There are still five days to go before the peak emperor battle.

   [The Rise of the Sword Fairy Army] on the KEEP software is proceeding in an orderly manner.

  According to the current efficiency, it can be completed in up to three days.

   But Lin Beichen's mind is no longer here.

   He tried his best to calm himself down, and then he did everything he needed to prepare for the imperial war.

   Most of the energy is in Qianqian's body.

   Despite various measures, Qianqian's body is still getting thinner and thinner.

The plump cheeks of the past are sunken, and the face is sickly and weak. The limbs are as thin as wood, but the abdomen is high and bulging. This beautiful girl who has reached the domain master level can only sit in meditation most of the time. Lying down.

  The most important reason is that the life of the fetus in the abdomen grows too rapidly.

   is beyond everyone's imagination.

   Lin Beichen frowned.

   Rui Er and others are busy every day and dare not care about it for a moment.

   "Master, I'm fine, don't worry."

Lying on the recliner, Qianqian, who was pale and thin, held Lin Beichen's palm, and said, "I can feel that the little guy is very restrained. Only when I'm really hungry and can't stand it, will he draw the energy from my body." With qi and blood, if he wants to survive, I can definitely hold on."

   Lin Beichen kissed her forehead and said, "Don't worry, everything has me."

   He pinned his hope on this KEEP accidental acceleration mission [The Rise of the Sword Fairy Army].

   As long as three days later, Qianqian has also completed the content required by the mission, and his cultivation level can be upgraded to 10.

   From the domain master level directly into the galaxy level.

   At that time, Qianqian's life source and energy will be greatly improved.

   may be able to support the past.

   In addition, Lin Beichen also bought various books about ‘cesarean section’, as well as related tools and medicines online.

   If it really doesn't work, then you can only cut out this little guy.

   Although the pregnancy period is not enough, but there is no way, I can only give it a try.

   Such a powerful life source, the little guy’s vitality is very strong, even if he is cut out, he can still survive, right?

   For this, Lin Beichen set out to make more preparations.

   After he was familiar with all the procedures and theoretical knowledge, he first ordered people to find the mother beasts that were about to be pregnant and give them a Caesarean section.

   For a crosshair emperor-class powerhouse, the master of surgical accuracy is not a problem.

   But still have to practice hand familiarity.

After he got familiar with his hands, he returned to the host country, Zhenzhou, and replaced himself with a middle-aged female doctor with the [Magic Camera]. With the help of the power of the temple, he found the women who were in danger of giving birth and performed cesarean section operations for them. ...... In less than two days, a full fifty were made.

   Every operation is a perfect success.

   In this world, there are various healing techniques, debridement techniques and other secret techniques, but they are much better than the conditions of the earth.


   finally succeeded.

   Lin Beichen was relieved.

   To be honest, he has never studied so hard in his previous life or after passing through.

   In the next few days, Lin Beichen will accompany Qianqian every day, take her to do KEEP exercises, and supplement her with various nutrients.

   At the end, he even tried to enter the light group in Qianqian's abdomen with his own true energy.

   What makes him happy is that the little guy is not picky about ‘energy’. After perceiving that his mother’s energy is not enough, he finally chose to absorb a small part when he was hungry and anxious.

   In this way, Qianqian's pressure has been reduced a lot.

   When he finishes all this, the opening of the peak emperor battle is finally coming.

   Lin Beichen knew that he had to go to the flying fish arm spiral star area to participate in the battle.

Otherwise, once the pinnacle emperor is defeated this time, the alliance of the wild ancient tribe and the red nightmare orcs will sweep the flying fish arm spiral star area, and then march eastward. At that time, the Tear Mole galaxy, the palace galaxy, and the purple star area will all become the unrelenting iron hoof of the coalition forces. The dust from the fireworks will be inevitable for Sirius Road by then.

   There are no eggs under the covering nest.

   "Take care of your sister Qianqian."

   Lin Beichen stretched out his hand and touched Qianqian's head, and said, "Don't you always want to be a godly commander whom everyone admires?"


   Qianqian's eyes lit up, she suddenly thought of something, and said excitedly: "Master, are you taking me to the war?"

"Do not."

   Lin Beichen shook his head: "You stay here."


   Qianqian was a little disappointed.

Lin Beichen gathered the hair in his ears for him, with a soft tone, solemnly said: "A true general, a commander who can truly be famous and powerful in the world, the greatest glory is not in killing enemies, but in Have you really guarded everything you cherish."

   Qianqian was startled.

Lin Beichen pressed her shoulders, with an unprecedented serious tone, said: "This time, I will give Qianqian to you, you must be like a real general, protect her, guard her, and don't let her be frightened. Fear, no matter what happens, you must protect her. Can you do it?"


   Qianqian suddenly felt tremendous pressure, as if she was pressing on her shoulders all of a sudden.

   But she did not retreat in the slightest.

   "Master, even if you give everything, I will protect sister Qianqian." She straightened her chest and said loudly, "Master, you can go with ease."

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   You were infected by Han Buhui, right?

   He settled everything, activated the'return to city' magical technique, and left directly.



   Flying fish arm spiral star area.

   is located five million miles east of Jiexing.

   The much-anticipated peak emperor battle is about to begin.

   Tens of thousands of starships formed an army formation and were arranged outside the battlefield of the Star Emperor.

The Chen Bing of the Beichen human race has five million soldiers, with the four prestigious and iron-blooded main battle regiments of "Arctic", "Beishuang", "Beihuan" and "Beizhen" as the main force, for this peak emperor battle. Cheer up.

   Above the flagship of the ‘Arctic’, Lin Beichen and Han Wufei showed up at the same time.

   But Lin Beichen covered his face with a silver faceless mask, without revealing any facial features.

   The silver mask is called "Resurrection Face Mask", which is a 65-level alchemy secret treasure obtained by Han Buhong in the "Ninth Hall".

   ‘Rebirth Face Mask’ covers the face, covering the ear, nose, throat, eyes and other facial features.

   However, not only does it not cause perceptual obstacles, but it can also enhance the perceptual response ability of the wearer within eight times the range.

   In addition, it can also conceal the wearer’s aura and cover energy fluctuations.

   Its appearance, it looks like a face without facial features, weird and mysterious.

  Wearing such a mask, coupled with a slender and clean white coat, made Lin Beichen reveal a mysterious aura all over his body.

   Even if he was a senior member of the Beichen Legion, he didn't know his origin.

   Lin Beichen’s external identity is ‘foreign aid’.

At this time, Han was worthy, and was very different from usual. He wore the iconic silver-white emperor armor, and wore a phoenix-winged golden **** emperor helmet. His eyes were firm and his tall and burly body was like a pillar supporting the sky. , Without anger and prestige, exuding unparalleled power, countless madly admiring eyes around him gathered on him, just like the center of this galaxy.

   If Lin Beichen is the mysterious and profound Xingyuan, then Han is worthy of the fiery sun.

   When two people stand together, there is an indescribable sense of strange harmony.

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