Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1827: Supreme General Administration

For a long time, the Special Law Bureau has always been the tail of the four special law enforcement agencies. It is a ruthless role in front of ordinary officials and forces, but in front of the other three 'peers', it is inferior.

Facing the Executive Court, the Inquisition Court and the Royal Forest Army, the secret agents had to accompany them with a smile.

Like today, when one of the chief judges of the trial court came to the door with the Reaper of Darkness, the first reaction of the spies was not to punish the other party's sins, but to apologize, apologize, calm things down, and find a way to quell the other party's anger.

Lin Beichen's powerful counter-kill operation directly shocked every spy.

And the remarks just now made every soldier in the special law bureau at the scene, their blood boiled, they only felt that there was something in their body that was going to burst into flames.

Everyone remembered what the Director just said.

Deeply remembered in my heart.

Even the four paparazzi such as Zhang Wei and Ma Han straightened their backs unconsciously. After becoming members of the Special Law Bureau, they never felt that one day, they were so proud and proud at this moment.


The Special Administrative Region was established by the decree of the Holy Emperor.

The code of conduct and the scope of authority of the Special Law Agency are determined by the laws promulgated by His Majesty the Emperor.

Logically speaking, facing the Tribunal with the Holy Cabinet as the background, the Executive Court with the Holy Council as the background, and the Royal Forest Army with the Shining City as the background, the Special Law Bureau should be superior.

Under the sun, the soldiers of the Special Law Bureau all looked at their director with reverence.

Since this young adult took office, they have witnessed and experienced everything with their own eyes, and the brothers who have never sacrificed have given huge pensions to their families and given them all kinds of preferential treatment. Various reward items...

This director really treats his subordinates as brothers.

And now, he gave his brothers something more valuable—


"I would like to die for adults."

"Even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, as pointed out by your lord's sword, we will not turn back."

"Long live the Director."

The crowd shouted and roared.

Crazy appearance, I am afraid that Li Chenyuan and other emperor's mad believers have to sigh.

Lin Beichen patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder and said, "Go for it, don't worry too much, you must know that this time, the righteousness is with us."

Zhang Wei immediately did it with high spirits.

Soon, the various evil deeds of Zhou's father and son spread to all parts of the Taijin District like snowflakes, and then the four districts including the Taijin District were the core, and radiated to the entire imperial capital.

Lin Beichen personally participated in the production of various revelations, especially after intensive processing of several Zhou's peach incidents with real evidence, they were mixed with all kinds of nausea and spread to the outside world.

The intelligence services of the Special Agents' Agency have all acted.

Good things don't go out, and bad things travel thousands of miles.

In this age of per capita happy people, all kinds of embarrassing things about a judge of the trial court immediately attracted the attention of countless people, and instantly set off a frenzy of public opinion, and even the enthusiasm of the treasonous incidents of the tribute group was suppressed. Living.

Lin Beichen returned to his office.

He began to think about the next plan.

It is not difficult to capture Qin Ruo and others.

The hard part is how to save them all.

The special law bureau's prison cannot protect them forever.

The reason why Lin Beichen acted so boldly, even a big shot in the court like Zhou Hairen dared to kill it, is because all his actions occupied the righteousness.

To arrest someone is to follow orders.

The person concerned is the scope of authority.

Killing Zhou Chang was in accordance with the emperor's law.

Killing Zhou Hairen was also the sacred power granted to the Special Law Bureau by the emperor's law.

All his actions have laws to follow.

As long as you have the righteousness and have tyrannical strength, you can go anywhere without having to worry about all kinds of external pressure.

But then, if you want to keep Qin Ruo and others, it will be difficult to operate.

People who have been convicted of treason by the three top power giant institutions, let alone the Special Law Bureau, even the ancestors of the 24 Dao, cannot be saved.

Unless the Emperor himself comes forward.

But the Emperor is now trapped in the extreme yin and cannot escape.

"what can we do about it?"

He rubbed his temples and felt a little headache.


There was a knock on the door.

Zhao Shu, one of the four horses, came in, saluted respectfully, and said, "Sir, the situation is not quite right, the Supreme General Administration has sent someone to invite you."

Supreme Headquarters.

Lin Beichen got up slowly.

He is now a second-level chief, with four districts under his jurisdiction.

The Supreme General Administration is the absolute power core of the Special Law Bureau, and has absolute control over the personnel appointments and removals and various matters of the Special Law Bureau.

The director of the Supreme General Administration is named Li Hongyi.

He is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the new ancestral level, the second-generation Supreme Director General, the adopted son of the original first-generation Supreme Director Li Weimin, and the successor carefully selected and cultivated by the first generation. After a long period of time, it has grown into a synonym for a terrifying character, known for his iron-blooded means and tyrannical strength, and is called 'Blood Yama' by many powerful people behind his back. In a word: Don't be afraid of the Big Three coming to your door, but be afraid of 'Blood Yama' inviting someone.

Under the rule of Li Hongyi, the Special Law Bureau was once extremely brilliant, with infinite peaks.

According to rumors, in the most glorious era of the Special Law Bureau, even the ancestor-level powerhouse was not willing to provoke the Supreme Director-General of the Special Law Bureau easily.

It's just that, about 5,000 years ago, this 'Blood Hell' suddenly became much more low-key and began to indulge in pleasure rather than hard work. He seemed a little powerless to control the Special Law Bureau and to penetrate external forces. .

Today, the Special Law Bureau ranks at the bottom of the four special law enforcement agencies, and it has a great relationship with the sluggish inaction of the top leader.

"Prepare the car."

Lin Beichen walked outside and said, "It's also time to go and see our lord of the Supreme General Bureau."

The two horses Zhao Shu and Wang Chang quickly followed.

Lin Beichen secretly left behind a clone of a new clan to suppress the prison, in order to prevent him from being robbed by some guy with no bottom line.

The alchemy flying car pierced through the sky above the imperial capital and galloped past.

The ability to fly at a low altitude is also a privilege only for the top dignitaries who truly hold real power.

It is one of the status symbols.

An hour later.

Alchemy Speed ​​​​appeared outside a black 'pavilion jungle'.

Looking around, there are hundreds of high and low black sword-shaped buildings, which are really like a black forest, exuding a solemn atmosphere, as if the surrounding world within a few hundred kilometers is rendered. It has become a black black like ink, which makes people feel terrible pressure at first glance.

Supreme General Administration.

This is where the Supreme Headquarters of the Special Law Bureau is located.

This black pavilion forest is considered to be the most terrifying building in the entire imperial capital.

Normal people are not invited here.

Even Zhao Shu and Wang Chang, who were already the director of District 1, couldn't help but get nervous at this moment. They looked at the blackness outside the car window, and their eyes were full of awe and unease.


and more

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