Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1833: smart, beautiful and capable

Lin Ruo and others were all killed.

Almost every spy can't tolerate this kind of behavior of breaking into the headquarters of the Special Law Agency to arrest people, so there is no room for action.

"Send someone to return the corpse to the court, and then ask the people in the court on behalf of the judge, who gave them the courage of this small yamen to make trouble at the headquarters of my special law bureau? Just say this seat, ask them Give a reasonable explanation, otherwise, all the consequences will be borne by them."

Lin Beichen's eyes were crazy and sharp.

Every spy present was shocked.

For thousands of years, there has not been a high-level special agent who has said such crazy and proud words in public.

In everyone's heart, a nerve is stirred.

After Lin Beichen arranged everything, he returned to his huge office.

Only then did Zhao Shu and Wang Chang receive instructions to come to see them.

When they saw Lin Beichen in this brand-new, spacious office that was almost empty, the two horses were still in disbelief, feeling like they were in a dream.

To be honest, I have not worshipped this boss yet, and I have seen the boss’s ruthless and reckless ways of doing things. I thought that I and others would go all the way to the dark. Die, wait until one day, the moment when the old road comes to the end, we will be buried together. After all, I have been with the boss for a period of time.

Who knows, it is such a boss whose road is getting narrower and narrower in the eyes of many people, and suddenly he stepped on the Avenue of Heaven and became the deputy general bureau.



Actually, the two horses really wanted to ask, boss, are you the illegitimate son of Director Li Hongyi?

The pronunciations of Li and Pear are also very similar.

But dare not ask.

"Look at you two bastards, you didn't hold back any good farts."

Lin Beichen was still in his old posture, leaning against the back of the chair, his feet resting on the desk, shaking and scolding, saying, "Come on, if you want to come to the Supreme General Administration to follow Lao Tzu and be the phoenix's tail, you still have to stay in the district. As a chicken head?"

"My subordinates should follow the boss."

"Even if you break your leg, I will follow you."

The two of them are not fools, they made their choice immediately on the spot.

The so-called "one man's success" means that if you want to go far in the future, you must be by the boss's side all the time. Otherwise, no matter how close your relationship is, you will be estranged for a long time.

Lin Beichen knew their thoughts.

He smiled at the moment and said slowly: "Don't rush to choose, both of you have come to live with me, even if you stay at the district level to be a real-power director, I will not forget you, follow me There are hard-working chores around, and it is difficult to be outstanding in a short period of time. It is easier to achieve results if you stay at the grassroots level, and it can also stabilize the basics for this position. When I want to promote you, you will have a chance."

After speaking, he added: "You two, go back to Taijin District immediately, count the prisoners in the cell, and get ready. I will be here later, and I will **** them all to the General Bureau prison in person."


"As ordered."

The two horses immediately turned around to do it.

Soon, Xu Yun knocked on the door and came in.

However, the 'young, beautiful and capable' female staff officers who had been promised before have been selected and brought them to see Lin Beichen for the final interview.

I have to admit that Xu Yun did not exaggerate.

The 20 female administrative staff officers she brought were indeed young and beautiful. They wore the light green short skirt uniform of the special law bureau and stepped on high heels. Heroic temperament.

Lined up, the beauties in uniform saluted in unison.

The heroic spirit is compelling.

At this moment, even Lin Beichen, who was accustomed to seeing the beauty of various flowers, couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.

Really young and beautiful.

It's just that I don't know if it's really capable.

"Deputy General Administration, their information is here."

Xu Yun swayed, stepped forward, handed a stack of paper documents, and said with a smile: "You can interview one by one, these girls, in order to stand out, came to your side, it took a lot of effort. "

Lin Beichen took the information and put it aside. He didn't read it, but smiled: "The people selected by Sister Xu are naturally real talents. You don't need an interview, just stay."

Among the twenty young female administrative staff members, there were a few lively and cheered.

The office is full of youthful and cheerful atmosphere.

Xu Yun covered her mouth with a smile and said, "The Deputy General Administration is generous in its work... By the way, I heard that you have already dealt with Lin Ruo from the trial court?"

