others."

   hits down, but you have to hold on.

   is such a reason.

   If this starry sky is really important, then whether it is the Scarlet Nightmare orcs or the ancient saints, they will definitely fight back again.

   Therefore, the next situation may be more severe.

   Logically speaking, the Beichen Military Group will send reinforcements.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and suddenly he felt a strange breath after a whim.

somebody is coming.

   There is a terrible strong man who is approaching this starry sky.

   The induction is so clear, it seems that there is some kind of mysterious and mysterious connection in the dark.

   seems to be some abnormal changes after he merged with the'Emperor Realm Primal Blood'.

   not only possessed the coercion of the imperial realm.

   For some powerful people, even have an early perception?

   "I'll go out and have a look."

   Lin Beichen walked outside and said: "Let our people prepare for battle, ready to run away at any time."

After    finished speaking, his figure moved and disappeared in place.

   Wang Fengliu was startled.

   ready to run away anytime?

   Isn’t the situation great?

   As soon as the young master left the customs, he could not wait to do Han Shangxiang, then lifted his pants and ran away?

   It's not enough.

   Master-level pick-up masters like Master, wouldn’t make this kind of mistake on the eve of success.

   Could it be...

   He suddenly realized something.

   After a trot, he turned around and came to the door of Master Wang Zhong. He knocked on the door and pushed in directly, saying, "Master, it seems something has happened..."

   As for the things that Han Shangxiang promised before, I had long forgotten them all.



   "With a sword soaring the sky, I sleep in the galaxy for eight thousand years."

   The clear sound of laughter and poems echoed in the starry sky.

   Deep in the dark, lonely and lonely starry sky, a figure sang a song at an extremely fast speed. In a blink of an eye, it was a hundred miles outside the defense zone of the ‘Nianxiang War Department’.

He wears a scarlet robe, long golden hair, a broad face, a burly figure, and a pair of golden eyebrows, like two sharp swords, flying diagonally into the temple, and the next birth is rolling with a crimson nebula. The starry sky shining thousands of miles around was red, like a rolling sea of ​​blood.


   Emergency and harsh alarm energy waves spread throughout the defense area.

   Han Shangxiang and others appeared at the top of the meteorite fortress in the defense area for the first time.

   At a glance, everyone's complexion was pale.

   Emperor class!

   Lai Ren is a powerful emperor.

   "[One Leaf Sword Kuang] God hates the emperor!"

   Han Shangxiang almost gritted his teeth and said the name of the enemy in front of him.

   without him.

   This swordsman emperor from the wild ancient holy race is really familiar to the seniors of the Beichen Military Group.

   There is an unforgettable hatred between each other.

   For Han Shangxiang, hatred is as deep as the sea, and hatred is higher than the sky.

  Because this person is her mother-killer enemy.


Three shifts today.

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