
   There was a violent roar from the battlefield.

   [Blind Ji] and "Bai Yu Di" each stepped back several kilometers and stood still in the starry sky.

   The hardship of this battle has surpassed the limit of everyone's imagination.

It is exactly the extreme offensive and defensive warfare of a needle against a wheat mang. Every blow contains a powerful imperial realm power. If the imperial realm battlefield is not constructed in advance, it is only a starry sky within tens of millions of miles. Turned into a dead ruin.

   There is a solemn color in the eyes of ‘Bai Yudi’.

   He did not expect that the Beichen Legion would have such a powerful female emperor.

  The eight-strike style of moves, repeatedly performed, is actually impeccable, and he can't see the flaws.

   After urging the emperor's "Glass Five Dragon Cover", it was still tied.

On the other side, [Blind Ji], her eyes are covered by red ribbons, her pretty face is not a little turbulent, the invisible air flow lingers around her body, the red middle skirt is fluttering, silent, powerful imperial power pressure Constantly expand and permeate.

   Confrontation is also part of the battle.

   Both sides are catching each other's flaws.

   Lin Beichen, who had fallen into a selfless state, finally returned to reality gradually after the fighting stopped.


   The phone is shaking frantically.

   Lin Beichen picked it up and took a look. It was Qianqian's voice.

   Then he noticed that there were so many unread messages and voice calls.

   He clicked in his heart and quickly connected.

   "Master, come back soon, sister Qianqian can't hold it..."

   Qianqian came out of the phone with a crying voice.

   Lin Beichen's expression changed wildly upon hearing this.

   He knew that the most worrying thing happened.

   "I'll go back."

   He yelled to Han Bufu on one side, and then disappeared into the distance.

   Han lives up to a tight heart.

   As the half-brother of a half-brother who had not seen each other for more than five hundred years, he realized that there seemed to be something wrong with Lin Beichen.

   Very serious situation.



   half an hour ago.

   ‘Forgetfulness Tomb’.

   The core area, the sleeping hall.

   "Sister Qianqian, wake up, wake up quickly, don't sleep... The child is coming out soon, you must stick to it..."

   Qianqian’s cries can be heard clearly even while standing outside the hall.

   The female guards looked at the hall with a worried look in their eyes.

   Although the contact time is not long, they have all fallen in love with Qianqian, the young, gentle and beautiful mistress, and are impressed by her gentle personality.

   The people of the production brigade kept coming in and out.

  Rail, the general manager, was already sweating.

   "The situation is not good."

She said loudly: "The fetus is very special. Her birth urgently needs a lot of vitality. He is devouring the energy of the mother. Fortunately, the little guy has a clever consciousness. He seems to know that this will make Mrs. Qianqian worry about her life. , So I am trying my best to restrain it, but if this continues, the lives of both mother and child will be in danger again..."

   Sweat wet the ends of her hair, Riel looked at Qianqian and the others, and said, "A decision must be made."

   "Wh... what decision?"

   Qianqian said in a flustered manner.

   Even if she was surrounded on the battlefield, facing life and death desperation, she would not be so panicked.

   Rui Er took a deep breath and said, "Keep the big or keep the small?"

   The hall suddenly became quiet.

   Panic and helpless appeared on everyone's faces.

   There was only Qianqian's turbid and heavy breathing sound, which was extremely clear at this time.

   Qianqian's tears flowed out all at once.

   Why does this happen?

   is just giving birth to a child.

   The phone still didn't contact the young master.

   At this time, only the young master can make such a decision.

   "Protect... keep small."

   A weak voice came from the bed.

Qianqian heard the conversation, her face was as pale as snow, her lips had been bitten, she looked very haggard and thin because of the excessive flow of life energy, her hair was wet and washed tightly on her cheeks, she forced herself to endure it. Suffering, he said: "I must keep my child, I... Master... I like children... This is Master's first child, and it must be..."

   "Sister, don't talk, Master will be back soon."

Qianqian threw herself down on the bed and held Qianqian's cold little hand tightly. Tears flowed silently, and said: "Master said, both are necessary, sister, you hold on, you must hold on, you know Master, he is omnipotent. As long as he comes back, all problems will be solved. You must hold on and wait for him to come back."

   She transfers her true qi energy towards Qianqian's body.

   But it doesn't make much sense.

   Because Qianqian loses life energy.

  Master, master, what are you doing, why are you not coming back?

   Why don’t you answer the voice?

   Gradually, Qianqian found that Qianqian's palm was getting colder and colder.

   Her pulse is getting weaker and weaker.

