Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1850: There are always villains who want to harm me

On the way back, Lin Beichen was assassinated.

Several ordinary Xingjun-level assassins attacked the convoy, but Lin Beichen didn't even touch a single hair before being captured by the guards.

"Dog thieves have to die."

"Evil thief, if I can't kill you today, there will be a successor who will kill you in the future."

Several assassins were caught, unable to beg for death, and cursed in despair.

Lin Beichen glanced at the various windows of the car, and said lightly, "Take it back and torture it to see who is behind it."

"As ordered."

Qin Shou quickly bowed to answer the order.

Not long ago, Ma Zai, the first echelon of Zhang Wei, Ma Han, Wang Chang and Zhao Shu, was successively appointed as district-level special law chiefs in various districts and was promoted. He and Hu Meier passed the After the previous grassroots assessment, I was finally able to go further.

In addition to their outstanding performance in grassroots actions before, under the 'irrigation' of various resources and exercises, their realm has also been greatly improved, and they have reached the Xingjun level, but also because the two of them are Huajia. The background of the children is the same as that of Li Shaofei, the deputy general bureau, and he has innate advantages. He was promoted naturally and became the personal bodyguard of Li Shaofei, the murderer.

Of course, it's just a nominal guard.

Everyone knows that if Li Shaofei was not strong enough, and if he really relied on the two of them to protect him, he would have died a long time ago.

As two traitors, Qin Shou and Hu Meier were under a lot of pressure.

After all, what they 'protect' is a ruthless spy chief, who may be exposed at any time. Once Li Shaofei finds out, they are actually members of the Beichen Corps, and I'm afraid they will die miserably.

Anyone would shudder to think about the piles of heads outside the Special Forces General Administration.

Next, all the way is fine.

Back in the office, Lin Beichen was lying on the large chair, recalling what he found in Tiangong Group, he couldn't help thinking.

He has the heart to contact the dog goddess to confirm some things.

But in the end he held back.

Now that the situation is unknown, it still cannot be exposed.

The dog goddess's mouth is not tight at all.

It's easy to leak out.

He raised his hand and rubbed his temples, and began to sort out in his mind what he was going to do next.

In the eyes of others, the position of the Deputy Director General of the Special Law Bureau is a high weight, but it is not enough for Lin Beichen's goals.

An isolated spy agency, unable to truly enter the core of the Holy Empire's power.

It is necessary to truly integrate into the three powerful institutions.

The most ideal state, of course, is to contact military power.

If you can become one of the big bosses of Radiance City, then you are qualified to participate in the high-level military system of the empire, and then you can play a role in the war of Tianyu Galaxy, at least you can pass information.

So, it still has to be done.

But where does this credit come from?

He killed so many mad believers before, and the rewards from the three major institutions have not been fully issued. Maybe we can do something about this.

Before, the bandit brother made great contributions, not only became the chief speaker of the Holy Council, but also was able to establish his own legion, and obtained the qualification to build an army with real power. Now the war department under his command has formed a fighting force.

But at that time, the bandit brother himself was a descendant of a warlord in Huiyao City, with a strong military background, so he had such privileges.

And he started from the special law bureau, and it is not easy to have military power.

"It really doesn't work, so pull the bandit brother into the water completely and let him fall completely to the Beichen Army."

Lin Beichen pondered in his heart.

In addition, the rescued Li family is also one of the means available.

Li Ying, the old man of the Li family, is now temporarily detained.

This person has a strong military background and is one of the veteran radiant commanders. If the resources in his hands can be obtained, things will become much simpler.

Therefore, the plan to rescue the old man must be accelerated.

Da da da.

A fair-skinned and beautiful administrative staff officer in high heels, swaying, came over with a trendy fruit product, and smiled charmingly: "Sir, take a rest... Tea, fruit, or me?"

Lin Beichen sighed and criticized: "I said it long ago, don't covet the body of this director, you guys, take the leader's words as deaf ears, it's time to spank."

Saying that, he took the teacup, picked up the hot tea, and took a sip.

The next moment, his complexion changed slightly.

The tea at the entrance was like a hot magma, poured into the stomach bag down the throat and esophagus, and then this burning feeling radiated frantically toward every cell in the body.



Lin Beichen glanced at the female administrative staff officer.

The latter's expression is normal, and there seems to be no abnormality, as if he doesn't know what happened.

Lin Beichen didn't speak, and let out a breath.

The breath he exhaled seemed to be pitch-black thick ink.

The poison was spreading wildly. In the blink of an eye, his throat was corroded and penetrated, and the flesh and blood flowed down like ink. The whole person's breath quickly collapsed, and his mouth opened and closed, but because the throat melted, he couldn't say a complete sentence. 's notes.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

The female staff officer was shocked when she saw this, and Hua Rong rushed over, as if to support him.

But at this moment, a light-black slender sharp dagger appeared in her pale jade-like palm, piercing fiercely towards Lin Beichen's heart.

"It's really you."

Lin Beichen said lightly: "How did you hide from Sister Xu's selection and get involved in the Special Law Bureau?"

The female staff officer was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt bad.

The specially made dagger encountered obstacles and could no longer penetrate Lin Beichen's body.

When looking up.

However, seeing Lin Beichen's throat melted by the highly poisonous poison, he didn't know when it was in good condition.

She realized that she had been fooled, and immediately drew back.

"Can you go?"

Lin Beichen flicked his fingers.

A wisp of sword wind passed by.

