Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1798: Human sacrifice?

Could it be that he really has something to do with the Holy Emperor?

Or, is this some kind of bond between people of the same bloodline?

He looked around.

Found that other people seem to be no different.

In other words, only oneself has such a reaction.

"What's wrong?"

The bandit brother approached and said, "You seem to have found something." He also got the opportunity to participate in this 'Christmas' and enter the Emperor Square.

Lin Beichen said: "It's nothing, just a little excited."

There are some secrets that only one person knows.

There are more and more people in the square.

Most of them stood on the spot, closed their eyes and practiced breathing.

On the Emperor's Square, the divine splendor of the emperor is surging. One day of cultivation here is comparable to that of the outside world for a hundred years. Naturally, it is a cultivation environment that many people dream of. They must seize the opportunity to cultivate in a race against time.

Of course, there are also a few people who don't care.

This is true power.

On weekdays, there are more opportunities to enter and leave the Emperor's District.

Lin Beichen was not in a hurry to cultivate.

But curiously, he walked around the entire Emperor Square.

The square covers a huge area, and you can't see the edge at a glance. The ground is paved with ordinary white star stones. It has a history of tens of thousands of years, but it is still smooth and flat. When you look closely, you can see the faint emperor pattern in the stone.

Other than that, there are no other buildings on the square.

No statues, no sculptures, no monuments...

It's really just a square.

To the east of the square is the tall and magnificent Temple of the Emperor.

This is an atypical human architecture.

It is a bit like the pyramid of ancient Egypt. It is divided into six sides vertically. It is a hexagonal pyramid. It is divided into 9,999 layers horizontally. Each layer is ten meters high and shrinks continuously upward. At first glance, Like a golden mountain, the top of the temple is inserted into the sky.

It is said that the Holy Emperor is now sitting on the highest point of the temple, overlooking the entire imperial capital.

And the legendary invincible imperial army is also stationed in every place of this temple, loyally complimenting the supreme leader in his heart.

"If you can enter the temple, maybe you can find something."

A strong intuition emerged in Lin Beichen's mind.

His urge to rush into the temple.

Soon, the celebration will begin.

There was a burst of excited cheers from the crowd in front.

An ancestor-level powerhouse appeared.

Lin Beichen approached to inquire, and learned that the three absolute powerhouses, the ancestors of the poison dao, the ancestor of the blood demon dao, and the ancestor of the transformation dao of the ancient tribe, appeared.

Not all ancestors.

There are only three ancestors.

But that's amazing enough.

If it weren't for the integer of 50,000 years, I'm afraid even an ancestor would not come.

No flying is allowed on the Temple Square.

So the three ancestors came on foot.

Followed by his confidant disciples.

The ancestor of Poison Dao was an old man with a hunched waist. It looked as if a gust of wind could knock him down, but his walking pace and speed were not slow, and he looked like an ordinary old man with good fitness skills.

But no one dared to underestimate him.

Rumor has it that the old ancestor of the poison, Dao, can wipe out a star road even if he takes a breath.

Beside him, a man and a woman followed.

The man's name is An Muxi, a middle-aged man with a calm face, and the woman's name is Yang Weiye, a limpid girl with peerless elegance.

Almost everyone knows that these two are the disciples accepted by the first ancestor of Poison Dao to open the altar and preach the scriptures. The resonance of Taoism to avoid being robbed by other ancestors.

Now that he has been fully collected, he can finally bring it out to show off.

Carrying both of them on such important occasions shows how much the ancestor of the Poison Dao attached great importance to the two of them.

The ancestor of the Gorefiend was tall and thin, and was a handsome middle-aged man with a handsome appearance. He looked like the person in the painting against the red robe, and he looked energetic and full of energy.

The first ancestor of the transformation path is a young man who looks only nineteen years old. He is burly and three meters tall. He has a cold face and a solemn expression. He wears a light golden outer armor. .

The two ancestors did not bring their disciples with them.

Seeing these three people, everyone in the square bowed their heads and saluted.

Some people even knelt on the ground in excitement, throwing their bodies to the ground.

How difficult is it to see the first ancestor?

Some emperor-level powerhouses never saw the ancestor-level powerhouses in their entire lives.

Seeing the charm and meaning of the ancestors can also help in cultivation.

There is an exaggerated genius, who once entered the Tao at a glance.

Lin Beichen is also watching carefully.

With his current cultivation, he can't tell the details of these three ancestors. At first glance, it is like staring into the abyss, which is extremely terrifying.

He also didn't dare to use the pupil technique to peep.

However, the phone should be fine.

He summoned his mobile phone and immediately started 'scanning'.


"Danger warning."

A blood-red warning box appeared on the phone.

Lin Beichen sucked in a mouthful of Liangpi.

I am next.

Today's mobile phones of this level can't even peek into the mysteries and secrets of the ancestors?

Sorry to disturb you.

Lin Beichen quickly put away his phone.

He realized that his estimates of the ancestors may have been biased.

The first ancestor and the new ancestor differ only by one word.

But in fact, there is a qualitative difference.

Even a hundred thousand new ancestors could not defeat a single ancestor.


In the future, when you are on the Emperor Star, you should still hold your tail and be a human being. You can't be too proud.

It takes a moment.

The celebration ceremony officially began.

Now, the three top cabinet elders of the Holy Cabinet, the chief speaker of the Holy Council, and the three current marshals of Radiance City also appeared and spoke individually.

Lin Beichen patted his mouth a little sleepily.

This kind of link is actually the most boring at the moment.

Who among migrant workers likes the leader's speech?

Moreover, what these great powerhouses are talking about is flattery, not martial arts cultivation secrets.

About an hour before and after.

After the leaders finished speaking, the three ancestors immediately withdrew.

They only showed their faces to show their respect for the Emperor.

The pressure in Lin Beichen's heart suddenly eased a lot.

Next is the highlight of the celebration ceremony.


Ten huge star beasts were sent outside the temple.

There are also ten fairy grasses that are 100,000 years old.

One hundred tons of emperor-level immortal gold.

and a hundred ardent followers of the Emperor.

"Huh? Human sacrifice?"

Lin Beichen was stunned.

Don't say that this holy emperor is not dead yet, even if he really died, if he wants to sacrifice to his ancestors, he doesn't need to sacrifice a living person directly, right?

This **** is too cruel.

Moreover, one of the various laws established by the Holy Emperor is that it is forbidden to use living people of the same race to pay homage to the ancestors.

Now, this celebration ceremony, dare to openly violate the emperor's will?

"It's not to kill them, but to send all the tributes to the temple by these 100 men and women, because anyone who enters it will never return, so it needs to be truly fanatical. And the strong men who are loyal to the emperor, with the determination to die, enter it and send the tribute to the holy emperor."

The bandit brother explained in a low voice.

When Lin Beichen heard the words, his heart moved.

if it is like this…

The opportunity to enter the temple seems to be coming.

You can mix in with these fanatics and go in and have a look.


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