   ", hold on, the young master will be back soon, I have gotten through his voice..."

   Qianqian cried loudly.

   She has never been so frightened and helpless.

Even when she was sold to an art gallery when she was very young, and huddled in a dark corner, waiting for the unknown but known tragic fate, she did not feel like this moment. Such suffering.

   and sister Qianqian met, when did they meet?

   is the third day of learning arts under the whip of the mother?

When she accidentally took a wrong dance step and contradicted the teacher, the beaten feet were bloody, and when she was forced to faint after dancing in the blood, the little girl who looked gentle and timid, but When rushing to support her, take her to clean the wound, and apply medicine to her?

   "My name is Qianqian, how about you?"

   "Ah, my name is Qianqian too."

"How old are you?"

   "Ten years old."

   "I'm older than you, called sister."

   "Well, sister."

   "Hey, don't stand up to the teacher in the future, you have to bear it, otherwise you will suffer a lot from your temper."

   "Sister, I want to leave here..."

   In her mind, the memory that I thought had been covered in dust, like a flood bursting a bank, suddenly became so clear that it flooded Qianqian's mind.

   During those days protected by Qianqian, she was the only light in her life.

   During that time, she was stubborn and stubborn, always making mistakes and causing trouble, Qianqian did not help her...

   The two girls, in those dark years, depended on each other.

  Even when Wang Zhong went to the art museum to select a maid, Qianqian was the one chosen at first sight, but she was not there.

   It was Qianqian who tried his best to beg Wang Zhong, the housekeeper, and finally Qianqian was bought one get one free.

   But now, when the darkness recedes and the light descends, why do you want a gentle and kind girl like Sister Qianqian to suffer such suffering?

   Tears blurred Qianqian's eyes.

   "Can't wait any longer."

   Ruiel said loudly: "Quickly decide, otherwise, neither of them can be kept."

   "Keep small, keep... small."

   Qianqian's voice intermittently.

  Rail sighed, about to move.

   At this moment, a strange white brilliance shone from the dome of the main hall, covering the delivery bed.

  Time seems to be frozen.

   Qianqian only felt a surge of great power, pushing her away.

   When she looked up.

   But I don't know when, a strange woman in white was standing by the bed.

This strange woman is dressed in white, as pure as snow, slender and dust-free, and exudes a weird sacred aura from all over her body. The white veil covers her face. The whole person seems to be an illusory bubble in the entanglement. Really cold feeling.

"Who are you?"

   Qianqian suddenly became vigilant, her instinct surged.

   The sledgehammer appeared in his hands.

  Rail and others were also taken aback.

  How can outsiders appear in the heavily guarded palace?

   This'Forgetfulness Tomb' is a secret place that exists in an uncertain place. Without the approval of Lin Beichen, outsiders will never come in.

   No one had ever seen this strange woman in white.

   She also ignored other people.

   Instead, he looked at Qianqian on the delivery bed.

   "I can save your mother and daughter."

   She spoke slowly, her voice ethereal, like the dingdong of Wanzai Ice Spring.

   At this time, everyone noticed that under the previous vertical white light, Qianqian, who was in a worrisome state, was surprisingly awake at this time, with traces of blood on her face, and her spirit returned to normal.

   "You...thank you."

   Qianqian is weak and authentic, and hope is burning in his eyes.

   The mysterious woman said again: "But, I have one condition."

   "What conditions?"

  Qianqian asked.

   The mysterious woman said: "After the child is born, I will take her away."

   "No, no."

   Qianqian refused without thinking.

   Qianqian also looked wary for an instant, and said: "Who are you? What are you thinking about? I don't think you look like a good person."

The mysterious woman in white still ignored Qianqian, but looked at Qianqian on the delivery bed, and said: "You think about it yourself, Lin Beichen will never be able to come back. Even if he comes, it will be difficult to save you. 'S child is very kind, she doesn't want to kill you, so she has restrained her instinct and didn't draw your life energy, but if this goes on, she will die..."

   Qianqian fell silent for a moment.

  The crystal teardrops fell from the corner of her eyes.

   She can feel that the little guy is not in a good state at this time.

   The so-called mother-daughter connects hearts, she seems to be able to perceive the emotions of the fetus.

   "Who the **** are you? How did you get in? Don't lie to Qianqian, you...uuuuu."

Qianqian was very vigilant, rushing to stop Qianqian and the mysterious woman in white, but was pushed away by a majestic force, and suspended her in the air. A pair of air hands directly covered her mouth, and she fisted. Kicking wants to break away, but it is impossible to break away.

