Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1660: Key protection objects

"The Beichen Legion has a limited emperor realm. There are a total of seven people on the bright side. If five of them are gathered at a time, it will cause other areas to lose their defenses. Once the desolate ancient tribe takes the opportunity to attack, the loss will be even heavier."

   Han lives up to the road.

   Lin Beichen was very surprised when he heard it.

   There are seven emperors in the Beichen Legion?

   This number is a bit shocking.

   can be said to have the background.

   You must know that the School of Knowledge, known as the sacred place of the Doctor’s Path, is now only supported by [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan.

   It can be seen how far the doctor’s path has declined.

   also knows the powerful and prosperous Beichen Legion.

   Lin Beichen felt a lot more relieved in his heart, so he asked again: "When will the peak emperor battle start?"

   Han did not hesitate to think about it a little, and said: "It takes 20 days to build an imperial battle zone, so this time the peak imperial battle is the fastest, and it also needs to be after 20 days.

   Lin Beichen calculated in his heart.

   Enough time.

   He had his chest, and said boldly and dryly: "In this case, count me."

   In the 20th, the second phase of the KEEP accidental acceleration task [The Rise of the Sword Fairy Army] can be completed.

   When the time comes, his cultivation base has skyrocketed, and he will advance to 10 levels.

   This, plus the power of the'Emperor Realm Primal Blood' in the refining body, and then prepare some plug-ins...

   After the firepower is fully on, there is a battle against the emperor.

   After thinking about it, he said, "You can even count me two."

   After all, there is a avatar of the Black Stone Emperor.

   It is also okay to use the clone to recharge the number.

   It's just to get his head together anyway.

   What's more, the Blackstone Emperor clone is not low in strength. When the time comes, he will directly devote himself to this clone, and fight against the powerhouse of the emperor, and it may not be out of chance.

   Han nodded and said, "Haha, then don't worry."

   He absolutely trusts Lin Beichen.

   After a pause, he said again: "Before this, there is another more important thing to discuss with you."

   Lin Beichen condensed, and curiously said: "What's the matter?"

Han paid to look at him and said sincerely and earnestly: "When I started the Beichen Legion, it was my personal enmity first, then justice, and now it’s for the life and death of my prehistoric human race... When it was first established, it was named Beichen because You, I want to bring everything you did in Zhaohui City to the primordial universe. After hundreds of years of struggle and resistance, I can feel that the idea you insisted on in Zhaohui City is now the primordial human race. The antidote for me, now that you and I finally meet again, I can relax a lot, how about it, do you want to stand on the stage?\"

   "Stand in front of the stage?"

   Lin Beichen vaguely understood something and was taken aback, and said, "Lao Han, what crooked idea are you making? Don't mess around."

Han pays off with a smile: "Standing in front of the stage, from now on, there will be two supreme commanders in the Beichen Legion. You are the master and I am the auxiliary. You and I are a combination of swords. With your order, there will be thousands of people. Beichen Human Race Dahaoerlang is the direction your Jianfeng is pointing."

   Lin Beichen was shocked when he heard it.

   then waved his hands again and again: "Don't make trouble, others don't understand me, don't you understand? I'm not this material at all."

   He is a real one.

   The technique of shaking hands is more adept than shaking the pot.

"I was serious."

   Han lives up to and is unwilling to be authentic.

   Lin Beichen looked speechless: "Don't be funny, you are embarrassing me to be handsome and fat tiger."

   Han pays off and looks speechless.

Lin Beichen also authenticated, and Tan Shou said: "Furthermore, I am not without anyone under my hand. The'Sword Fairy Army' I founded is also in the Megatron Ziwei Star District. My children don't have much time to take care of. , Where there is still time and energy to take care of the cubs raised by the stepfather."

   Han pays off and covers his forehead directly.

  God raised a cub raised by his mother's stepfather.

   Handing over power is like honey in the eyes of others.

   For Lin Beichen, it was as terrible as if he was going to infuse him with arsenic.

