Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 919: Women only affect the speed of drawing the sword

The two-meter-high corpse stood under the game platform.

   never fell down.

   Lin Beichen looked at the silver long sword in his hand with a vague look.

  Four fingers wide.

   is one meter six long with the hilt.

   There is no ridge or blood groove on the sword.

   Smooth as a mirror.

   can reflect his handsome face.

   The tip of the sword is not the sharp angle of a long sword in secret.

   is an ellipse.

   The hilt is slightly flat with twisted threads on it.

   Both the blade and the hilt are silver.

   gives Lin Beichen the feeling, only two words——


   Smoother than Dove on a rainy day.

   When he swung the sword just now, I couldn't feel the slightest blockage.

   Even if it is cutting off the opponent's sword and cutting into the opponent's hardened flesh, it is smooth and unimpeded.

   "So, the biggest characteristic of this sword is its sharpness?"

   Lin Beichen looked at the sword in his hand.

   Except for swinging the sword without hindrance, it seems to be able to cut everything, just now I didn't feel any other special abilities, such as the increase of profound energy, such as sword intent anomalies, such as the ability to activate...

   He raised his hand with a sword.

   silently pierced into the heart of the headless white-haired corpse.


   appeared again.

   The martial arts powerhouses who saw this scene outside the building suddenly shouted madly in their hearts.

   Beheaded to break the heart!

  【Mode Crazy Demon】's iconic killing method.

   is so **** scary.

   But Lin Beichen carefully experienced the feeling of a sword.

   The silver sword is like a red-hot sword pierced into the tender cheese.

   is still silky.

   Indescribably sharp.

   "Yes, the only special effect of this sword is sharpness."

Shen Xiaoyan's eyes were brilliant, and he said: "It can break through everything in this world, and no object can stop it... The indestructible sharpness is the most powerful power of an excalibur, and it is also the original sword. The power of beginning."

   Is it the ultimate sharp?

   Lin Beichen held a sword and swung it.

   The sword is very heavy.

Bringing together the two extravagant soldiers, the Spike Rod and the Dragon Tooth Javelin, together with the various materials that Shen Xiaoyan added to it, the weight of this silver sword is beyond imagination, a powerful master of the pinnacle, Not to mention swinging a sword, I'm afraid I can't take it up.


   is heavy, hard and big.

   Lin Beichen is very satisfied.

   "What kind of weapon is it?"

   he asked.

Shen Xiaoyan said with great expectation: "On sharpness, it is a god-level, no, it can even be said to be beyond god-level. As for other possibilities, you need to slowly explore by yourself. To be precise, it is just a sword embryo now. There are also unlimited upgrade possibilities. If you can find better materials and better refiners, you can help it upgrade."


  A piece of equipment with growth potential?

Sounds good.

   Lin Beichen carefully realized the beauty of this sword.

   "Young Master."

Qianqian's aggrieved voice came next to   .

   The little maid looked at Lin Beichen with tears in her eyes.

   Young Master Lin was startled, and immediately a cold sweat on his forehead, he quickly explained with a smile: "Ah, I was too devoted to watching the sword, and forgot to milk you both... Hydrotherapy."

   Two azure rays of light flew from his fingertips and enveloped the two little maids.

   "Master, if you have this sword, you have forgotten our two loyal cuties."

   Qianqian still feels wronged.

   Lin Beichen smiled and said: "Women, it will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword."


   Qianqian stamped her foot in dissatisfaction.

  At this time——


   The sound of breaking through the air came from a distance.

   Streaming light turns into floating shadows.


   turned into twenty white-haired and armored swordsman powerhouses wearing black armor.

   "Four commanders?"

   was the leading figure with excellent armor, and his complexion suddenly changed when he saw the corpse of the same clan standing on his own after his head was severed and his heart slaughtered.

   "Who killed the four commanders?"

"get out."

   "Who is the murderer?"

  The white-haired and armored swordsmen, like aggressive roosters, suddenly became angry.

   is like a wild beast.

