Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1796: And more evil

Big... big sister?

Dugu Wenxiu was a little confused.

The woman in front of her, who seems to be ordinary except for her peerless beauty, is definitely not within the scope of resonance or a hundred times of resonance. Who would have thought that she would be the senior sister of this generation of disciples?

And looking at the attitude of her daughter, the prestige of this senior sister is absolutely extraordinary.

At this time, Mi Ruyan, Han Luoxue, Priest Xiangyan, and Yan Ruyu also stepped forward, respectfully bowed to Yewei Central Bank, and said, "See Senior Sister."

Others were stunned when they saw this scene.

Those who resonate a hundred times even bow their heads to this woman?

Even a fool realizes that this woman is definitely not ordinary.

You must know that at this time, these people who saluted are all true geniuses, who inspired the vision of Daoyin, and were valued by the ancestors of the poison, the ancestors of the poison, and the future is boundless, how can they not be proud and arrogant?

At this time, they all saluted this woman.

There is only one explanation.

This woman is even more talented than these geniuses.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were..."

Dugu Wenxiu was already a little panicked, bowed deeply and saluted, "I also ask the goddess to forgive me."

This time, it can be said that he has made a big ugliness, and he has to set up several powerful enemies. He was already panicking, but he opened his mouth and offended the senior sister of the 250th generation disciple of Poison Tao.

Why should I have a long mouth?

Ye Weiyang smiled lightly, with a gentle attitude and a leader demeanor, and said, "Senior, you are very polite, you are the father of Junior Sister Dugu, and you are an elder. You don't need to do this... Besides, those who don't know are not guilty."

Her idea is simple.

Since you want to infiltrate the way of poison, you have to learn to be a human being, try to have as few enemies as possible and make more friends.

As Brother Beichen said, the so-called invincibility in the world is to turn everyone around you into friends. This is the greatest ability of the superior. Of course, if someone refuses to be your friend several times, then you will make him dead. .

"Thank you, Senior Sister."

When Dugu Tianhuang heard the words, a grateful expression appeared on his face.

She felt that she was respected and her face was saved.

In fact, when he scolded his father just now, why wasn't it to protect him?

At this time, there are more dignitaries salute to Yewei Central Bank.

Those who were digging the walls also restrained a lot.

Ye Weiyang's eyes swept across the crowd, her beautiful face seemed to exude brilliance, and she slowly said: "Well, let's give you another hour. When the time is up, please go to the temple to report quickly."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked slowly towards the Poison Dao Temple.

Lin Beichen's raised hand gradually solidified in the air.


This little woman.

He is good at acting, and he has completely entered the state.

They didn't even come over to say hello.

And Dugu Wenxiu let out a long sigh of relief.

It seems that this senior sister Yang Weiye is good to her daughter, but she is a backer. If her daughter can make such a friend, maybe she won't have to be too afraid of Li Shaofei in the future?

He pulled his daughter aside and asked softly, "What's going on? This one doesn't seem to be making any noise. Why did she become your senior sister?"

Dugu Tianhuang lowered his voice and explained, "Father, you don't know something. During the process of listening to the scriptures, on the first day, Senior Sister Yang resonated with Taoism, and it resonated a hundred times, but it was suppressed by the ancestors. Since there is no leak, every day after listening to the scriptures, Senior Sister Yang continues to resonate a hundred times..."

Dugu Wenxiu is numb.

He didn't hear what the daughter said in the back.

It resonated a hundred times on the first day?

Is it like this every day?

Is that human being?

It's beyond the realm of genius.

It's a monster.

Why does this kind of person exist in the world? It's simply unreasonable.

I heard Dugu Tianhuang say again: "Actually, there is another one who is more terrifying than Senior Sister Yang. After listening to the scriptures for an hour, the sound of Dao vibrates all over his body, like the incarnation of Dao, he has transcended the level of disciples, and was directly designated by the ancestors as the entry level. Disciple, you can follow your side to practice and study all the time."


When Dugu Wenxiu heard the words, she was inexplicably horrified.

Is there such a secret?

"Then why don't you see this person?"

he asked curiously.

Dugu Tianhuang said: "At the end of the lecture, he has left with the first ancestor and enjoyed special treatment. It is no surprise that our 251st disciple, Sister Yang, is the daily manager and truly decides the fate of everyone. Yes, it is the disciple who was ordered by the first ancestor."

"By the way, what's his name?"

Dugu Wenxiu asked curiously.

Dugu Tianhuang said: "A very strange name, surnamed An, called An Muxi."

"Two wastes."

On the way back, Lin Beichen 'comforted' Qin Shou and Hu Meier: "Go back and be an honest spy for me."

This is what he should do at this time as a ruthless and ruthless spy chief.

They were the only two of them who were left behind. On the last day, they were expelled by Square Dao and lost the opportunity to become the first disciple of Poison Dao.

When the two heard the words, they were silent.

When all the companions performed well, only they were eliminated. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Hu Meier lowered her head.

Xian Xian Su held her hands tightly, the knuckles of her fingers turned white, and her nails were deeply embedded in the palm of her hand.

Qin Shou looked calm, and there seemed to be a thunderstorm brewing in the depths of his eyes.

Lin Beichen didn't pay much attention to it.

Returning to the Office of the Special Law Office, he immediately asked Ma Han to make arrangements, and incorporated the two into the Special Law Bureau's establishment, starting with the team leader.

This is not a special treatment for the two of them, but the ability to persist until the last day in the preaching process of the first ancestor of the poison road, and then be 'expelled'. Although it is not as good as the 100 disciples, but among ordinary geniuses, it is still Unique existence.

Don't look at Lin Beichen's scolding Huan on the surface, but in fact he is very attentive to the two of them, and it is necessary to focus on training.

After dealing with all this, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Han Bubu, saying that everything was going well.

At this moment-

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door.

It was Gongsun Longquan who came in.

"Sir, there is news that you must be very interested in." Gongsun Longquan sold out.

Lin Beichen glared: "You owe you the drill again? How dare you betray me? If you have something to say, hurry up and let it go."

Gongsun Longquan giggled and laughed.

During the time she spent together, she had already figured out Lin Beichen's character. She was the type who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside with a bad mouth. Don't look at him as scolding herself, but in fact, he didn't treat him as an outsider. If one day he suddenly smiled right You're amiable and polite, so maybe something really happened.

"Three months later, it will be the Emperor's 50,000th birthday. The Holy Cabinet, the Holy Council, and Radiance City have decided at the same time to hold a large-scale celebration ceremony. At that time, the Emperor's Temple Square will be open to the public with limited conditions. Haven't you always wanted to visit the temple, my lord? This is a good opportunity."

Gongsun Longquan said.


Lin Beichen's eyes lit up.

This is really good news.

He had always wanted to go to the Emperor's Temple to observe and see if he could find some clues, but this area has always been strictly forbidden, and non-ancestors are not allowed to enter, so he can only be jealous.

Now, the opportunity has finally come.

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