Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1792: Digging your own grave?

Lin Beichen was a little worried.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.


Inside the lecture square, the sound of the avenue broke out again.

Lin Beichen was overjoyed.

Finally appeared again.

This time, it must be your own, right?

The leaders of the major forces who were paying close attention to Dao Leiyin were also excited at this time. With the same mentality as Lin Beichen, they always felt that the people they selected were real geniuses, and this time they could finally be a blockbuster.

However, the news soon spread.

It is Dugu Tianhuang again.

In the process of listening to the scriptures, this goddess of the Dugu family actually inspired the thunder of the Dao for the second time, resonating with the Dao method of the ancestor of the poison Dao.


"Second resonance?"

"This... has this happened before?"

"It has never appeared in the sermons of the ancestor of Dancao Dao."

"It has appeared a few times. Some people resonated twice in the sermon of the ancestor of the Gorefiend, and some people resonated three times in the sermon of the ancestor of the Shadow Dao. However, this is already 5,000 years ago."

"Yeah, now, those who resonate twice are the new ancestors of level 84, and those who resonate three times are the new ancestors of level 88, and they are only one step away from the ancestors."

"The Dugu family is about to soar into the sky."

"Yes, if one person gains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to the sky."

All the major forces were shocked.

There is a real top genius in the Dugu family, who is destined to be brilliant and become a character that the entire Emperor Star values ​​and respects.

"Hahaha, my daughter, Tianhuang, has the appearance of an ancestor."

Dugu Wenxiu just floated away.

It was previously said to be the 'new ancestor' posture, but now it has directly become the 'first ancestor' posture.

In the tens of thousands of years of the Holy Empire of the human race, how many ancestors have been born? No, to be precise, since the birth of the prehistoric universe, how many ancestors have there been?

Dugu Wenxiu really dared to think.

But many people think so in their hearts, but dare not say it.

Although they are reluctant to admit it, all the bigwigs understand that from now on, Dugu Wenxiu can really walk sideways in the imperial capital.

Some ignorant people will ask, why did you think of a way to assassinate Dugu Tianhuang, killing the hope of the Dugu family?

Who would dare to assassinate the disciple of the first ancestor?

Soon, Ma Han came to the 'Jingtian Tower' with injuries, and said: "Sir, the Dugu family has started again, this time, they deliberately found fault, smashed the 16 stores of the Hua family, and arrested four of us. A brother, threatened to let the head of the family come to the door to apologize, and let you lead the people in person."

A cold light flashed in Lin Beichen's eyes.

**** it.

How can the patriarchs of these big families be so stubborn, like Zhongshan wolf, they are arrogant and do everything at once?

If the sermon is not over yet, do you think you will win?

"Sir, do you want to continue to comfort and be patient?"

Ma Han asked cautiously.

"Hold the **** *."

Lin Beichen directly sprayed forbidden words with anger.

I used to endure it because all my attention was on the lecture square, and I wanted to pretend to be serious, to show that I was able to hold my breath and that I was someone who did big things. Now?

The defense has been broken.

Fuck it.

"Go on, the brothers don't have to bear it anymore, call me back. If the Dugu family wants to pretend, they have to ask Lao Tzu if they agree."

Lin Beichen gave an order loudly.

At this time, I can't bear it any longer.

Otherwise, the people under their hands will lose their anger.

The morale of the Hua family also broke.

The deterrent force built up by the frantic sweeping away from evil will also dissipate and cease to exist.

"The goddess of the Dugu family..."

Ma Han reminded politely.

Lin Beichen sneered: "Don't say his goddess, she hasn't grown up yet, even if she does, don't be afraid."

Dugu's family is trying to die, and Dugu Tianhuang is just a promising future. Now their strength is far from being able to oppose a second-level chief of the special law bureau who actually controls the ten major districts.

To put it bluntly, it is a paper tiger.

"My subordinate understands."

Ma Han became excited.

I can finally fight back.

It's been really hard these days.

Ever since they followed Director Li, their brothers have been showing off their power and pushing them in all directions. Where did they get this kind of anger?

Lin Beichen instructed again: "Tell Zhang Wei, mobilize people for me, do all you can, don't leave room, beat hard, those who participated in smashing the Hua Family's property, characterize me as 'black and evil forces', those who Those who wounded and detained our brothers were directly characterized as disloyal to the Emperor, and don't keep any of them."

Zhang Wei, one of the former four horses, took over as the director of the Taijin District Special Law Bureau two months ago after Lin Beichen was promoted.

This is the benefit of being loyal to Lin Beichen.

Follow Brother Li, eat meat and drink.

Following Brother Li, he was promoted to soft.

Experts in the Special Law Bureau, who are taking money and being promoted, all know that they can benefit from being a dog for Director Li, so they are extremely loyal.

Ma Han immediately turned around to do it.

Now all the brothers are waiting for food and want to do good deeds so that they can get a chance to be promoted.

Lin Beichen did not leave by himself.

He still stayed in the "Sedum Tower" and watched the changes in the lecture square.

It is now the twenty-third day.

With the last seven days left, the atmosphere around the square was already very tense, and the forces of all parties, like gamblers who had made a bet, were already red-eyed, waiting for the final bet to settle.

After a while, Ma Han will come to retaliate.

"Sir, things have been done."

He was very excited and said, "The brothers are all very happy, and they have also confiscated a lot of resources and treasures, and they have been sent to the treasure house of the Special Law Bureau."

"It's an old rule, just split it up."

Lin Beichen waved his hand.

Now there is a little treasure, he doesn't like it at all.


Ma Han was extremely excited.

This is the grown-up of our family. He treats his brothers like a father loves his son. Who wouldn't want to follow such a leader?

He turned around to give the order, and after only walking a few steps, his expression suddenly changed.

In the distance, several figures came quickly.

Ma Han transmitted his voice and said, "Sir, the Dugu Patriarch is here."

Lin Beichen turned his head to look.

A tall, mighty old man with red hair and purple beard, led dozens of people, strode forward, passed through the rooftop hall on the top floor of the 'Sedum Tower', and came to the front.

It is Dugu Wenxiu, the head of the Dugu family.

Extremely expert in the family.

"Li Shaofei?"

Dugu Wenxiu stared at Lin Beichen with eyes like a knife, and said, "Did you order people to search the property of my Dugu family and kill the people of my Dugu family?"

Lin Beichen retracted his gaze and looked at the Transcript Square again.

Ma Han bit his head and said coldly, "You are presumptuous, how dare you talk to my lord like this, you are a little family head? Are you looking for death?"

At a critical moment, he couldn't be ashamed of the director.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Dugu Wenxiu laughed and said, "What kind of thing are you, how dare you talk to me like this? Very well, I remember you, you are dead."

After speaking, he directly reprimanded Lin Beichen again, saying, "Li Shaofei, you really don't know how to live or die, and you dare to oppose me. Do you know that my daughter, Tianhuang, has..."


A loud slap in the face.

Dugu Wenxiu was kicked and knelt on the ground.

Lin Beichen took out a white handkerchief slowly, lightly, wiped his hands earnestly, then threw it away, saying, "Weak, who gave you the courage to talk to me like this?"

There was a sound of sucking cold air all around.

Originally, many dignitaries who were watching the lively event looked at Lin Beichen in disbelief at this time.

This is a complete break with the Dugu family, and there is no possibility of recovery.

This is digging one's own grave.


Goodnight everybody

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