Lin Beichen suddenly looked serious, nodded, and said sternly: "The surname Lin dares to send someone to our headquarters to arrest people, and even dare to bribe people from our general headquarters in private. , don't take our special law bureau in the eyes, his court is just a small yamen under the jurisdiction of the sacred, and it is not worthy of being compared with our special law bureau, if it is not cruel to this kind of bad habits that obviously cross the border If I hit it hard, wouldn't it make people outside the court think that my Special Law Bureau is weak and can be bullied."

To Xu Yun, he didn't say anything about terrorist activities such as assassination.

That is political correctness for outsiders.

Seeing Xu Yun saying that, it would be tantamount to insulting the intelligence quotient of this "first sister" of the special law bureau.

When Xu Yun heard this, she was laughing and trembling, her tone was clearer, and she teased, "Sir, you are really a means of thunder."

Lin Beichen laughed again, and took no time to test it out: "I have to ask Sister Xu to speak nicely in front of Master Li. Although my actions this time are reckless, it is indeed to defend the majesty of my special law bureau."

Xu Yun smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Li already knew about it, and he is very satisfied."


Lin Beichen's heart moved: "Then I can rest assured."

Xu Yun didn't show her teeth and said, "Master Li also said, you can do it with confidence, he doesn't care about anything, and he won't let you go forward with a heavy burden."

Lin Beichen was startled.

This is equivalent to complete delegating power.

Especially on the premise that he broke his face with the Holy Tribunal as soon as he took office, and said such words...

This delegating power is worth thinking about.

With the light and pleasant sound of high heels, Xu Yun swayed and turned away.

Twenty young, beautiful and capable administrative staff were left behind to live alone in the 'orphan' room with Lin Beichen.

"Sir, what do you need us to do?"

"Sir, let me rub your shoulders."

"Sir, what do you want to eat? I'll make arrangements for you right away."

"What do you want to do next, my lord, I will arrange it for you."

A few Yingying and Yanyans gathered around, smiling and looking forward to knowing each other. They were incredibly well-behaved, like sweet and warm babies. In a trance, Lin Beichen thought that he would travel to the former Lido Congress. .

Lin Beichen rubbed his nose.

Tsk tsk.

These female administrative staff officers seem to be really capable.

However, he also noticed that there were also several female staff officers, with cold expressions, standing quietly in the same place, not looking sideways, with serious expressions, and they had no intention of coming over to please him.


It feels like a palace fight has already started.

Lin Beichen smiled.

In the tense and 'high-pressure' undercover career, experiencing some such interesting scenes is actually considered to be relaxed.

He coughed lightly, got up slowly and said, "This officer has something to go out for. Let's re-arrange this office first. It should be warm and comfortable, how to come here, break the routine, and give people an unexpected feeling. ,Understand?"

"Don't worry, my lord."

The female staff officers spoke in unison.

A female staff officer who had stood solemnly before stepped forward and said, "Your Excellency's special car is in the No. 2 garage. This subordinate will arrange it."

Lin Beichen glanced at her.

He is a staff advisor to the Embroidered Spring Sabre actress who is very much like a sword on earth who cut off other actresses' dreams of martial arts.

He nodded and walked out of the office, his voice was like a sonorous sword, and he said loudly: "Okay, you go to pass the order of this bureau, and transfer the three special operations departments of Feilong, Jianhua and Daocheng of the General Bureau, and all members are dispatched. Follow me to the Taijin District Special Law Bureau, this officer is going to bring someone up."

at the same time.

Taijin District Special Law Bureau.

"I don't care who gave the order."

"I've never heard of Li Xiaofei's name."

"I'll give you the last cup of tea and hand over all the treason tribute group prisoners, otherwise, don't blame this officer for not giving you a special case."

Bai Qianxue, a judge from the Executive Court of the Holy Council, slowly lifted the teacup on the table in front of her, and a hint of impatience flashed in her gorgeous eyes.


New Year's Eve, love you ten thousand times

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