  Perhaps, this is also Lin Beichen's pure place.

   He has never seen a person like Lin Beichen who is not greedy for power.

   And this is also one of his personality charms.

   Just listen to this young guy continuing: "Old Han, you can stand up to the Beichen Legion's affairs, don't think about being lazy."

  Han didn't fail to think about it, and said, "If that's the case, then I have another way, it's better for us to make it light and dark."

"What's the meaning?"

   Lin Beichen is still quite vigilant and authentic: "Old Han, don't count me."

Han did not fail: "Don't be afraid, you must like my second thought. Starting today, the'Northern Legion' will have a'secret commander' who has the power of the supreme commander and can mobilize all the resources and resources of the legion. Channel, how?"

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows: "It sounds interesting."

   As long as you don’t have to manage military affairs, you don’t have to deal with all kinds of mistakes, you don’t have to delay drinking, hanging out, and picking up girls to deal with personnel imaginatively, and only enjoy resources and power...

   That's not bad too.

   "Well, then I can't help it."

   Lin Beichen looked at Old Han's serious and expectant eyes, and finally nodded in agreement.

   After some discussions, it was decided for the time being.

   Han returned to the commander's operations department and began to arrange various matters of the peak imperial battle.

   This time the peak emperor battle, of course, is more than just five battles.

  The preparation before the war is even more important.

  Various plots, conspiracies, layouts, and calculations will be carried out around this peak emperor battle.

For the Beichen Legion, it must win at the same time as it must stick to its own basics. The battlefield where you can see the smoke is dangerous, and the battlefield where you can't see the smoke is even more terrible. The ancient clan has always been cunning. There are conspiracies, so I have to guard against it.

   This is a systematic project.

   But Lin Beichen directly ‘returned to the city’ to the ‘Forgetfulness Tomb’ to cultivate pregnant Qianqian.

  Lin Beichen had seen various news about ‘depression in the parturient’ on the Internet in the earth age.

   The consequences are terrible.

   Although Lin Beichen is a scumbag, he is a scumbag who knows how to hurt people.

   So he knew very well in his heart that even if there were waves and blood flowing into the sky outside, it was the first important thing to accompany a pregnant wife.

   At this time, you must be by Qianqian's side.

   "Master, I'm actually okay, you don't have to worry about me."

   Qianqian has a blushing smile on his face.

   The maternal brilliance of the happy little woman is vividly manifested in her body.

"do not move."

   Lin Beichen put his ears on Qianqian's bulging abdomen, and said, "Let me listen."

   Then, he felt that his ears seemed to be attached to the heart of a female dragon. The sound of the powerful heartbeat made his ears almost deaf.

   I wipe it?

   In just a few months, have such a strong vitality?

   Lin Beichen should not only be happy, but should be worried.

   Qianqian, what the **** are you pregnant with?

When    looked inside, one could find that there was a cloud of silver light condensing in Qianqian's abdomen.

   With Lin Beichen's current cultivation base, it is impossible to see exactly what is inside.

  Lin Beichen purchased a lot of nutrition products suitable for pregnant women online, and directly selected 20 experienced and super-strength midwives from the host country, Zhenzhou, to give them preferential treatment so that they can serve Qianqian at any time.

One of them is a Protoss from the God Realm. It is a new **** that Lin Beichen cultivated at the beginning. He was given the position of God by Lin Beichen. His name was Riel, and his loyalty MAX was the famous "Production". God's was appointed as the captain and given extremely high power to lead these midwives.

   And Riel did not disappoint Lin Beichen, and managed everything in an orderly manner.

   Qianqian was a little envious when she saw her sister receiving such a special treatment.

   It's a pity that she challenged several times, but was stunned by Lin Beichen, she was so soft and drenched, and finally there was no movement in her stomach.

   "Subordinate Mian, my subordinate has discovered a bad thing."

   On this day, Riel found Lin Beichen in private and reported with a serious expression.

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