Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1670: crucial moment

"Your Excellency's tricks are tricky. It's nothing more than defeating'Tianbo', but you shouldn't, you shouldn't, shouldn't control him, to humiliate my ancient holy race."

  'Bai Yudi' face cage is cold and frost.

   He did see some clues.

   But it's only a trace.

   Regardless of whether'Tianweidi' is controlled or not,'Baiyudi' can only say so.

  Only in this way can we ‘cover shame’.

He stared at Lin Beichen firmly, like a sharp blade, and said, "Is the Lord of the Shadow Stream? I remember you. You may not know the cost of doing this. Don't worry, I can tell you now. , You will usher in the highest level of special sanctions from the Wild Ancient Saints."

   As soon as he said this, the faces of all spectators in the neutral zone changed suddenly.

  Special sanctions!

   The highest level of special sanctions from the ancient saints of the wilderness is definitely one of the most terrifying pursuits in this prehistoric universe.

   A must-see race, the highest level of revenge.

   Even the high-ranking star emperor, even the venerable, will feel a headache.

   But when Lin Beichen listened, instead of being afraid, he wanted to laugh a little.

   "What about Nima, SB."

   This time he directly raised his **** and yelled at him directly, saying: "If you can't beat it, you will be cruel. It's really LOW to wear the emperor's heart, Sun Thief, you can come to sanction, if I'm afraid, I'm your grandfather."

  'Bai Yu Di''s angry hair exploded.

   Has he ever been scolded like this?

   Before he could say anything, Lin Beichen raised his **** again: "Brain, **** you."

Everyone looked at this faceless beauty in white clothes, using the most elegant and unrestrained posture to say the most naked and insulting words like a street gangster. They only felt that the two senses of sight and hearing should be unified. At this moment, the contradictions split in a mess.

   The simplest smelly mouth, the most extreme enjoyment.

   Anyway, Lin Beichen is cool.

   He withdrew from the Star Emperor battlefield.

   "I can't be an enemy of Jie-sama, and I will no longer serve the ancient clan."

   ‘Tian Wei Di’ is like a dog who is lost in love, looking at Lin Beichen who is leaving, yelling, and then turning to leave, turning into a light, and disappearing into the distant star dome.

   Everyone looked at this scene, and their mood was so complicated that it was beyond words.

  Some people are like huskies.

  Some people seem to have been husky day.

What everyone didn't see was that the'Tianweidi' flew out, spared a bend, changed a plain face, and reduced all his aura, like a dead man, sneaking back to the Beichen Legion. The camp is perfectly integrated.

   At this time, Lin Beichen was welcoming the cheers of countless soldiers of the Beichen Legion.


   This is the most intuitive feeling of every soldier in the Beichen Legion.

   If the lightning strike of the'Supreme Commander' gives everyone the feeling that it is a momentary craziness like a white horse, then the Lord'Jie' brings a continuous orgasmic impact.

   Since the outbreak of the war, the grievances between the'Beichen Legion' and the Desolate Ancient Race have accumulated to their peak.

   Lin Beichen's cursing without the slightest demeanor of the emperor is obviously more in line with the style of many iron-blooded men.

  The newly-built vest ‘jump’, instantly established his own character.

   won the support of the ‘Beichen Legion’.

   In this way, the follow-up ‘dark palace’ plan can be implemented smoothly.

   He walked to Han Yifu's side, handed over, and said, "Great handsome, fortunately not humiliating."

   Han nodded vigorously and said, "Thank you."

  Han Shangxiang watched the two people pretending not to know each other, and secretly held back a smile.

   Now she finally understands why her father trusts Brother Lin so much.


  He is really a man who can perform miracles.

   How did he do it so that the cruel and cruel "Tianpi Di" would willingly say such nasty flattery under the eyes of all the people?

   really slapped the Desolate Ancient Race in the face severely.

   rubbed their arrogant arrogance.

   So what happened in that dimensional battlefield?

   is really a mysterious man.

   Han Shangxiang was aroused by curiosity, and couldn't help but look at Lin Beichen again.

   At this time, it happened that Lin Beichen also turned his head and'looked' towards her.

   "I will give you a big gift back."

   Lin Beichen said.


Han Shangxiang peeked at Lin Beichen and was found, and he was bumping against the old deer. Hearing this sentence, the old deer in his heart was almost killed. He felt that he must be red-faced at this time, and quickly took a deep breath, pretending to be calm: "What kind of gift?"

   Lin Beichen said with a smile in his voice, "You will know it then."


   Han Shangxiang had no choice but to continue pretending to be calm.

   At this time, Han Bufu on one side coughed softly, and said faintly: "Watching the battle of the emperor, the battle is the most important."

  Lin Beichen seemed as if nothing had happened. He turned around and looked at Lao Han calmly and said: "In the third game, who on our side made the shot?"


   Han didn't bear what he was about to say, suddenly a stream flew in the starry sky in the distance.

   His complexion changed slightly.

   reached out his hand to catch the streamer and turned it into a pale silver arrow.

   Han paid for reading the information in Ling Jian, and the face under the helmet changed drastically.

   Lin Beichen immediately keenly realized that something was wrong.

   Han paid off and put away the arrow, looking at the Star Emperor battlefield.

  The golden flames of fighting spirit, like a round of golden sun rising up, illuminating the endless light of the galaxy.

  【Golden God of War】Battle appeared in the Star Emperor battlefield.

   The emperor of the Scarlet Nightmare Orc was the one who participated in the third battle.

Standing quietly in the Star Emperor battlefield, he kept rehearsing in his heart, how would he lose to the star emperor of the'North Star Legion' in a while, so that he could not lose his orc emperor's prestige and hide the eyes of the wild ancients. The effect is neither seen by spectators nor doubted by the people of the North Star Legion.

  Battle never thought that one day, an orc emperor himself would become an actor.

   Knowing this long ago, he would definitely buy a copy of "Actor's Self-cultivation" to improve his acting skills.

   At the same time, Han Budu secretly transmitted to Lin Beichen, "Does what you said last time still counts?"


   Lin Beichen said in a voice transmission: "Old Han, don't worry, I won't treat your daughter to anything, I'm a serious person."

   Han said: "I'm not talking about this... I mean, you said before that you can still choose someone."

   Lin Beichen: " what's the situation now?"

   "There was an accident."

   Han paid the sound transmission and said: "The other three star emperors I arranged in advance can't be shot."

   Ah, this...

  In Lin Beichen's mind, the first thing that came to mind was the analysis of fortune-telling on the [Perpetual Calendar] APP.

   Then I thought of Han Fufu that insulted Newton's flying clock fortune telling...

   Sure enough, insulting Newton is retributable, and only the scientific [Perpetual Calendar] is reliable.

   Now, something really happened.

   Lin Beichen was about to let the Black Stone Emperor appear in a hurry. At this moment, a WeChat voice pop-up application suddenly came from his mobile phone, interrupting his thoughts.


who is it?

   opened it and took a look.

   is a voice application from "Jianxue Wuming".

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