Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1664: He did not beat up people

【Emperor Liu Falcon】Slightly stunned, immediately furious.

   For a long time no one dared to humiliate himself like this.

   This guy who has passed away, a guy who has been hiding under the protection of the guards and the army and has lost his fighting power, do you think it was at the beginning?


   Accompanied by [Ryufu Emperor] madly laughing, the crimson flames all over him became more and more turbulent.

The golden armor on    shot a dazzling brilliance.

   Under the vibration of the four pairs of flame wings, the vacuum within hundreds of thousands of miles turned into a vast ocean of fire.

   This is the real power of the emperor's way.

   Every strand of crimson fire is enough to kill a star in an instant.

  The emperor burns the void and burns all objects.

   Thousands of meteorites and some small comets also turned into nothingness at this moment.

   Even with the rules filtering and guarding of the battlefield of the Emperor Realm, the warriors of the watch groups from all sides changed their colors in shock. They only felt that the endless heat was coming, as if they were about to burn themselves into ashes.


  The complexion under Lin Beichen's mask has also changed drastically.

   The power displayed by this [Rugu Falcon] is more powerful and terrifying than the previous [Tianwei Di].

   Can Old Han handle it?

   He watched the battle with his eyes wide open.


   "Burn all the wasteland."

  【Ryu Falcon】flutters his wings and shows his murderous intent.

   The endless flames turned into endless behemoths of flames, trampling on the starry sky, even igniting the vacuum, ruining the sky, sweeping towards Han Fufu, densely covering his body.

   Han lived up to standing still.

   The endless flame behemoth rushed into 10,000 meters in front of him, instantly extinguished and disappeared.


  【Emperor Falcon】 yelled, his figure moved, and he raised his hand and grabbed it. Hundreds of thousands of miles of crimson flames condensed and turned into a winged flame sword, slashing out.

   The scarlet blade contains the power to destroy everything, separating the void.

   The lacquered black vacuum was cut like running water and rolled towards the sides of the blade.

   This sword seems to cut the universe in half.

   But Han Fufu still stands still.

   A sword that was enough to kill the emperor stopped ten thousand meters above his head.

   In the next instant, the blade disappeared directly.

   as if it had never appeared before.


  【Rugu Falcon】Shocked in his eyes.

  What secret technique is this?

   can wipe out all attacks out of thin air?

   Not bad for Han, the Huanggu tribe didn’t know how much information deconstruction had done.

   should have understood its strength very well.

   The imposing secret technique displayed by Han Fufu in front of him was unexpectedly unheard of—at least in the intelligence system of the ancient tribe, it had never been mentioned.


  【Ryu Falcon】 drank low, and the golden armor fell off all over, revealing the peculiar body with red wings underneath.

   He is the descendant of the sacred land, and his body is not exactly the same as the human race. Although he has a human form, his skin is covered with crimson bird feathers, which looks strange.

   And this is one of the reasons why he was not tolerated by his mother.

   This Toba, whom he hated deeply, was the source of his power.

   The blood is burning.

   The feathers of each bird bloom red and burn.

   The blood and flame power of the relics of the wild, completely erupted.

  【Rugu Falcon】turned into a flame giant with a giant human bird head, crushing the starry sky.

  Return to ancestors.

  His figure swelled infinitely, and he killed Han Bufu again.

   And this time, Han Bufu finally made a move.

   Under the gaze of countless gazes, he just patted it gently, slowly, like a breeze.

   Ripples slightly like a mirror surface of raindrops.

   The translucent breath surging.

   This palm seemed to pass through the illusion, through the smoke, and through the illusion. It was submerged in the giant flame body of [Rugu Falcon Emperor], and then shot out from behind.

   Along with the palm wind, there is also a figure that was shot out together.

  【Rugu Falcon】a normal-sized figure.

   He flew backwards uncontrollably and fell into a vacuum.

   He was shocked, looking at the giant Dharmakaya of the human body and bird head gradually dissipating in front of him.

one strike.

   is really just a blow. Han did not let it go and cracked his strongest ancestor killer move?

   is not a positive energy bombardment.

   is not a crush of absolute power.

   is not the tricky knockdown of the dazzling secret technique.

   is just a light palm.

   Under that palm, [Rugu Emperor] can't do any effective resistance and blocking.

   He was inexplicably knocked into the air with a force he couldn't understand.

What exactly is going on?

   is as strong as a rank 66 star emperor. I don’t know how much combat experience he has. At this moment, the [Rugu Emperor], all of which came out of my mind, were all stunned question marks.

   However, his combat experience is so rich, knowing that this is not the time to investigate the cause.


   Han lived up to his silver armor and stood with his hands behind.

   Like a snow-capped mountain that has never changed since time immemorial.

   Like a **** who guards the Milky Way.

  The black hair is thick, the hair is as electric, and the light under the visor is calm and indifferent.

"you lose."

   Han lives up to the faint authenticity.


[Falcon Emperor] stretched out his scarlet tongue, licked his lips, and smiled disdainfully: "You only have the upper hand. This battle has just begun. I haven't really exerted any strength yet... "

   "You have no chance."

  Han's unbearable voice, there is a frightening certainty in the calm.

[Emperor Liu Falcon] Hearing this, he laughed: "It's a real laugh, oh, yes, I remember you just said that you want to kill me with one move. Just now you have made a move, the supreme commander of the dignified Beichen Legion, so crazy. No faith, it makes people laugh out loud. Let me know now that my real trump card is... eh?"

   His face suddenly changed.

   A touch of astonishment flashed past [Rugu Emperor]'s face.

"what happened?"

   He suddenly felt that his own power was passing frantically.

   passed by irresistibly.

   His realm is falling.

   fell madly.

   In a blink of an eye, steps 64, 61, 59...

   fell below the star emperor realm.

   still continues to fall sharply.


   A look of horror appeared on his face.

   He saw his crimson bird feather shrinking and receding, and finally turned into red hairs, disappearing on the skin.

   He felt his arms become thinner.

   The body is getting shorter.

   His thinking also began to become chaotic.

   Within a short period of time, [Ryu Falcon Emperor] turned into a three or four-year-old child.

   and it continues to shrink.

   In the end, his whole person was directly transformed into two-point cells, and he lost his vitality directly in the cold and lonely starry sky.

   The others are gone.

   Han turned around and left without fail.

   did not stay in the slightest.

   When he returned to the previous flagship, the people who watched the battle woke up like a dream.

   Lin Beichen grew his mouth.

   Ah, this...

   A powerful emperor was beaten into a sperm and an egg with one palm?

   This horse riding is...

   Back in time?

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