The body seemed to be immobilized, the female staff officer was weak, not to mention moving her fingers, even her eyelids could not control the movement.

In her eyes, there was a flash of despair and resentment.

Soon, Qin Shou and Hu Meier rushed in with their guards. Seeing this scene, the two hurriedly knelt down and apologized.

Lin Beichen waved his hand.

"Take it and torture."

Lin Beichen's expression remained unchanged.

The office was quiet again.

As expected, Xu Yun, a strong woman, hurried over soon, with guilt and apology written on her fair and beautiful goose egg face, and said, "Qiao Jiao is the one I chose, I can't blame myself for this. How the Deputy General Administration punishes, the little women are willing to do so."

She never dreamed that the staff members she had painstakingly selected and cultivated were all people who had passed many tests of innocence, and turned out to be an assassin.

The Deputy Director General of the Special Law Bureau was murdered in his own office. If he said it out, it would be a joke.

Lin Beichen got up in a hurry, and helped Xu Yun to sit down with a calm look. He was not angry at all because of the murder, but smiled and said, "How can you say that, sister? How can I blame you for this matter, yes? I wasn't careful myself."

Xu Yun was surprised, she had a new understanding of Lin Beichen, and insisted: "I will give you a satisfactory explanation for this matter."

Lin Beichen laughed and said, "Then ask my sister to help me rush for the reward of killing the mad believers before. It's time to come down. If possible, I want to make a component that belongs to the War Department."

Xu Yun was stunned and said unexpectedly, "Do you want to be independent from the Special Law Bureau?"

Lin Beichen denied it flatly, and said, "Of course not. My loyalty to Master Li can be learned from the sun and the moon. How can I go out with benefits? I just want to have more strength to protect myself."

Saying that, she spread her hands in distress and said, "Sister, I've already encountered two assassinations today, and I feel like there will be no less of such things in the future... There will always be people who want to harm me."

Xu Yun hesitated, nodded, and said, "I can find a way to help you win."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

It was Hu Meier who came in to report.

"My lord, the results of the interrogation of those assassins have come out. They are all members of the assassin organization 'Xu Ye'. It is said that someone in the underground world has issued an assassination reward to you. Nowadays, there are already many assassin organizations secretly accepting them. The assassination mission this time."

Lin Beichen was quite surprised when he heard this.

Underground world?

Killer organization?

Lin Beichen looked at Xu Yun and said, "Sister, why is there such an unclean and disobedient thing in the imperial capital?"

Xu Yun said, "I didn't have it before, but later I did."

Lin Beichen understood.

The emperor is out, and the top of the empire is corrupt.

The atmosphere has turned bad.

All kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods jumped out.

Behind the various killer organizations, I am afraid that there are major aristocratic groups.

"Sir, how should these assassins be dealt with?"

Hu Mei'er bowed and asked.

In front of Li Shaofei, she was trying her best.

Ever since she learned of Lin Beichen's death, Hu Meier had only one thought in her heart: revenge.

The target of revenge is the ancient people.

That's why she joined the undercover plan at all costs, and successfully came to the lair of the ancients, the core of the empire.

She has observed Li Shaofei, the devil.

Knowing that this is the object of his most suspicious use at present.

The only pity is that this person does not like women.

Otherwise, Hu Mei'er believes that with her beauty and charm, she can definitely quickly become this person's confidant - anyway, Lin Beichen is already dead, and it is useless to keep her skin, as long as she can avenge him, use her innate advantages. It doesn't matter.

Therefore, you can only focus on business performance.

I hope that this can be reused by Li Shaofei, constantly climbing up and getting closer to the core of power.

"The owl's head hangs above the torture rod."

Lin Beichen waved his hand casually, and said indifferently, "Then the experts in the investigation bureau will dig up that **** 'Xuye' killer organization for me three feet away, and kill them all without leaving any of them."

"Yes, sir."

Hu Mei'er bowed and saluted, and slowly withdrew.

She knew that her chance had come.

As long as his performance is good enough this time, he will be able to go further and be reused by Li Shaofei.

Xu Yun looked at Hu Mei'er's back and knew that this was not the administrative staff she had arranged for her. With all her thoughts in her heart, it seemed that Li Shaofei still trusted the person he had picked up more.

She was about to get up to say goodbye when the knock on the door rang again.

This time, it was Qin Shou who came in.

"My lord, the statement of the female staff officer has also been reviewed."

Qin Shou raised the file with both hands.

As soon as Lin Beichen waved his hand, he took it in from the sky, opened it, his eyebrows gradually stretched out, and the expression on his face was a bit awkward.

It turned out that this female staff officer named Qiao Jiao was actually a good friend of the mad believer Qin Ruo.

And the reason why she poisoned Lin Beichen was not under the orders of others, nor the protection of the killer organization, but she planned it by herself, in order to avenge her good friend Qin Ruo.

A friend of a freckled reading girl.

Lin Beichen smiled and sent the dossier to Xu Yun.

Xu Yun looked at it, but she didn't know what to say.

She has already thought about a lot of possibilities. She is already shocked by the involvement of killers and spies from competing forces in the headquarters of the Special Law Agency. She is planning a major purge. Who knows the reason for the final review, it is because of this.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Xu Yun felt sorry for Qiao Jiao in her heart again, what a wonderful girl, why did she take such a fierce and irrational way, she wanted to keep it, but it was impossible. .

The crime of assassinating the chief official is unforgivable.

A ruthless person like Li Shaofei should never let Qiao Jiao go, right?

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