Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1673: About to give birth

It is Yinhuang Haiwu.

   is this unsuccessful seafood merchant.

   Shouldn’t she be a waste of food waiting to die?

   Why dare to appear on such an imperial battlefield.

   Even Liang Jingru could not give her such courage.

and many more?

   Lin Beichen suddenly had a huge question in his heart——

   The imperial realm battlefield constructed by the Beichen Legion and the Allied Forces at the same time dispatched countless celestial divisions, non-imperial powers cannot enter.

   The seafood merchant in front of him is on the ground in the battlefield of the Emperor Realm...

   Has she become an emperor?

   Lin Beichen was blinded by his own dog's eyes.

   He hurriedly sent a WeChat message to Jian Xue Wuming, saying: "Is this woman the Silver Phoenix becoming an emperor?"

   Jianxue Wuming sent an expression: ┓(?′-`?)┏.

   ask again, there is no news.

   Lin Beichen looked dazed, and said to himself in his heart: calm, calm...

   Maybe, just possess the aura of the emperor realm, but not the real strength of the emperor realm, just like yourself, is actually a parallel product with a silver gun tip?

   Otherwise, why can you become an emperor in such a short time?

   You know, this is a far cry from the time when I came to the prehistoric universe.

   was far inferior to his own strength.

   However, there are even more incredible things waiting for Lin Beichen.

Because in the next moment, in the battlefield of the Emperor Realm, the two female emperors did not have any verbal confrontation or muddle-headedness, but simply went to war. As Silver Phoenix Haiwu raised his hand, a faint gleam flashed, and the two were outstanding. The beauty disappeared in place.

   Others may still need to react, but Lin Beichen recognizes it at a glance, that is the secret technique [Reincarnation of Despair].


   Lin Beichen's whole person is not good.

   What is the situation?

   Seafood merchant can even [Reincarnation of Despair]?


   So Jian Xue Wuming, the dog goddess, what did he do during this time?

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows, a huge curiosity arose in his heart.

   He knew that Jian Xue Wuming had an unusual origin, but he didn't expect that it would be unusual to such an extent.

It is not impossible for Yinhuang Haiwu to master the'Reincarnation Despair'. After all, the secret book of the [Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jue] was given to him by Jian Xue Wuming. Huang Haiwu, practicing [Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jue] in the Primordial Universe will be very fast.

   In this way, the seafood merchant of the Silver Phoenix Sea Clan is really an emperor?

  Unbecoming emperor, how can we urge [Reincarnation Despair] to trap a star emperor-level powerhouse?

   Just when he raised his **** to think, someone next to him stabbed him.

  Han pays off from an angle that is difficult for others to see. He looks gossiping and says, "That person just now...where did you seduce?"

  Old Han, you have a big misunderstanding of me.

   Lin Beichen slandered in his heart, and quickly said: "This one really is definitely not my seduce..."


   Han pays off and withdraws his gaze indifferently.

Han Shangxiang on the side of   , there seemed to be needles in his eyes, staring at Lin Beichen, and said, "Which is the last one?"

   You didn’t seduce this one, but the last one?

   Lin Beichen He Qizhu Nan immediately caught the eyes of Commander Nianxiang.

   But at this time, there is no need to explain.

   The wrong answer is like you have written a typo with a brush.

   The more you describe, the darker and ugly.

   The other side of the battlefield.

  'Bai Yudi' saw this scene, his eyelids jumped.

   Is it Kageryu's pulse again?

   The Jie, previously known as the ‘Lord of Shadow Stream’, has performed a similar dimensional secret technique.

   Now this witch who wore a blue dress to fight, also mastered this secret technique.

   This means that the Beichen Legion has received the support of a new imperial art genre.

   Shadow stream?

'Bai Yudi' remembered what'Tianweidi' had said before, saying that the Beichen Legion had the support of an ancient emperor, so it is very likely that this so-called shadow flow is the ancient one who emerged from the dust of the old age. Emperor Group.

   The luck of Beichen Group is really strong.

   However, everything will be destroyed today.

   What if there is one more shadow stream ancient emperor force?

   The face of'Bai Yudi' showed coldness.

   This made the Red Nightmare orcs standing around him feel the biting cold, and they couldn't help but back away.

  [Golden God of War] Battelle snorted heavily.

   ‘Bai Yudi’ astringent aura.

   And the spectators in the neutral zone from all sides suddenly wanted to shout ‘RNM, refund the money’.

   This is the battle between two graceful empresses.

   At the moment when the two empresses who were also dressed in cool clothes appeared, many people were so excited that their legs were full of brains.

   How rare is the scene of a battle between two beautiful women like this?

   What about now?

   has entered the dimensional battlefield again.

   They can't see anything.

   This time, the peak emperor battle is simply a rare wonder.

   Two short and weak, two dimensional battlefields are invisible...

   This is not the picture we were looking forward to.

   Even the Beichen Legion was a little dazed.

   Lin Beichen was also a little anxious at this time, impatient.

  He was worried about Yinhuang Haiwu.

Even if this seafood merchant has become an emperor, but how to be the opponent of the old emperor such as [Undead Zhuji] Judina-Beichen Legion is very clear about the intelligence investigation of the opponents of the emperor war. [Undead Zhuji] Judina is good at all kinds of secrets. The weird spell, its terrifying degree is still higher than [Golden God of War] Battelle.

   Faced with such an opponent, who will die if Silver Phoenix Haiwu is not dead?

   Although I don't know the depth of Yinhuang Haiwu, after all, it is a fellow who smuggled from outside the wall together, and Lin Beichen didn't want to see her die and become cannon fodder on such an occasion.

   No wonder the dog goddess said, ‘Don’t regret it’.

   Lin Beichen regretted a little.

  Who knows that the dog goddess plays so hard.

   Just when he was worried, a voice application came from the phone again.

   Lin Beichen connected directly, saying: "You are playing big this time..."

   "Master, sister Qianqian is about to give birth."

The voice of the little maid Qianqian from inside   .


   is not a dog goddess.

   "Why so fast?"

   Lin Beichen said in shock: "How many months have you been pregnant?"

  "Aunt Ruier said that the fetus in sister Qianqian's womb is unusual, and there are signs of giving birth now." Qianqian's voice was filled with joy and excitement, and said, "Master, I'm going to be an aunt, hahaha."

   Lin Beichen was inexplicably relaxed.

   Qianqian is in this state, indicating that everything is fine there.

   "You are wrong about your generation, you should be called your little mom."

   Lin Beichen retorted.

Qianqian blinked her eyes on the other side, reacted for a long time, did not turn around, did not think about it, and said: "Master, can you find time to come back? After all, Sister Qianqian has a baby for the first time. With you by your side, she will be relaxed. a lot of."

  Lin Beichen looked at the undecided state of the battlefield in the imperial realm ahead, hesitated a little, and said, "Okay, I'll be back later. You take care of Qianqian first. If you have any situation, please contact me at any time."

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