Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1825: First rule out a wrong answer

Li House.

When Lin Beichen led his people to arrive, the place had already become a scorched land of ruins.

Wildfires are burning.

One after another corpses are being bracelets.

"Sir, we are late."

Zhang Wei asked about the spy who was stalking outside Li's house, and hurriedly came to report, saying: "It was the Imperial Forest Army of Huiyao City who inspected Li's house, and there was a fierce battle with the guards of Li's house, and the entire Li's house was turned into ruins. The Royal Forest Army also suffered a lot, but the main members of the Li family, including the traitor Li Chenyuan, managed to break through and escape."


No arrests were made at the scene.

Lin Beichen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Good news in bad news.

"The Li family was able to escape from the encirclement and suppression of the Imperial Forest Army?"

He looked at Zhang Wei and said, "Is the Li family strong?"

Zhang Wei hurriedly reported: "Li Ying, the head of the Li family, is the elder of the Holy Council. He has four sons, the eldest son is the first-level army commander of Huiyao City, the second son is the disciple of the ancestor of the Gorefiend, and the third son is Emperor Star. The sword master of the big sect's 'Magic Sword Stream', the fourth son is said to be a dude, but he is unparalleled in beauty and talent. He was once called the most beautiful man in the imperial capital. He is proficient in poetry and poetry, and has 30,000 lovers in the imperial capital. She is a famous lady of a wealthy family. The Li family can be said to be a top family in the imperial capital, with far-reaching influence. If this time, if the cabinet, the parliament and Huiyao City did not judge at the same time, anyone else would not be able to move the Li family... And the treasonous sinner Li Chenyuan , just his own son."

A row of black lines hung down on Lin Beichen's forehead.

One of these four sons is not quite right.

It turned out that Li Chenyuan, the emperor who licked the dog first, his father, there were countless licking dogs around him.

Can a beautiful man do whatever he wants?

Look at me, I'm still a man with a whip.

"Where did the Li family flee to, is there any news?"

Lin Beichen asked.

Zhang Wei said: "Fleeing to the west, our scouts were lost, but according to speculation, we wanted to escape from the imperial capital and go to the west to join the third son's sect, the 'Huanjianliu'... Sir, do we want to continue chasing it?"

To the west?

Lin Beichen looked at the barren and dilapidated mansion in front of him, thought for a moment in his heart, and said, "I don't want to chase, the Li family has a strong background, if we catch up, maybe we won't be able to catch anyone, and we will lose a lot. It's better to catch others first, anyway, it's enough. There are forty-nine, and if you catch half, you will win."

So, Director Li, who worked tirelessly, brought his subordinates like tigers and wolves, and immediately began to grab the heads of the whole city.

Several times, people were directly arrested across jurisdictions.

By the time it was dawn, in the prison of the Special Law Bureau, twenty-five tribute group fanatics and their family members who had been charged with treason had been imprisoned.

Such efficiency is terrifying.

If Lin Beichen is only one of the huge thirteen second-level general bureaus of the Special Law Bureau, but he has grabbed more than half of all the forty-nine 'orders'... This kind of business ability makes other colleagues Call it a **** introvert.

Looking at the already full of bosses, Lin Beichen touched his chin and let out a strange laugh.

"Dog spy, don't die."

"Li Shaofei, you don't distinguish between right and wrong. Sooner or later, you will be indiscriminate."

"There is not a single person in the Special Law Agency who is not a butcher."

"Li Shaofei, who has lost all his goodness."

"Beasts, the great cause of our Holy Empire of the human race will be destroyed in the hands of your minions and lackeys."

Behind the fence, countless people stared at Lin Beichen with hatred, and they all cursed, wishing they would eat their flesh and drink blood to relieve their hatred.

Lin Beichen's face turned cold: "Come here, give me a slap."

Oh shit.

I took great risks and worked so hard to save you all, how dare you scold me?

Let's fight first.

Anyway, now I'm pretending to be a villain.

Clap clap clap.

A loud slap sounded in the cell.

For the prisoners who dared to insult their own adults, these jailers showed no mercy at all. In an instant, the old nobles were beaten with bruises and bruises.

Then there was another sound of swearing and cursing in the cell.

The sound of footsteps came.

"My lord, the income of the home has been counted."

Zhang Wei stepped forward quickly, his face full of wrinkles, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

In this operation, in addition to arresting people, all the rich and powerful families were copied, and large sums of huge wealth were all moved to the warehouse of the Special Law Bureau - that has been expanded four times in a short period of time. The warehouse was smashed, and there were a lot of piles in the small courtyard outside.

Lin Beichen waved his hand and said: "Old rule, brothers divide first, after dividing, all the rest will be confiscated... Oh, by the way, find a reliable person, and convert all these properties into prehistoric gold, act fast, Do you understand?"

Zhang Wei was startled, but he went ahead and executed it immediately.

in the prison cell.

Qin Ruo's light freckled face showed a thoughtful expression.

On the same day, after walking out of the Emperor's Temple, the fanatics were surprised to find that the young man who performed the best among them, became the backbone of the team along the way, and even got the Emperor's approval at the last moment, unexpectedly suddenly just disappeared.

No one knows where he went.

It was as if this person never existed.

This made it difficult for all the mad believers, including the head of the group Li Chenyuan, to understand.

But what happened afterward proved the brilliance of the disappearance of the 'Emperor Crown Prince'.

Because the fanatics who originally thought they had made great achievements and reported everything that happened in the Prison of Ten Thousand Races and the Cathode Universe to the Cabinet, the Council and the City of Radiance suddenly ushered in a disaster, and were taken without warning. declared treason.

And then everyone's family was implicated.

At the most difficult time, Qin Ruo did not completely despair.

Because in this world, there is still an 'Emperor Prince'.

That young man, on the way to send the tribute, has thoroughly proved himself and created miracles one after another.

Including hiding for the first time after he came out, it has now proven to be the wisest choice.

Qin Ruo believed that this young man would definitely come to save himself and the other Paoze.

This is an intuition.

A woman's intuition.

And just now, for the second time, she connected the murderous and ruthless Director of the Special Law Bureau with the missing 'Emperor Prince'.

Because apart from the fanatical followers of the tribute group, apart from the real power holders of the three major institutions, only the prince knows the great strategic significance of Honghuang Jin.

It is impossible for the director of the Special Law Agency to get news from the top.


He must be a subordinate of the 'Emperor Prince'.

As for whether this person is the 'Emperor Crown Prince', Qin Ruo thinks it is absolutely impossible, because how could such a noble and arrogant young man be a cruel and greedy chief?

So Qin Ruo first ruled out a wrong answer.

But out of prudence, she still has to observe it first, and then make the next move to test this little chief.

At this time, a captain of the special law bureau hurriedly came to the cell.

"Sir, Chief Zhou Hairen of the Tribunal, with a large group of people, broke in directly and killed several of our brothers."

The captain said in a panicked tone.


Has it finally come?

Lin Beichen waved his hand and said, "Be optimistic about the prisoner... Let's go and meet the President Zhou for a while."

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