Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1838: Important

The overall situation has been decided.

Zhang Wei knelt down and cried.

For the sake of himself and other petty people, the boss was so angry that he even beheaded the goddess who was in charge of the court. What kind of protection, what kind of protection for himself and others.

He secretly swore in his heart that he would be the first to bear the consequences of the killing, and would never endanger the boss.

And it's not just Zhang Wei who thinks like this.

Almost every spy has this idea in their hearts.

Since Lin Beichen came to the Special Law Bureau, he has wiped out the past decline in the bureau, and arranged the welfare of all the secret agents and their families clearly. Everyone knows that they have meat to eat with Director Li.

If Lin Beichen fell, they would have recognized the tragic death, but their family members and friends would have to suffer immediately.

They were all tied to Lin Beichen's chariot unknowingly.

Therefore, Lin Beichen is not stingy with his own favor.

He bestowed valuable magical medicine, and personally healed the wounds of several ordinary spies.

"Thank you sir."

The agents shouted.

However, Lin Beichen soon discovered that it was difficult for those injured by the sword-carrying woman's sword intent to recover completely, and they tried all kinds of medicines, but none of them worked.

Even the 'Nutrition Express' only restores vitality to heal wounds, not to restore wounds and broken limbs.

This is a little troublesome.

Previously, the woman carrying the sword was ruthless, and her swordsmanship was extremely special, and she ran to the cripple. Now, these spies have all broken their hands and feet, which is equivalent to half-crime.

"I have no regrets about death or injury, but I regret that my limbs are mutilated, making me useless and unable to die for adults."

Zhang Wei was extremely unwilling.

Fortunately, his head wasn't injured by the sword intent. The grotesque shape that had been trampled before had returned to normal, but the broken arm could not be regenerated.

"Don't worry, everyone."

Lin Beichen took a long look and said, "I'll go meet the twenty-second bloodline transformation sage in person, and build a prosthetic limb for you."

The 22nd Bloodline Transformation Dao is one of the 24th Martial Dao inheritances of the human race. Chu Hen's 'Pegasus Meteor Arm' is the work of this Dao. If the corresponding prosthetic limbs can be obtained and integrated with them, the strength of everyone will definitely increase instead of decreasing. .

When everyone heard this, they were all very happy.

At this moment, a harsh sound of breaking the air sounded.

One after another tyrannical energy fluctuations quickly approached the Taijin District Special Law Bureau.

There are many visitors.

Everyone was shocked.

"The people in charge of the court, the revenge came so quickly?"

Zhang Wei changed color.

His thoughts were turning, and he was pondering how to deal with it, what words to use, so that he could face the crime and prevent the boss from falling into it...

Whoosh whoosh.

The figure flickered.

One after another fell like a stream of light, turning into human figures, all of them fell in front of Lin Beichen, and knelt down on one knee to salute.

"Meet the Deputy Director General."

A beautiful and cold-looking female counselor appeared.

The powerhouses of the General Bureau were thrown away by the Deputy General Bureau when they were accelerating, but now they are rushing to catch up, finally before the finale of the drama.

In an instant.

There are thousands of strongmen of the Special Law Bureau, like a torrent, guarding the entire Taijin Bureau inside and outside, and the tyrannical momentum is displayed in an instant.

It turned out to be his own.

Zhang Wei and the others reacted and were immediately overjoyed.

At this time, they really digested the news brought by Wang Chang and Zhao Shu: the boss is already the deputy general bureau of the special law bureau.

Below one person, above ten thousand people.

The authority is with me, and it will work from all directions.

The physically handicapped secret agents, and Yourongyan, all trembled with excitement.

"Get up."

Lin Beichen's expression was calm and indifferent.

All the powerhouses in the general bureau, who were full of tyrannical aura and exuded a sense of coercion, were flattened and stood beside Lin Beichen, standing with solemn hands.

Lin Beichen looked at the two brand-new wooden coffins again, and said, "Send this coffin to the court, and send a sentence to ask for this director: Is there any His Majesty the Emperor in the eyes of the executive court? "

"I go."

Zhao Shu and Wang Chang competed for merit at the same time.

However, Lin Beichen still refused the request of the two.

Instead, they sent experts from the General Administration to do it.

It's hard to cultivate two loyal and useful people, so you have to save a little bit. After all, you are going to the enemy camp to act as a force. What if you fail to act as a force and get killed?

"Others, follow me to **** the prisoners."

Lin Beichen gave an order, and the prison door opened wide.

The detained Qin Ruo and other fanatics and their family members, a total of more than 2,000 people, were taken out of the prison with star shackles, star cuffs and other items.

Someone yelled.

Someone begged loudly.

Someone is defending their innocence.

Lin Beichen was indifferent.

Qin Ruo, with a freckled face, still focused on Lin Beichen's face, curiously and cautiously observing this murderous spy chief, still pondering her previous guesses.

Lin Beichen secretly mobilized the 'new ancestor clone' to shelter near the team.

The team started from Taijin District, walked slowly all the way, and swaggered to the General Bureau.

Then the 'miracle' appeared.

In addition to the powerhouses of the General Bureau of Special Law, there are actually many spies with mutilated limbs. They look weird and funny, but they all look solemn and proud, as if they are generals who have returned from a hundred battles. They **** them near the prison van. prisoner.

Such a high-profile transfer of personnel naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

Outside the Taijin Bureau, countless eyes have seen the whole process of this escort.

I also saw those fanatics who were rewarded with huge sums of money.

A lot of people are stoked.

But in the end, he was deterred by the aura of the strong men from the headquarters of the Special Law Agency, and temporarily stopped the greed in his heart.

Of course, not everyone who pays attention to the whereabouts of the fanatics is greedy for a reward.

There are also many people who sympathize with these fanatics.

Some even tried to rescue them secretly.

But no matter what, under the deterrence of the General Bureau of the Special Law Bureau, all parties were unable to find a chance to take action.

The **** process went smoothly without any setbacks.

After such a tossing, the entire imperial capital knew that Qin Ruo and other people who committed treasonous crimes all fell into the hands of Li Shaofei, the new deputy director general of the Special Law Bureau.

After all the prisoners were detained in the specially selected prison of the General Administration, Lin Beichen was relieved.

At this time, Gongsun Longquan was also called to rush over.

There was an undisguised shock and excitement on the face of the female counselor.

She was shocked that the thigh she was hugging was several times thicker. It was so thick that she couldn't take it anymore.

The excitement is that her status will also rise, and as an early 'servant of the dragon', her authority will also skyrocket, and many things that she wanted to do before but were afraid to do can now be put into practice.

"grown ups."

After a lot of inspections, Gongsun Longquan was able to enter the huge office under the guidance of a charming female staff officer to meet the Deputy Director General.

She was respectful, kneeling on her knees, her forehead touching the ground, and the air she was breathing seemed to have a smell called 'power'.

"It's an old acquaintance, there's no need for that."

Lin Beichen was lying on a huge reclining chair, speechless in his heart.

This recliner is almost like a bed.

Even if it is hugged from left to right, it is very spacious.

In addition, after the decoration and transformation of the female staff officers, in Ruoda's office, there is a huge bed that can accommodate more than ten people to sleep together, and a hot spring pool...



Did they misunderstand what they meant?

Let other people enter the office and see this scene, what do you think?

For example, Gongsun Longquan in front of him.

"My lord, my subordinates have found out the whereabouts of the head of the mad believer." While the four of Lin Beichen were leaving, Gongsun Longquan approached and reported in a low voice.

A look of joy appeared on Lin Beichen's face.


He immediately got up and asked.

This is a big deal.


and more

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