Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1871: sky array

"Are you serious?"

Lin Beichen asked again, "Children, you can't joke at this time."

Bai Zongyun shrugged his delicate Qiong nose and said, "It's not just you, during the meeting just now, I smelled a strong smell of death, and many people in the meeting room will die... This feeling makes me very uncomfortable, the death atmosphere here Too thick."

Lin Beichen and Han Bubu looked at each other.

If this prediction is true, then the trouble is big.

For a moment, both of them were silent.

Each of them pondered.

But the eyes of the priest Qin never left Lin Beichen.

"Senior is known as the [Sword Demon], I wonder if I can let the junior see the sword of the senior?"

She meant something authentic.

Lin Beichen knew that the eldest wife was still suspicious after all.

Among his confidantes, Priest Qin is the most sensitive one. He is very observant and hard to be deceived. As long as there is a trace of doubt, he will definitely restore the truth of the matter. kind of people.

Lin Beichen thought for a while, but did not take out the Biluo Sword and Huangquan Sword.

On these two swords, there is an aura of lovesickness.

Moreover, they are very famous on the Emperor Star.

If it is used in the next battlefield, it is very likely to expose Li Shaofei's vest.

What he took out was a super heavy sword that was captured in the prison of ten thousand races. Because it was stained with the blood of foreign races, the sword body was red, and it seemed to be covered with mottled rust. It was four meters long and two meters wide. Like a door panel, full of old-fashioned atmosphere.

Priest Qin stared at the red blood epee and observed it carefully.

After a long time, she said indifferently: "Good sword... Senior, this sword, I'm afraid it is the standard equipment of the [Red Blood Epee] battalion in the forbidden army in the peak era of the emperor. It is indeed rare that it can be preserved to this day."

"You can actually see the origin of this sword?"

Lin Beichen was greatly surprised.

He didn't expect that the chief priest Qin really had a discerning eye, and he could see through the origin of this sword at once.

Master Qin looked indifferent and said slowly: "The younger generation is a descendant of the Doctor Dao line. He once retreated in the world of books and knew a little about the way of swordsmanship. He once compiled swordsmanship secret books for a friend, and read swords and swordsmanship all over the world. So it can be seen.”

Lin Beichen looked suddenly enlightened, and said, "As expected of the successor of Doctor Tao, he is very knowledgeable and admirable."

"Senior is very complimented."

The head priest Qin still had a calm expression, and said calmly, "Why didn't the senior ask, what kind of swordsmanship is the swordsmanship compiled by the junior?"

A black line almost hung down on Lin Beichen's forehead.

Big wife, big, if you suspect it is really endless.

He also knew that his name was [Sword Demon], and his original character must be extremely crazy about swordsmanship, so it was indeed unreasonable to hear that the descendants of Doctor Dao created their own swordsmanship without asking about it.

It's just that the chief priest Qin grasped some small flaws like this, and kept going to the bottom of it, it was not a solution.

"I have my own swordsmanship."

Lin Beichen became cool and said, "You don't need to learn from others."

Then he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office and looked outside, leaving a tall, guilty back.

In the beautiful eyes of Priest Qin, a bright light flashed, and he did not ask any further questions.

Both sides of the war are accumulating strength.

The first battle broke out on the South 343 Star Road.

Under the leadership of Han Shangxiang, the Nianxiang War Department launched a surprise attack on the Imperial Army "Flying Wheel War Department" stationed here.

The South 343 Star Road is the outer area of ​​the South Elephant Star District, not the core battlefield.

However, because there is a large amount of silver deposits on the Death Star called 'Silver Frost' in the Star Road, it is also highly valued.

The 'Flywheel War Department' stationed in this world star is a powerful and elite war team. Its commander is named Ephelios, and its cultivation is in the imperial realm. prominent.

The battle begins.

Shang Xiang's war department set up the 'Thorn Star' army formation and quickly approached the 'Silver Frost' world star.

On the other hand, the 'Flywheel War Department' was outside the world star, and adopted the 'Tianmen' army formation, took the defensive, and relied on the 'Silver Frost' world star to form an iron barrel formation.

'Thorn Star' and 'Tianmen' are both legion battle formations created by the ancestors of the fifteenth bloodline Dao Heavenly Formation of the Human Race, ranking among the 30.6. Great Heavenly Formation Techniques of Legion Battles.



The martial arts experts are roaring.

When you reach the lord level or above, you can cross the void.

Domain masters can fight in the void.

With the sound of the war drums, within the military formations of both sides, there was immediately a domain master-level powerhouse wearing infuriating power alchemy armor, forming a commando team, like a swarm, from each other's starships. Break away, turn into a streamer, break away from each other's army formation, and charge towards the enemy army's camp.

Hand in hand.

Along with the eruption of one after another martial arts secret skills, all kinds of dazzling light arcs, shattered armor constantly flew, and stumps and arms fluttered.

The bright red blood floated in clusters, rendering the entire battlefield red.

That's the way most of Star Wars goes.

Since the advent of the sky formation technique, all formed legions have maintained a complete army formation between advancing and retreating.

And this kind of army formation is arranged by the sky formation technique. The marching and retreating of the army contains the way of sky formation. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of soldiers are combined like chess pieces, like gears, and all the soldiers, The strength of the generals gathered together to form a great technique of the sky, condensed into one.

This kind of sky formation technique is the basis for the existence of the legion.

It is the capital for low-level martial artists to fight against high-level martial arts experts.

In most cases, a well-trained elite warhead of more than 100,000 people forms a sky formation. When it is running, even a full-strength strike from the emperor's high-level is difficult to break. .

Therefore, before the Legion Star Wars, the formation must be broken first.

There are many ways to break the formation.

Among them, the cheapest, most commonly used and most direct one is the elite special team to dig, and a small gap is chiseled in the original military formation.

Or use the method of chiseling to make the operation of the opponent's military formation stagnant and flawed, and use it to point to the surface, so as to completely destroy the opponent's military formation.

This will test the smoothness and proficiency of each other's army formations, as well as the vision and accomplishments of the sky formation divisions in each other's formations.

Breaking the formation is the most critical step in Star Wars.

Generally speaking, the side that loses is basically doomed to lose.

Unless there is a heaven-defying powerhouse who can turn the tide.

At this time, the domain master-level elite special team of the Nianxiang War Department, a total of 1,000 people, was making an assault, storming the defensive sky formation of the "Flywheel War Department".

The person who took the lead in the charge was actually the coach Han Shangxiang.

She was dressed in sterling silver armor, her black hair was loose, and she was holding a war spear.


The spear stabbed out, directly picking up an Imperial Army officer.

Under the leadership of the head coach, the special forces of the Nianxiang War Department are in full swing.

Soon, the Imperial Army special forces who came to intercept them were all wiped out.

The domain master special team of the Nianxiang War Department finally approached the front line of the Imperial Army.


Han Shangxiang drank heavily.

The domain master-level powerhouses around them immediately set up the Yanxing Cannons that had been prepared for a long time, and constantly bombarded the army formation of the Imperial Army's 'Flywheel War Department'.


The Annihilation Star Cannon spit out red pillars of energy.

The beam of light with destructive power blasted into the Imperial Army's 'Tianmen' army formation, stirring up energy light patterns visible to the naked eye on its surface.

Han Shangxiang's eyes were like lightning, observing the movement of the local military formations, catching the flaws that might be fleeting.

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