
The door to the cell was opened.

The jailers of the Special Law Bureau walked in with hot wine and food.

"Eat, eat, last meal, be a full-fledged ghost."

"After eating, get ready to go."

"You are lucky, our Deputy General Bureau adults are ready to do it yourself and send you on your way."

Tables and tables of good wine and good food were placed in more than 30 different cells, large and small.

Hearing this, the detained fanatics and their families knew that they were doomed.

Someone shivered with fear.

Some people are pale but their teeth are clenched.

Someone else slapped the threshold of the cell and cursed: "Dog spy, you can't die... One day, the emperor will walk out of the temple, and his brilliance will shine on the universe, and he will definitely bring your bones to ashes and avenge us."

"No, I don't want to die."

Qin Panhua's face turned pale, and he murmured.

Qin Ruo didn't say a word, hugged her sister tightly, and said, "I'm sorry... But maybe, this is the best result for us."

Qin Pan remembered the humiliation he almost suffered under the Night Reapers in the trial court that day, and suddenly felt that death might be a relief.

However, I was still unwilling in my heart.

Father Qin and Mother Qin looked at each other and sighed in their hearts.

They know that this time, it's no wonder their daughter. Even if they die, they don't believe that her daughter will commit treason.

Qin Ruo came to the dining table, smiled faintly, turned to look at her parents and sister, and said, "Father, mother, little sister, how long have we been sitting together and having a good meal?"

The family laughed.

They gathered around the table, poured wine and ate, calmly and calmly, talking about the past, and gradually a smile appeared on their faces.

In the gloomy and icy prison, there were laughter and laughter.

Such a scene has infected many other people.

"We are the most loyal followers of His Majesty the Emperor."

"Even if you die and turn into a ghost, you will still fight for the Emperor."

"The stars know my will, and the flames do not fall."

"Haha, it's time to eat and drink."

The faith of the mad believers is very firm, laughing at life and death.

These young people who have entered the prison of ten thousand clans, with sneer and arrogance, or feasting without fear, call their friends and friends, and regard this decapitation meal as a holiday gathering of relatives and friends.

After about a stick of incense.

"time up."

The four dog-legged Zhang Wei, Zhao Shu, Wang Chang, and Ma Han appeared.

"Please go on your way."

The four of them broke into the first cell, grabbed the prisoner in it like someone grabbed a chicken, and walked out.

"Masters, take one step first."

One of the young men laughed and shouted.

This is a fanatic who has entered the Emperor's Temple.

The other three are his wife and a pair of underage children.

The little girl's hair was pulled in pain, and tears rolled in her eyes, but she turned her head to comfort her brother: "Zhong, don't cry."

"Brother Feiyang, it's good to go."

"Send Brother Feiyang on the road, the younger brother will arrive later."

Some other fanatics, across the fence, saw off this young comrade-in-arms' family.

They were all locked by the star shackles and sealed their strength, and they couldn't resist at all.

Qin Ruo and the others watched as Yun Feiyang was dragged all the way upside down, dragged away from the collective prison without dignity, and disappeared through the corner of the prison.

After a while.

The four **** corpses wearing star shackles were brought back by the four horses and threw in the courtyard in the middle of the prison.

Everyone could see clearly that it was the corpse of Yun Feiyang's family.

"Li Shaofei, you executioner, you have to die."

"The Emperor will not let you go, Li Shaofei, the dog thief."

Even though they were mentally prepared, many people yelled at this cruel scene.

Unfortunately, the scolding was of no use at all.

The four big horses were like wolves and tigers, and broke into the second cell, and four others were dragged out by their hair.

So back and forth.

The people in the cell were dragged out one by one, beheaded, and their heads would be piled up on the execution ground, like a hill.

And their **** corpses were dragged back and thrown into the courtyard clearing in the center of the prison.

Even if they were used to seeing killings, many spies were shocked by this **** scene.

The execution sword in the hands of Mr. Li Shaofei of the Deputy General Administration has been broken three times.

Holding the fourth sword, he stood on the execution platform, half of his body stained with blood, like a devil who came out of a bloodthirsty hell, suffocating **** murderous aura all over his body.

The prisoners were dragged out of the room behind him by him, and then stepped on their backs, raised their swords and fell...


Blood spurted.

The head fell to the ground.

Whether it is an elderly man or a yellow-haired boy, it is no exception, dragging it out by his hair is a one-shot solution.

Too cruel.

Too brutal.

A lot of spies are about to lose sight of it.

A full half an hour.

The Vice-General Bureau slashed six execution swords, and finally all the treasonous tribute group fanatics who were arrested in the cell, together with their family members, were cut in two and sent away...

This incident even alarmed Li Hongyi of the Supreme General Administration.

"You... actually killed them all?"

Li Hongyi came over and looked at the piles of heads and the torture platform like a pool of blood. The whole person was not well.

"I'm here to help them free."

Lin Beichen poignantly said: "If you hand them over and fall into the hands of those brutal and ruthless people, I don't know how much torture they will have to endure, and life is better than death."


Li Hongyi didn't know what to say.

His expression changed, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Aren't you afraid of ruining your reputation?"

Lin Beichen looked at him in surprise, and said, "Sir, do people who are engaged in the profession of our spy still care about their reputation?"

Li Hongyi: "..."

Without saying a word, he turned and left.

Lin Beichen looked at Li Hongyi's leaving back, grinned with big white teeth, and smiled meaningfully.


Before Lin Beichen could wash off the blood on the sword, the special envoys from the cabinet, the council and the city of radiance arrived.

Unlike the previous tribunal, the executive court, and the Imperial Forest Army, these special envoys truly represent the will of the top bosses in the cabinet, parliament, and Glory City.

Faced with such a top-level authority, Lin Beichen naturally could no longer fight with force.

"Oh, to take away treasonous prisoners?"

Lin Beichen pointed at the pile of **** heads with a smile, and said, "You can't take the living ones with you, but the dead ones can. Well, which one you like, you can choose for yourself."

The special envoys of the three major institutions looked at each other for a while, but they were all gone.

They have been rushing to pick up people, and even in their hearts, they have already made a plan to deal with Li Shaofei's shirk, but they never expected that the newly appointed Deputy Director General of the Special Law Bureau would take these people in one breath. All killed.

Could it be that this guy arrested all the fanatics and their family members first, and then transferred them to prison with great fanfare, just to get rid of the addiction to murder?

Isn't it, as some guessed, that it is open and secret?

Moreover, by killing so many mad believers and their families in one breath, his reputation has really been ruined all at once, and he will definitely become the scumbag that thousands of people in the imperial capital refer to.

Is he crazy for doing this to his own reputation?

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