  Rail and others had no time to react, so they were kept in place by Qi Ji.

   Obviously, the strength of the mysterious woman in white is beyond imagination.

   And she only wants to talk to Qianqian alone.

   In fact, Qianqian did not hesitate too much.

  At such a moment, she made decisions faster and more decisively than she could imagine.

   "I want to be with my child."

   Qianqian looked at the mysterious woman in white and said, "If you want to take her away, please take me too."

   She will never abandon her newborn child.

The experience of being abandoned by her family when she was very young, let her know what kind of cruel and dark feeling it was. Even if she was dead, she didn’t want this feeling. She experienced it again in her own children. once.

   The mysterious woman in white was silent for a moment, and said, "Okay."

   Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief.

   She is a very smart woman.

   Through this condition, she seemed to vaguely feel that the other party was not holding absolute malice.

   She said again: "I have one more condition."

   The mysterious woman in white said in a cold voice: "Don't you think that your conditions are a bit too much?"

  Qianqian did not refute, saying: "I hope that before leaving, I can let the father of the child take a look at her, even if it's just a glimpse..."



   "Fuck, what's the matter?"

   Lin Beichen's handsome face was full of shock and impatience.

   He discovered that he couldn't locate the "Middle of Forgetfulness" unexpectedly.

   can only return to Sirius by using the [Return to City] skill, but can’t directly enter the ‘Mound of Forgetfulness’.

   Several consecutive attempts, all ended in failure.


   He was anxious and angry.

  How could such a thing happen at a critical moment?

   He is like an angry lion, riding a big motorcycle, frantically looking for the coordinates of the'Mound of Forgetfulness' on Sirius.

   In a blink of an eye, the time for a stick of incense passed.

   Lin Beichen forced himself to calm down.

   Qianqian is about to give birth.

The fetus in the belly of    Qianqian is very mysterious and has powerful life energy.

I can not go back.

   So, where exactly is the problem?

   Is it because when the fetus is about to be born, it releases a lot of amazing energy, which causes the signal of ‘return to the city’ to be interrupted and the coordinates of the ‘forgetfulness tomb’ are also disturbed?

   Or, what other unknown energy is there to isolate all of this?

   He tried WeChat voice contact several times.

   The result still cannot be connected.

   Lin Beichen is anxious like ants on a hot pot.

   I don’t know how long it has been.


   There is another voice application from the mobile phone.

   is Qianqian.

   He was overjoyed and quickly connected.

   "Master, why haven't you come back... Sister Qianqian is gone."

   Qianqian cried out on the other side of the phone with a cry.

   Lin Beichen's blood froze immediately, and he stayed where he was.

   Qianqian did not hear what Qianqian said.

go back.

   must go back.

   Lin Beichen urges the secret technique of "return to the city"...



   In the next moment, he appeared in the'Forgetfulness Tomb'.


   Lin Beichen turned into a flash of lightning and flew madly towards the palace.

   "Where is it? Where is the person?"

   He shouted wildly and rushed to the delivery bed.

   The bed is empty.

   "Where are people?"

Lin Beichen saw Qianqian standing by the bed, grabbed her, and shouted wildly, "Where is Qianqian? What about people? Quickly, bring her. If there is a way, I must still have a way, I can save it. Live her, hurry up...what are you doing in a daze?"

   Rui Er and others heard Lin Beichen say this, and an emotion similar to ‘grateful’ emerged in their hearts.

   I thought that the mistress Qianqian had been determined to keep her young, but now Mian Xia was concerned about the safety of the mistress for the first time.

   "Young Master..."

   Qianqian wiped her tears, and said: "Sister Qianqian is gone and will never see her again."

   "I don't believe it, I still have a way."

   Lin Beichen roared wildly.

"grown ups."

  Rail quickly stepped forward and said: "Don't worry, Mister Qianqian is still alive, mother and daughter are safe..."

   Lin Beichen stared at her suddenly, and said: "You...are you telling the truth?"

   He looked at Qianqian again, tremblingly said: "You hapless boy...what is the name Qianqian is gone? What's the matter?"

   Qianqian twitched, wiped her tears, and intermittently finally explained the cause and effect of the matter.

   "I was taken away?"

   Lin Beichen's mood can be called a roller coaster ride, and the ice and fire are constantly reversed.

   However, compared to death, this is one of the acceptable results.

   "Sister Qianqian left this to you."

   Qianqian took out something and gave it to Lin Beichen.


Hard Guang: The WeChat public account of Crazy Blade in the chaos, everything you want is in it.

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