Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1836: lie down on your own

Boom boom boom.

Terrible energy fluctuations.

The sword light burst out.

Zhang Wei and Ma Han only felt the darkness in front of their eyes, and their bodies flew out backwards, and fell heavily on the ground, their limbs were disabled, and the arms holding the sword were cut off...

The four women carrying swords were ruthless and ruthless.

One after another sword light flickered.

The figures of secret agents flew out backwards.

Broken arm.

Broken leg.

Gouging out the eyes.

Cut off hands.

These four women with swords on their backs are all near the emperor realm, and their swordsmanship is superb.

They didn't kill.

But it is a waste of people.

Sword Intent contains a terrifying power of erosion, making it difficult for the wound to heal at all.

But such cruel and stern means not only did not make the secret agents afraid, but aroused the anger of their common enemies, aroused their **** fierceness, and made them madly rush towards the four servants like a tide.


Bang bang bang.

Blood spurted out.

The figure stumbled.

The smell of blood mixed with piercing screams danced in the void.

"Stop them."

"If you die, you will also die in front of the prison door."

The spy agents followed one after the other, one by one, not afraid of death, they rushed up frantically, like moths to a flame, still not giving up even if they died.

Zhang Wei and Ma Han are at odds with each other.

But they were seriously injured and couldn't even get up.

In the blink of an eye.

Almost all the secret agents fell in a pool of blood.

The hand is broken, the arm is missing, the arm and the leg are missing.

The blood pooled into a puddle of blood, reflecting the silhouettes of the four swordsmen who stepped on the blood and the long swords of Sen Han in their hands.

The absolute strength gap between them makes it difficult for the combat power intertwined with courage and flesh and blood to compete with them.

The woman with the sword on her back who started the shot, with a cold face and the soles of her feet stained with blood, stepped on Zhang Wei's face, slowly exerting force, twisting Zhang Wei's face...

At this time-


There were shouts in the distance.

The figure flickered.

But it was Zhao Shu and Wang Chang who finally arrived.

The two of them were ordered by Lin Beichen to come to the Taijin District Special Law Bureau to prepare for the **** of the prisoners, but they never expected to see such a scene.

Seeing everything that happened inside and outside the hall, the two were shocked.

"Old Ma, what's going on?"

Zhao Shu went over to help Ma Han up.

Wang Chang directly drew his sword out of its sheath, pointed at the woman carrying the sword, and said sternly, "This is the Special Law Bureau. What you did, did you want to fight against my Special Law Bureau?"

"Can you represent the Special Agency?"

The woman with the sword on her back sneered, her feet exerting strength again.


It was the sound of Zhang Wei's skull cracking.

Wang Chang endured his anger and said word by word: "Lord Li Shaofei has been promoted to Deputy Director General of the Special Law Bureau, and the two of us were ordered to come back to summon the news... You have insulted the confidant and love of the Deputy Directorate General, the Deputy Director General learned that Bibi will spare you. ."

The woman with the sword on her back was stunned, and subconsciously looked back at Bai Qianxue.

Bai Qianxue was also slightly surprised.

Li Shaofei became the Deputy Director General of the Special Law Bureau?

Immediately, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The number of deputy general bureaus of the Special Law Bureau is overwhelming.

But basically, they are just people who have only their own name, they can't hold any power, and they can't mobilize the energy of the Special Law Bureau. They are just used to bluff outsiders who don't know what to do.

The real power of the Special Law Bureau is concentrated in the hands of Li Hongyi alone.

This Li Shaofei, I am afraid that he used the money obtained from the crazy house raids to buy a position of the deputy general bureau. After all, the current Li Hongyi is no longer the high-level director of the special law bureau who worked hard.

"Since Li Shaofei is already the director..." A faint smile appeared on Bai Qianxue's beautiful face, and she said, "Then the official will give him a gift... Kill."

A killing word, shocking.

The murderous intent in the eyes of the woman carrying the sword soared, she suddenly raised her foot, and then stomped heavily.

Seeing that Zhang Wei, who was already seriously injured, was doomed, Zhao Shu and Wang Chang couldn't rescue him in time.

But at this moment—


A sword light burst through the air.


In the soft sound, the head of the woman carrying the sword was pierced by the sword light and suddenly exploded, turning into a red and white blood mist, floating in the air.

And her body was still standing firmly in place, keeping one leg raised, but the true energy and vitality in her body completely dissipated and disappeared at this moment.

This unexpected change shocked everyone.

"Who is arrogant in my special law bureau?"

A clear voice rang out.

This voice was so familiar to everyone in the Special Law Bureau that the spy agents who were maimed all over the place were about to shed tears almost instantly.

This is one of the strangest innate reactions of humans.

When many people face the enemy, even if they are tormented, they will not beg for mercy and shed a single tear, but when someone who is really close and trusted suddenly comes up with a word of comfort, tears of grievance will flow instantly.

For these secret agents, the current Lin Beichen is their god, their spiritual support, and the person they are closest and most trusted.

Lin Beichen finally arrived.

Wearing a white deputy general bureau official robe, he was slender, with a sturdy shoulder and back, exuding a tyrannical aura, like a **** walking in the world, he appeared in the hall.

"See your lord."

"I'll wait to see the adults."

"grown ups…"

Originally seriously injured, the terrifying sword intent overflowed and tortured the crippled body and could not move the spy agents. At this time, they did not know where the strength came from, all struggling to get up from the pool of blood, kneeling on the ground, Struggling to salute.

Zhang Wei's skull was shattered, his entire head was deformed, blood was seeping from his mouth, nose, and eyes, and another arm was broken.

At this time, he also struggled to get up and saluted Lin Beichen with a whimper.

Lin Beichen's face was covered in frost.

He glanced around and vaguely guessed what happened.

Before leaving, Lin Beichen left a new ancestral avatar at the Taijin Special Legal Bureau, but the instructions were to keep the prisoners in the cell and prevent prison robbery, and did not mention protecting Zhang Wei and others, so that he worked hard to build it. The team was almost slaughtered by others, and the clone also appeared to help...

Almost made a big mistake.

"Sir, we..."

Zhao Shu and Wang Chang wanted to report immediately.

Lin Beichen waved his hand.

"Needless to say."

He looked at Bai Qianxue.

The eyes are calm, but there is a palpitating coercion.

"Who are you? Sign up."

Lin Beichen asked calmly.

The operation of Bai Qianxue's exercise method instantly swept away the deterrence brought by Lin Beichen's eyes, and said lightly, "Bai Qianxue, the special judge of the Executive Court of the Holy Council, I..."

"It's enough to know the name."

Lin Beichen interrupted him directly.

He made a backhand move in the void.

In the courtyard, a giant tree with ten people packed together was instantly uprooted by an invisible force. Under the flickering sword light, sawdust flew. It was just a breath. It hit the hall hard.

Lin Beichen flicked his fingers.

With every strand of sword energy, five words were engraved on the surface of the coffin—

The coffin of Bai Qianxue.

Lin Beichen pointed to the coffin and asked lightly, "Do you lie in it yourself, or do I throw you in?"


And more.

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