   Lin Beichen took the sword and walked out of the restaurant lobby, saying: "You are very noisy."

  "Human tribe, are you a murderer?"

The white-haired and armored swordsman led by    has blood red eyes and a violent breath.

   Lin Beichen said: "Did you say the corpse inside? When he was alive, he wanted to take my sword and kill my woman, so I had to invite him on the road."

   "Then you die."

  The white-haired and armored swordsman drew out the long sword he was holding behind.

   cut out with one sword.

   The white sword air broke through the air.

   Lin Beichen flicked the blade of the silver sword.

   The sound of sword chanting and shaking sounded.

   Sword Qi was shaken away.

   "Are you unreasonable?"

   he asked.

   "Hehe, what's the point with a lowly human race like you? Dare to provoke my race and kill them all."

   The white-haired and armor-clad swordsman is obviously inferior in strength, but he is very arrogant.

   Other swordsmen also drew their swords one after another, rushing towards Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen shook his wrist and swung his sword to greet him.

   One sword, two swords, three swords...

   He used the [Basic Swordsmanship] that he learned after crossing this world.

With his current cultivation base, even the simplest sword moves are extremely powerful. Coupled with the invincibility and extreme sharpness of the silver sword, one sword and one sword is like cutting a carrot and cutting vegetables. The armored swordsman cuts directly with the sword.

   Weapon intersecting.

   There is neither sputtering of sparks nor the sound of humming.

  Some are just cutting, cutting, cutting, cutting continuously.

   Shen Xiaoyan said nothing wrong, there is nothing that can resist the sharpness of the silver sword.

   Combat skills, armor, weapons, body refining, body protection and profound energy...

   are all opened with one touch.

   This is a new kind of sword-swinging experience on a ship.

   Lin Beichen even had an illusion that even a **** standing in front of him would be cut away by a sword.

   In a blink of an eye, twenty white-haired armored swordsmen turned into forty dans, all lying on the ground.

  The silver sword is made of materials that are capable of slaying the evil gods. The heavenly beings killed by it not only split the flesh, but also the spirit consciousness is annihilated at the same time.

   "Have fun."

   Lin Beichen shouted, lifting his sword into the air: "Cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates...Master Shen, I will come as soon as I go."

   He turned into a streamer and lased directly towards the residence of the white-haired and armored tribe.

   "What is he going to do?"

   "Do you want to deal with the remaining people of the white-haired and armored tribe?"

"No way, are you crazy? This time, there are 165 white-haired and armored swordsmen who came to Baiyun City. The leader is an elder in the clan, the sixth-level title of Heaven and Human Realm cultivation base, It can be said to be a real top giant, can Lin Beichen deal with it?"

   "As expected, it's a corpse-touching monster."

   When everyone saw this scene, their hearts were shocked.

   "Come and take a look."

   Some of them were extremely curious, and they turned into streams of light and followed.

   There are also some people who still stay in place. They are more interested in the next story between Shen Xiaoyan and'Old Qi' on the game stage.

   "Master, let's go take a look too, hurry up."

   Hu Meier stomped anxiously, urging constantly.

   Yan Ruyu thought for a while and said, "Go."

   She raised her hand and grabbed the shoulders of the two disciples. When she shook her figure, she disappeared in place.

   Qianqian and Qianqian did not follow, because they had received a transmission from Young Master Lin just now, making them stay here.


   A disciple looked at Shen Xiaoyan.

   Shen Xiaoyan stood up straight, and said, "Retreat."

   The four disciples hesitated slightly, so they had to back down slowly and left the game platform.

   Shen Xiaoyan turned around and came to the chessboard stone tabletop, sat down slowly, looked at'Old Chess', and said, "Can we start now?"

'Old Chess' laughed: "It's okay, you can cut off the past without any worries, you are finally eligible to start the third game, but you have to remember that this is your last chance, if You still lost this time, which shows that God’s will is so. Before the chance comes, don't force it anymore."


Today I went to the hospital twice in a row, which caused me to feel very depressed, so the update was a bit stretched again, sorry

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