The seven thousand four hundred and fifteenth floor of the prison of ten thousand clans is a vast sea of ​​sand.

There was no embargo to greet them.

The wind howled.

The dunes rolled and rolled like waves.

The mad believers were walking in the desert. When the tunnel behind them completely disappeared, there was only sand and dust rolling between the sky and the earth, and the wind was howling.

Everyone waited for a long time, but there was still no sign of the Imperial Army.

The white-clothed youth at the head took out the tunnel key, held it high in his hand, injected infuriating energy, and emitted a series of special energy fluctuations.

At this time, in the distant sand sea, the sand waves suddenly rolled violently.

A bright red bone monument rolled up from under the sand and appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, a monument composed of white bones was dyed red with blood, and the blood stains penetrated into the white bones, exuding a strange power, repelling the surrounding sand.

Lin Beichen looked carefully.

I found that there were characters on the blood-colored bone tablet.

It is the ancient and clumsy handwriting of the ancient people——

"Walk along the bone road."


What's the meaning?

Lin Beichen was startled.

In the next instant, the bone monument flew into the sky.

Among them, dozens of white bones were disassembled from it and fell on the sand waves, as if paving a road, paving a bone road of a hundred meters.

It turns out that this is the bone road.

"Go, follow me."

The young man in white shouted loudly, holding swords in both hands, and set foot on the bone road.

Only then did the others react and hurriedly followed.

"This person must know a lot of secrets about the Prison of Ten Thousand Races."

Lin Beichen moved in his heart.

The blood and bones on the bone tablet are constantly being split and paving the way.

The crowd walked on blood and bones.

At this moment, the sea of ​​sand in the distance suddenly tumbled violently.

"There's something down there."

Someone exclaimed.

Lin Beichen frowned slightly.

He also saw that under the surrounding sand sea, there was a strange creature, like a giant sea beast swimming in the ocean, constantly approaching the bone road.

It can be clearly perceived that there are more and more monsters under the sand.

He frantically approached the bone road.

Their backs were exposed, with bone spurs and scales like yellow rocks, constantly shaking the sand and dust, rolling up sand waves hundreds of meters high, rolling towards the bone road.

"Be careful."

Someone exclaimed.


Suddenly, the blood and bones spread on the sand surface radiated real energy, and there was a faint sound of golden horses and iron horses shouting to kill, as if thousands of troops were roaring in battle.

"Get up, the hard work of hunger and cold, get up, the suffering human beings in the whole universe are full of blood boiling..."

The battle song of the forbidden army reverberated between heaven and earth.

The sand waves that were more than 100 meters high were blocked by this fighting energy when they approached the bone road for about 50 meters, and finally disappeared and collapsed.

Lin Beichen vaguely understood.

These **** bones, I am afraid they are the bones of the soldiers who died in battle.

And the monsters in the sand sea should be the great enemies of the alien race suppressed by this layer.

Looking at it like this, the forbidden army in this prison of ten thousand clans, I am afraid that it is more fortunate and less fortunate, and can only use the bones after death to guide the way for those who come after.

"Damn remnant ghosts, even if they die, they will fight against our clan."

A voice sounded.

Just looking at the sand waves in the distance, a giant with a height of a thousand meters was formed. It was a monster with the head of a snake. It opened his mouth and made a hissing sound, and he could also speak human words.

Its pupils are cold-blooded compound eyes, flashing a cold dark yellow, staring at Lin Beichen and others, exuding terrifying killing intent.

"Rimasha, attack."

It ordered loudly.

In the next instant, in the surrounding desert, a 'sand man' suddenly climbed up, holding spears and spears in their hands, rushing towards the bone road one after another.

Their appearance is the same as the giant snake-headed monster. Their bodies and weapons are composed of sand grains, but they exude the breath of life.

The bone road constantly oscillates energy, but it is difficult to completely stop these sand people.

Finally, some sand people rushed into the bone road.

"The first team and the second team will protect the tribute, the third team and the fourth team will kill the aliens with me, and the fifth team will reserve."

The young man in white drank.

Holding swords in both hands, he rushed out first.


The sword light passed by.

Dozens of sandmen fell directly.

There is scattered energy, overflowing from the scattered corpse of the sand man.

It seems that these sand people seem to be some kind of energy body?

They condense yellow sand into their bodies and weapons. Once they are beheaded, the energy will be broken and the sand will disperse.

Lin Beichen observed it very carefully.

There is an intuition that tells him that what happened in this prison of ten thousand races and all kinds of strange alien information he has seen will definitely be used in the future.

The battle broke out instantly.

Fortunately, there was the will of the Imperial Army to fight to the death on the bone road to resist, so the number of sandmen who rushed in was not large, and the more than 20 mad believers did their best and could barely resist.

Lin Beichen hesitated for a while and then shot.

But the young man in white turned back and glared: "Let you be a backup and support at any time. What are you going to do at this time?"


So I was in the fifth group?

Lin Beichen retracted his sword and retreated silently.

Sandmen kept falling.

But the fanatics also began to suffer casualties.

The sand people in this desert world are basically at the star level, and there are also emperor-level sand people. At a glance, the source is not endless. If it is not for the bones that block more than 90% of the killings, it is just this The group of mad believers who transported tributes would be wiped out in an instant.


"Don't mind me, let's go."

The shouting kept coming.

The young man in white said loudly, "The wounded retreat and repair, and prepare for the fifth team."

He has the style of a general and commands calmly.

Lin Beichen drew his sword and shot.

I didn't use the [Acacia into the Bone] kendo.

Instead, he killed the enemy with ordinary swordsmanship.

With his strength, he was able to cut out with one sword, and there was no one enemy in killing people. In an instant, the pressure on others was relieved, and the situation was reversed.

"So strong."

The young man in white glanced at Lin Beichen in surprise, and said, "Why didn't I notice you before, which family's disciple are you?"

Lin Beichen pointed to his mouth: "uh uh uh uh..."

I am dumb.

The young man in white immediately had a humiliated expression on his face.

When you were in the first few floors, you had a smooth dialogue with those banned soldiers. Now when I ask you, you become dumb?

He was so angry that his teeth hurt, but he was also a proud and arrogant person. Knowing that Lin Beichen was unwilling to talk to him, he didn't ask any further.

Anyway, all the mad believers who came here have passed numerous examinations, and their identities are absolutely innocent, so there is nothing to worry about.

"There is no road ahead."

Someone suddenly shouted loudly.

Lin Beichen looked up.

I saw that the blood monument that appeared at the beginning was completely dismantled, and it was all spread in the vast desert, and it was impossible to continue to pave the way.

A trace of anxiety appeared on the face of the young man in white.

It seems that he doesn't know what to do next.

Without the protection of the bones, they will definitely be wiped out and buried in this sea of ​​sand... death is not terrible. If the tribute cannot be sent to the Emperor, it will be an irreversible disaster.

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