Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 606: Six bright red exclamation marks

Mom's pervert.

   Lin Beichen scolded in his heart.

   But the mask covered his eyes, like a killer with no emotion, not showing a little emotion.

   This guy is a lunatic.

   Lin Beichen's mind reached a conclusion.

   Even the special envoys from the imperial capital dare to steam away, it is really lawless.

   "Brother Dai is in your hands?"

   He lit a cigarette, took a sip, and spit out a smoke ring skillfully, saying: "If you want me to come, what are the conditions, say."

   The atmosphere in the room made Lin Beichen very uncomfortable.

  He wanted to make a quick decision and end the negotiation.

   "Oh, come to my Dalonglou, you are the only one who is so calm, it is really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers."

   Liang Yuandao did not answer directly.

   looked at Lin Beichen with a strange look.

  If he said that he had no trace of curiosity about this teenager, it was fake.

Any family that seems to be destined to be a noble teenager who was killed by a falling water dog was killed by someone else. It is not particularly unsolvable to achieve a certain counterattack, but like Lin Beichen, counterattack to this extent is simply impossible. Miracle.

   "Lin Beichen, have you heard the legend of Dalonglou?"

   Liang Yuan said with a smile instead of a smile.

   Lin Beichen shook his head: "I haven't heard it, and I'm not interested. I just want to know if Brother Dai is safe, and why do you detain him?"

   His tone is very polite.

Liang Yuandao's fat hands supported his fatter chin, and his eyes were faint. He said: "Dai Zichun met you stupid...Luck is good. He was in the fortress of the city's main palace. Worry of life, you should worry about yourself rather than worry about him."

   Lin Beichen popped the [Furong King] cigarette **** out, and the looming Mars drew a strange arc in the dim space.

   "Speak, you asked me to come, what conditions do you want to mention?"

   Lin Beichenqiang endured the anger in his heart, and did not speak harshly.

   Therefore, Dai Zichun is in the hands of this lunatic, and Lin Beichen does not want to anger the other party.

   "If I say, just invite you to a meal, do you believe it?"

  Liang Yuandao didn't say a word, it would make the fat on his body tremble like waves.

  Lin Beichen said: "Letter, let's have a meal."

   "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

   Liang Yuandao suddenly laughed wildly.

  Laughing, he was like a wriggling rotten flesh.

"it is good."

  The laughter fell, and he reached out to pat the table.

  The steamer lid on the table case flew up.

   White steam burst out suddenly.

  In the steaming drawer, a steaming, fat and shiny suckling pig exudes a tantalizing sweet smell in the smoke.

   Throughout the room, the smell was instantly fragrant.

When Liang Yuandao waved his hand, a crispy pig leg flew into his hand. Like a starved ghost, he couldn't wait to grab his hands, swallowing and gulping, greasy juice running down the hands and the fat folds of his face. Flowing down, quickly soaking a piece of pajamas.

   "You're welcome, eat."

   He didn't look upright.

   Lin Beichen's throat throbbed, almost spit out.

   A trace of appetite originally induced by steaming suckling pigs disappeared at this moment.

   is really disgusting.

   Watching Liang Yuandao eating fatty meat is like watching pigs in the pigsty gulping swill.

  How can I have an appetite?

   Lin Beichen was silent, observing.

  So far, he hasn't seen Liang Yuandao's cultivation standards.

   The shooting just now, as long as you are a martial arts master, you can do it.

   That's all.

   This fat pig puts pressure on him, but it is not inferior to the master of the martial arts class.

   "Small machine, open the QR code to scan, scan this fat pig."

  He gave orders in his mind.

   "Okay, master."

  Intelligent voice assistant containing emotional voice appears.

   QR code scan function, you can see through the opponent's cultivation state, while also peeping into the opponent's weaknesses.

  I haven't used this function for a long time, and Lin Beichen almost forgot.

   After a moment——


   The mobile phone prompts the sound.

   "Unknown object."

  Three **** exclamation marks.


  Three blood red exclamation marks.

   Mobile phone screens are stained by these six blood-red exclamation marks.

   Lin Beichen's scalp tingled for a while.

What's happening here.

   first encountered.

   "Master, this creature is very dangerous, please handle it carefully."

  It seems that there is some dignity in the voice of the intelligent voice assistant.

   Lin Beichen sucked in a cold skin.


   This is really afraid of something.

   This product can't even be scanned by Bleach mobile phone?

   Are you kidding me?

   "Why don't you eat?"

  Liang Yuandao's wind is like a remnant cloud. In a blink of an eye, a steamed suckling pig leaves only a hungry pig head.

"no appetite."

   Lin Beichen said: "Your food is too ugly, look disgusting, can not eat anymore."

   "What a honest kid."

   Liang Yuan said, holding the pig's head, as if holding his own twin brother, and then gnawed again, said: "The person who said so last time, his bones have been..."

   "Are you **** annoying."

   Lin Beichen said impatiently: "Lao Tzu hundreds of thousands of seconds per second, hundreds of billions of business every night, how can you work hard with you here, what exactly do you want to do, give a happy speech."


   Liang Yuan said with a smile.

  He was very satisfied with Lin Beichen's reaction.

   He clearly felt that the teenager was not so calm at first, and his performance became irritable.

   This is because... the teenager who created the miracle felt the pressure.

"it is good."

   Liang Yuandao put the pig's head in front of him, lifted his sleeves, wiped the fat on his mouth, and said: "I only have one request. You help me get Gao Shenghan, how is it, is it very simple?"

   Lin Beichen sucked in Liangpi again.

   Banana is a pepper.

   "Did you make a mistake?"

  Lin Beichen said: "Killing a man of heaven, is this something that a guy like me can do?"

   Liang Yuandao said: "Three days ago, the attack from the Hai tribe was attacked by you."

   Lin Beichen said: "Do you think such a blow can kill a man of heaven?"

Liang Yuandao’s eyes shone like a wild beast, and said: "Of course not. Your [Holding God in the arms and shattering the sword mark] is equivalent to a strike from the first-level Celestial Realm, and Gao Shenghan is two. A strong man of heaven and earth. You cannot kill him with such a blow.

   Lin Beichen said: "Since this is the case, why put your hopes on me, you might as well do it yourself."

Liang Yuandao stared at Lin Beichen and smiled, said: "I am not Gao Shenghan's opponent, hehe, your strike can't kill Gao Shenghan, but I believe that you have other ways, how to do it specifically, I don't Ask, think for yourself, as long as you kill Gao Shenghan, then not only can Dai Zichun go back alive, but other friends you cherish, such as Yue Hongxiang, Wang Xinyu, etc., will be fine, otherwise, if you..."

   He smiled faintly, the meaning of Leng Sen in his voice was unabashed.

   He gnawed at the pig's head with both hands.

   is like a greedy beast eating.

   Lin Beichen was shocked.

"what did you say?"

   He stood up suddenly.

  'S undisguised killing intention instantly pervaded the whole body, as if it was rippling like substance, and the surrounding air formed a wave of air visible to the naked eye, and the radiation was surging.

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