Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1804: Strengthen the soul of the forbidden army of the human race

Lin Beichen could clearly perceive that there were countless terrifying sand beasts cruising in the surrounding sand sea and deep beneath the bone road.

A huge monster, the sister has the power of the new ancestors on one end. If there is no suppression by the bones, she can instantly jump out of the sand and crush the mad believers directly.

This is definitely a terrifying existence that the fanatics cannot resist.

Sand tribe.

Really scary.

A kind of psychic existence that seems to be a higher life form.

Gradually, more and more sandmen broke through the isolation of the ancient road and came to the front.

The number of injured fanatics is increasing.

what to do?

Lin Beichen also had a little scalp tingling.

He can resist all these sand people, but without a bone path, he can't take so many people and cross the prison of all races on this floor.

The young man in white was furious.

"Sir, don't mind us, go ahead with the tribute."

"Yeah, let's hold these sand people aliens."

Many fanatics shouted.

But it's useless.

Because there is no bone path, there is no way to rush through.

Lin Beichen knew that this time the tribute could only be sent to this would end in failure.

The foreign races suppressed in the 7415th floor of the Ten Thousand Race Prison have all reached such a terrifying level, what about the 8000th floor and above?

How terrifying would the alien race on the ninth thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth floor be?

The young man in white gritted his teeth and decided to fight to the death.

He yelled, "Follow me..."

The voice did not fall.

In the sand sea, the mutation reappears.

"There has never been a savior, nor an immortal emperor. To create the happiness of the entire human race, it all depends on us..."

The grand and mighty battle song resounded again in the vast desert.

vicissitudes, ancient.

The sand sea is churning.

A white skeleton struggled to get out of the ground.

They were wearing tattered imperial armor, their flesh and blood had long since died, but their bones were as crystal clear as jade.

It is the forbidden army.

Another ban.

The Emperor's Guard.

A skeleton wearing a worn-out general's eagle helmet raised the broken sword in his hand and swung it forward.

Countless skeletons, screaming silently, rushed towards the sand man frantically.

"It's the seniors."

"Their spirits are revived."

The mad believers were horrified and screamed in excitement.

Looking at this scene, Lin Beichen couldn't help but feel numb in his scalp.

It was so shocking.

The dead soldiers rose up again.

The last remnant of the soul supported them in their battle.

Maybe they can't tell who they are protecting. It's just the will to fight that made them swing a knife at the sand man. It's just the instinct to fight. After they die, they still don't forget the hatred of the alien enemy...

A skeleton skeleton fought and fell.

Their bones were lifted up in the sea of ​​sand and formed a new bone road.

"Quick, rush over."

The young man in white shouted loudly, instructing the mad believers to rush towards the new bone path.

He is after the break.

"You, go to the front."

He shouted at Lin Beichen and said, "Protect everyone."

Lin Beichen shot it with one palm.


Shocked the young man in white and landed on the new bone road, in front of the mad believers.

"You lead the way, I'll stop."

Lin Beichen said lightly, "I'm not familiar with the road."

The young man in white was stunned, a soft color appeared on his face, and said loudly, "Be careful."

and then charged frantically with the fanatics.

Lin Beichen waved his sword in his hand, constantly defending against the sand men rushing in like a tide.

He didn't use the [Acacia into the Bone] swordsmanship.

However, it also has great power when it is cut out with a single sword.

The rushing sand man fell down like mowing grass.

"Good swordsmanship."

The eyes of the young man in white lit up, and he said loudly, "Brother, don't be in love, just follow."

Lin Beichen fought and retreated.

far away.

Seeing this scene, the kilometer giant sand man showed an angry expression on his face.

"The emperor of the human race is injured and can no longer hold this prison. You can't send tribute... The revenge of the ten thousand races is coming again, and the human race is doomed to destruction."

He dived down.

The huge body is like falling stars.


The terrifying sand and stone giant fist rubbed flames in the air and smashed heavily on the bone road.

Bone path vibrates.

The white bones that were crystal clear like jade flew out from the ground like a net, blocking the giant fist.

"There has never been a savior, nor an immortal emperor. To create the happiness of the entire human race, it all depends on us!"

The battle song is loud.

It seems to be whistling from ancient times.

The mysterious power reverberates between heaven and earth.

The broken bones seemed to have regained their lives, and they were automatically assembled, turning into a white-boned giant six or seven hundred meters high, fighting against the giant sand man.


Sand and stones fly.

Bone sputtering.

"Come on."

An ancient syllable reverberates between heaven and earth.

The giant of white bones made a sound.

In the end, under the desperate fighting **** of the other Bone Guards, the fanatics crossed the vast desert and came to the other end.

The young man in white held up the key in his hand and opened the door to the upper floor.

The crowd entered quickly.

The light in the corridor is dim.

When the mad believers turned around, they saw countless sand men rushing in like a flood, but they were blocked by the skeletons of the white-boned forbidden army, and then the bones were broken and torn, and the white-boned skulls were trampled on the soles of the feet by the sand men. Down.


The giant of white bones fell.

The body was shattered, and pieces of bones flew away, no longer divine.

The giant sand man ripped apart the body of the white-boned giant with both hands, held his head in his hands, and roared at the fast-closing tunnel door.

Sonic growls.

"Look, the human race, fled like a pig and a dog."

He held the head of the White Ancient Forbidden Army General, pointed his eye sockets in the direction of the corridor, and laughed loudly: "Once, you were the masters of this place, suppressing my Sand Clan for tens of thousands of years, but now your emperor is unbearable. Strike, your descendants run away like bereaved dogs, ahaha, it won't be long before the robbery will be broken, and our clan will definitely face the flood again, and then all the human clan will have to die..."

The sand people roared fiercely.

The door of the corridor is closed.

The young man in white looked angry.

The fanatics also gasped and felt humiliated.

"Quick healing, we must send the tribute to His Majesty."

He commanded loudly.

Everyone sat down by the corridor and healed with luck.

Counting the number of people found that four people had been sacrificed.

"How are you?"

The young man in white came to Lin Beichen.

"It's okay. It's just that the infuriating energy consumption is huge, so you need to adjust your breath for a while." Lin Beichen was pale, leaned against the stone wall of the corridor, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Thanks for your hard work."

The young man in white nodded.

Everyone was in the corridor, racing against time to rest.

at the same time.

Seven thousand four hundred and fifteenth floor temple, desert world.

The streamer flashed.

Lin Beichen appeared in the void.

The secret technique of 'returning to the city' can also be performed in the Prison of Ten Thousand Races.

Lin Beichen, who went back and forth, swept his eyes and saw the giant sand man who was rubbing the countless bones of the forbidden army into bone scraps little by little.


Humanized sword light.

Lin Beichen instantly came to the giant sand man and cut out with a sword.

Acacia to the bone.

Acacia swordsmanship.

At this moment, he can show his strongest power without worrying about being exposed in front of outsiders.

kill them.

With the shame of the forbidden army of the human race, strengthen the soul of the forbidden army of the human race.


There are two more

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