Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1807: you shouldn't be here

This native of the Prison of Ten Thousand Races is very eccentric.

Lin Beichen really doesn't know how he, who has never been out for tens of thousands of years since he was born, understands the outside world.

"When I'm bored, I go down to Wanlongyuan to find those little dragons to play with and let them tell me stories."

Wu Shanglong said: "Sometimes, I will pester my parents to tell me stories. All the knowledge about the outside world comes from here... So, can you take me out?"

Speaking of which, he looked at Lin Beichen with anticipation.

Lin Beichen pointed at Li Chenyuan without hesitation, and said, "If you ask him, he is our team leader."


Wu Shanglong said in surprise: "His cultivation base is so much worse than yours, yet he is the head of the regiment?"

Lin Beichen: "..."

Li Chenyuan: "..."

Wu Shanglong also seemed to feel that what he said was wrong, and quickly explained to Li Chenyuan: "I'm sorry, I'm not saying that you are worse, but that you are weaker than him."

Li Chenyuan: "..."

Shut up when you're riding a horse.

With so many people, I don't want to be embarrassed.

"According to the military regulations of the Imperial Army, you... can't go out, you must guard your own position."

Li Chenyuan considered his words.

Wu Shanglong said, "But I'm not the Imperial Army, my parents are."

Li Chenyuan said: " need to ask the Ling Zun Lingtang."

"Oh, they definitely don't want to let me out."

Wu Shanglong said dejectedly, "I've begged many times, either because the outside world is dangerous, or because the military orders are difficult to violate, or because I'm not strong enough... useless."

Lin Beichen comforted: "Don't worry, one day, you can go out."

"Listening to your words is like listening to a word."

Wu Shanglong rolled his eyes.

Lin Beichen: "..."

Gouzi can't speak so well, let's stay in the prison of ten thousand clans honestly, otherwise he will be beaten to death sooner or later when he goes out.

In the end, the green dragon leaped across the Wanlong Abyss.

Wu Shanglong's parents are like mountains on the east and west sides.

After half an hour.


The Hulk Dragon took everyone to the end of the primeval forest world.

Wu Shanglong squeezed the Hulk Dragon's neck and shook it vigorously, and the latter vomited out a silver short dagger that gleamed with gold.

He pierced through the void with a silver short dagger, revealing the corridor door leading to the upper floor.

"I can only send you here."

Wu Shanglong had infinite regrets and said, "Brothers and sisters, after completing the task, you must come and play with me when you have time. I am really boring here alone."

"Next time definitely."

Lin Beichen Road.

Everyone entered the corridor behind the door.

The door slowly closed and disappeared.

The fanatics were relieved.

To be honest, this level of clearance can be said to be the easiest time since entering the Prison of Ten Thousand Clans, not only did not encounter any enemies, but also took a 'special plane' all the way, as easily as a tourist, looking at the beautiful scenery below. just pass.

It would be nice if every layer was like this.

But this good wish was soon shattered.

The next floor is a surging water world. There are terrifying giant beasts lurking on the bottom of the sea. Fortunately, there are guards stationed there to protect it. After losing six mad believers, he was lucky enough to pass.

Lin Beichen found a problem.

Every level in the Prison of Ten Thousand Races suppresses an alien race.

And since the Prison of Ten Thousand Clans can suppress them, it should be impossible for each layer to communicate with each other.

Because even the garrisoned troops were unable to support each other.

But why, they all know about the tribute, and they are still making targeted attacks, extremely violent, with a posture of intercepting the tribute no matter what the cost.

Chao Tianwang was not so crazy when he outsmarted his birthday.

So, how do different races communicate and exchange information?

Could it be...

Is it related to the person in the mouth of the ancestor of the sand people?

Lin Beichen was very curious.

In the next day, the fanatics passed the prison within 8,000 without any risk, and finally entered within 9,000.

In the Prison of Ten Thousand Races on the 9,000th floor, the prisoners are all the strongest races among the ten thousand races in the prehistoric universe in the dark age of the past, and they are also the royal family who once dominated this galaxy universe.

On the ninth thousandth floor, everyone came to a small universe in the universe.

Looking around, the stars form a strange galaxy.




A strange voice came from the depths of the starry sky.

It seems like weapons intersect.

It was like a collision of armor.

"what is that?"

Someone pointed to the starry sky in the distance.

Lin Beichen looked at it with extreme eyes, and suddenly his pupils trembled wildly.

I don't know how far away in the starry sky, a huge figure like a **** walked slowly, spanning a distance of millions of miles in one step, as if walking through the galaxy.

In his right hand, he held a rusty long knife.

In his left hand, he is holding a star.


That was the sound of him sharpening his knife with the stars.

The long knife rubbed against the stars, splashing clusters of sparks, causing the entire starry sky to be on and off.

Lin Beichen's throat was dry.

This is the ancestor.

Absolute ancestor-level existence.

"You guys came a little faster than I thought."

The stalwart Tianshen spoke slowly and said, "Come with me."

He stretched out his long knife.

The blade is so vast that I don't know how long it is, and I can't see the edge at a glance, like an endless metal plain, appearing at the feet of Lin Beichen and others.

Li Chenyuan led the crowd and stepped onto the blade.

Just like tiny particles of invisible dust, attached to the blade.

The stalwart Heavenly God held a knife and walked in the galaxy.

The direction of the blade is reversed, which is a distance of tens of millions of miles.

Lin Beichen's scalp was numb.

The existence of this realm has exceeded his imagination.

Ancestor level.

Is this the existence of the ancestors?

Judging from his appearance, he should be a **** general in the forbidden army, but I don't know one of the twenty-four ancestors of the human race. Which one is he?

"Senior, can you tell me your name?"

Lin Beichen said loudly.

Li Chenyuan couldn't help sweating for him, and even dared to ask questions in front of the ancestor?


The stalwart Tianshen said lightly.

"Senior, who is the twenty-four ancestors of the human race?"

Lin Beichen continued to ask questions.

"Not among the twenty-four ancestors."

The Dao of the Great Shore Heaven.


Lin Beichen was shocked.

Although he had long heard that among the emperor's forbidden army, there was an existence that rivaled the first ancestor, but at this moment, he was still greatly surprised.

Is there an ancestor-level existence besides the twenty-four ancestors of the human race known to the world?

The stalwart Heavenly God suppressed the 9,000-story prison of ten thousand clans, and it was already at the ancestor level. Does that mean that the 999th floor guarding the Imperial Army has the ancestor-level existence?

At least nine hundred and ninety-nine ancestors?


Absolutely impossible.

According to Wang Zhong and Zou Tianyun, it was the betrayal of the sage that caused the emperor to be injured, and the luck of the human race began to decline. How could the ancestor of the saints seriously injure the emperor?

Lin Beichen didn't want to believe it.

With so many ancestors in the world, it is still impossible to completely suppress the ten thousand clans. Now that the human clan has withered away, if the ten thousand clans reappear, wouldn't it be the end of the world?

Just when Lin Beichen was in a frenzy, the stalwart Heavenly God spoke again.

"You shouldn't be here."

He looked at Lin Beichen.

Young Master Lin almost returned to the city on the spot.

Could it be that this nameless ancestor-level existence has seen some secrets in himself?

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