Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

: One thousand eight hundred and sixty one Li Ying

One after another thunder, like a golden whip with barbs, kept hitting Li Ying's body.

Soon, the coarse cloth robe on the old man's body turned into fly ash, and dense bloodstains appeared.

The flesh was directly smashed.

The white bones below were exposed.

Boom boom boom.

Clap clap clap.

Flesh splattered.

The bones were broken, and the organs were exposed.

Clap clap clap.

Li Ying had been beaten beyond recognition, her whole body was blurred with flesh and blood, lying on the ground, blood and water spread out, under the scorch of thunder and lightning, the air was filled with the smell of scorched meat.

This is the cruelest punishment.

This went on for a stick of incense.

Li Ying's body has been beaten to pieces, like a mass of rotten meat.

At this moment, the thunder disappeared.

Raindrops fall from the dark clouds.

The rain contains a powerful aura of life, like rain, washing away the rotten flesh on the ground.

Li Ying's body was treated and recovered quickly.

"Would you like to come down?"

The majestic and sharp voice sounded again.

Li Ying lay on her back to the sky, her eyes gradually recovered from the turbidity and confusion. This was because her mind became clear after being beaten down.

"I don't want to."

Li Ying said indifferently.

Then, the Thunder Whip restarted.

In the small courtyard, there was a thunderous roar again, and the break danced wildly.

So back and forth.

After a full hour.

All the square thunderbolts above the courtyard disappeared.

The dark clouds disappeared in the dribbling rain.

Li Ying's injuries recovered quickly, she stood up slowly, took out a linen robe from the courtyard behind her, put it on casually, sat under the tree in the courtyard, and returned to peace.

This kind of torture, which is worse than death, happens every three hours.

Every time the body is broken, the spirit is almost destroyed.

Then the rain and dew will fall, quickly helping the prisoners recover their bodies and spirits.

Even many emperor-level powerhouses would soon collapse and succumb under such torture.

Some people with particularly tenacious willpower, if they hold on for hundreds of years, will completely become lunatic, or die permanently.

Li Ying knew that it would be difficult to get out again after entering the heavenly prison.

Even if you choose to give in, you will be humiliated.

What the other party needs is the resources of Radiance City behind him.

I want to make the soldiers of my faction fall to the ancient people.

As for this so-called treason, Li Ying believed that the strangulation of the fanatics was basically a conspiracy—a conspiracy against the soldiers of Radiance City.

In the era when the Holy Emperor was absent, the three major institutions of power were infiltrated by the ancient tribes, but only Huiyao City, which controlled the imperial military, had not been completely corroded, and had not completely fallen to the ancient tribes, because the ancient tribes could not completely controlled and invoked.

The glorious commanders united in a rare way to fight against the ancient people.

And Li Ying is the honorary leader of this part of the Hui Yao commander. He has great prestige among the Hui Yao commanders, and is also one of the spiritual pillars. He is the tough main force against the ancient people. Many young Hui Yao commanders are promoted by Li Ying.

It is conceivable that once he falls, it will be a blow to the glorious commanders.

Li Ying didn't know how long she could live in the heavenly prison.

But he knew that even if it lasted forever, he couldn't bow his head.

If you are unyielding and unyielding in the heavenly prison, I believe that the children outside will be inspired by hearing such news.

A smile gradually appeared on Li Ying's face.

The situation of the empire has been so rotten.

The wild ancient clan's wolf ambitions wanted Li Dai to occupy the magpie's nest. Once they succeeded, wouldn't the human race become slaves and **** food again and enter the tragic and tragic age of dark blood?

"Since my generation is powerless to turn the tide, we need to keep the legacy of our ancestors. Even if we are torn to pieces, we cannot become racial sinners."

Li Ying whispered to himself.

The voice did not fall.

Clap clap clap.

A round of applause came.

Li Ying's expression became solemn, and she turned her head to look.

However, I saw a handsome young man wearing a white special law bureau high-level armor, walking out of the oval space portal, applauding.

"Senior is indeed a hero of our human race, and he has good intentions."

Lin Beichen licked it up without hesitation.

Li Ying was startled and said, "Who are you?"

Lin Beichen said: "Haha, the junior has long admired the senior's style, and has always wanted to pay homage, but I didn't have the chance to see it. I heard that the senior was in trouble, so I came here to rescue him."


Li Ying's mouth curled into a sneer.

In this world, is there anyone else who can save themselves from the Cabinet Prison?

He didn't really trust this flamboyant looking guy in front of him.

Looking past Lin Beichen, Li Ying looked at the other two people who came through the portal one after another.

An Muxi, who was wearing a dark green robe, had an air of excellence, and ordinary people couldn't see the way, but Li Ying's eyes were so sharp, he could see at a glance that this person probably came from the Holy Land of Poison Dao, and his status was not high. Low.

As for the other...

Li Ying is very familiar. The Warden of the Cabinet Heavenly Prison [Blood Rose] Reina.

This ruthless character with the emperor's blood in his hands, who made countless people change color, was actually a tall, graceful, blond and blue-eyed white-skinned woman.

She is wearing a red and flaming miniskirt, with plump breasts, slender and snow-white waists, long hips and long legs, her bare feet hovering at an ultra-low altitude, hot and beautiful, with the features of a pure-blooded ancient clan, she is a rare stunner of the ancient clan.

Lee Young knows Reina.

This is a fanatical nobleman of the ancient clan.

With cruel and ruthless means, I don't know how many loyal and brave people of the human race were tortured to death.

It was this snake and scorpion woman who tortured Li Ying before with black thunder.

Seeing Reina, Li Ying's expression remained calm.

Because when the cultivation base was sealed and in the heavenly prison, impulsiveness and anger were useless.

Instead, he lost his dignity.

He looked at Lin Beichen again and said, "Young man, you said, you came to save me?"

Lin Beichen nodded with a smile, and said, "Of course, the admiration of the juniors for the seniors is like a surging river, and it is like the overflowing of the Tianhe River. When I heard that the seniors were imprisoned, I was very anxious and paid an extreme price to come here... …”

"Go back."

Li Ying said indifferently.

"Huh? What do you mean, senior?"

Lin Beichen was startled.

Could this old man live well in the heavenly prison?

The environment here is really good, it looks like a vacation, where is the jail?

"Young man, since you are able to enter here, you are still accompanied by [Blood Rose], your status must be high, but so what? I don't know you well, you are not qualified enough to be a lobbyist, old man. I won't bow to the ancient people, I advise you not to make fun of yourself and go back."

Li Yingwen was calm, with a faint smile even on his face.

He was very calm.

This is not an appointment.

It is a kind of temperament tempered in the wind and frost of the years.

"Well...Senior misunderstood."

Lin Beichen explained: "Junior is just here to save Senior, there are no conditions, Senior can go out with me."

Li Ying smiled lightly, as if listening to a joke.

Lin Beichen pointed at Leina and said, "If you don't believe me, can you ask this beautiful and elegant lady?"

Leina was as beautiful as peaches and plums, as charming as the spring breeze, and said, "General Li, you can leave here."


A hint of surprise finally appeared on Li Ying's face.

what's going on?

Or, is there a conspiracy?

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