Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1857: The ancestors summoned

"How could such a thing happen?"

Lin Beichen was greatly surprised after reading Han Bubu's WeChat message.

It turns out that the ancient tribe actually sent a traitor to the Beichen Army and broke into the interior?


Really shameless.

Actually playing yin.

Lin Beichen strongly condemned the behavior of the ancient people.

"Shi Pianxiang is definitely not the only traitor sent by the Wild Ancient Clan to us. If it is convenient, you can find a way to find out who the traitor is."

This is a request from Han Bubu.

Lin Beichen agreed.

How do you say something?

When you find a cockroach in the room, the whole room is actually full of cockroaches.

Since the Huanggu Clan has already sent undercover agents to the Beichen Army, it is obviously a long-term plan, and it cannot be an exception. Therefore, there may be more unsettled bombs hidden within the Beichen Army.

"pass it to me."

Lin Beichen said: "I will hurry up and get it done."

Putting down the phone, he started to think.

The only special intelligence agencies in the imperial capital are the Special Law Bureau, the Tribunal, the Executive Court, and the Royal Forest Army. For things like planting spies, the first three are usually the ones who do it, and the Royal Forest Army is rarely involved.

So we can only start from these three institutions.

Let's check the Special Law Office first.

Then in the court of action and the court of execution.

Lin Beichen knew that the time for his wretched development was over, and he would have to start a wave next.

For the next three days, Lin Beichen was completely immersed in the archives at the headquarters of the Special Law Agency, and he eagerly checked all kinds of files that might involve undercover agents.

With the vast information like a mountain, Lin Beichen's eyes with star-level physical strength were almost dry and weeping.



"still none."

Lin Beichen was a little disappointed after reading all the relevant files.

In these files, there is no content related to the placement of spies - let alone the placement of spies in the Beichen Corps, even the content of spies placement in other major forces.

Lin Beichen secretly investigated.

It was finally determined that the Special Law Agency did not have this business.

"It seems that we can only investigate from the trial court and the enforcement court."

Lin Beichen thought about how to start.

It was at this time that he received news from Ye Weiyang.

The Ancestor of Poison Dao summoned him.

Poison Dojo Holy Land.

Lin Beichen came for the second time.

The first time was to witness the first ancestor of Poison Dao lecturing on the scriptures and accepting disciples on the periphery, overlooking the high-rise buildings, and spending a whole month outside the square of the dojo.

And this time, he was allowed to enter the square.

This is the Holy Land of Poison Dao, one of the twenty-four blood lines of the human race.

It is also one of the few holy places where the founder of Taoism still sits and accepts disciples to preach.

Lin Beichen got off the special car all the way, walked to the outside of the square, accepted all-round inspections according to the rules, and then walked towards the square alone, under the guidance of a special person.

Along the way, he was very respectful.

When they encounter the statue of the ancestor of the poison road in the square, they will stop and take the initiative to pay homage.


Mi Ruyan appeared.

Seeing Lin Beichen, she came up to salute.

Then he took over from the previous leader and took Lin Beichen towards the depths of the square.

Mi Ruyan was wearing a long light green dress, her long light yellow hair was tied into a flying bun, she was slender and slender, her eyes were bright and her teeth were white, and her skin was snow-white. The natural feeling of the texture of the grass and trees is like a flower fairy.

Lin Beichen looked at Mi Ruyan's figure, and a trace of tenderness surged in his heart.

Such a good girl ventured to the imperial capital for her own sake. No matter what happened, she must be protected.

But it seemed that he felt the hot eyes coming from behind, and Mi Ruyan's footsteps sped up a little.

There is a grave in her heart.

There is a person lying in the grave.

Apart from that person, in this life, no man will be allowed to enter. This kind of naked gaze from the opposite **** makes Mi Ruyan feel sick.

In her heart, she had already started to think about countermeasures, how to protect herself in case Li Shaofei really had a bad heart with her.

Fortunately, Li Shaofei didn't say anything, and everything was fine.

"Hello, Senior Sister."


"I have seen Senior Sister."

Along the way, many disciples and disciples of Poison Dao greeted her at the first time.

The poison is in the same vein, and the master is the teacher.

Mi Ruyan, who has performed well after worshipping the entrance, has made rapid progress. Now he has mastered the temperament of 50% of the drugs in the [Ten Thousand Virus Strain Spectrum] and the technique of picking and raising them. Among all the disciples, he is in the forefront. The disciples who had entered the school earlier had to respectfully call out to Senior Sister when they saw Mi Ruyan.

Of course, in addition to Mi Ruyan's own excellence, the reason why she has such a high status in the sect is also related to the special care given to him by the two direct disciples who are most 'loved' by the ancestor of the poison.

The two direct disciples, one male and one female.

One is called Ye Weiyang.

The other is called An Muxi.

They are all from Lin Beichen.

However, only Ye Weiyang knew Lin Beichen's true identity at this time.

Mi Ruyan didn't know that this alien that he was guarding against and repelled was actually the one who lived in the grave in his heart. If possible, Lin Beichen would have already opened the coffin and emerged from the ground.

But not now.

His eyes retracted from Mi Ruyan's twisting waist, and he looked at all the surrounding buildings curiously.

In the depths of the square, a piece of green mountains and rivers is connected.

There are also large tracts of farmland.

The air is filled with a faint scent of flowers and plants and earth.

More disciples, like flower farmers and grain farmers, work hard in the fields, pruning flowers, watering and fertilizing, diverting canals to irrigate, driving away pests, pollinating and catching insects...

Lin Beichen had an illusion.

It seems to be back in ancient China.

Came to a legendary peach blossom garden.

In the fields, there is traffic in the fields, and chickens and dogs hear each other.

Following the road in the field, Mi Ruyan took Lin Beichen up the mountain, stepping on the muddy path, following the not steep mountain road, winding up towards the top of the mountain.

Along the way, many people said hello to Mi Ruyan.

After walking like this for half an hour, we came to the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is also a rock square.

A huge palace appeared on the square.

It's here.

Lin Beichen looked at it and realized something in his heart.

The huge palace in front of me is the fourth palace in legend.

The Holy Land of Poison Road.

The residence of the ancestors.

Judging from the architectural style of the exterior of the hall, this is the place where his 'corpse' is stored - after these days of hard work, Lin Beichen has secretly entered and exited here ten times, which means that there are actually nine beside him now. The puppet clone of the new ancestor-level fleshly body.

But today was the first time I saw the exterior of this temple.

The main hall is square and square, with a strange white color with a slight light green.

At the main entrance of the main hall, there is a person standing.

a man.


Goodnight everybody

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