Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 922: Fourteen top kendo forces

Young Master Lin is also a man of temper.

   "I have endured you for a long time."

   He carried the big silver sword, and said unceremoniously: "Aren't you can't afford to play? You are a good cook and love to play, believe it or not I will help you quit chess today?"

   A cold light flashed in the eyes of'Old Chess'.

   Lin Beichen was suddenly alert.

   Dog days will not become angry anymore.

   Did I just behave too much?

  , have I been a little floating lately?

   With a sword, he dared to go to the white-haired and armor-clad clan’s resident to fight team battles, and he dared to raise the table against a monster whose death phone couldn’t get any information... If this were the past, he would definitely be able to go.

   I have to reflect on it.

   But, the current situation...

   At this moment, Lin Beichen felt an impulse to act first, to direct the'Old Chess' to a small black house set meal, and to pull it into [Reincarnation Despair].

   But he held back.

  Because of the gaze of "Old Chess", he gradually eased.

   "Okay, that's it for today."

He stood up with a red bamboo stick and said, "It's been a long time since I met such an interesting junior. Your chess power is only seen in the life of an old man, and you are the only one who can beat the old man. You may not understand what this means. You will know later, this is something you are proud of."

   Lin Beichen exhaled and echoed: "Yes, I'm proud."

   Whenever there are steps, go down.

   If you can't beat it, you will admit it.

   This is good quality.

   is not ashamed.

'Old Qi' looked at Master Shen again, and said, "Even if you win this game, I will do what I promised you. When the battle for the sword immortal inheritance is over, you go to Black and White Peak to find me , You can fulfill your wish."

   Master Shen was ecstatic.

   "Thank you senior, thank you senior."

   He was extremely excited, and there was even a gleam of tears in his eyes.

   Lin Beichen was puzzled.

   Has this one never won?

   Are you so happy?

   In the end, what conditions did the'Old Chess' promise him?

   However, Lin Beichen is not interested in knowing these things.

   He just wants to know what rewards he can get after winning so many games.

   So, Young Master Lin blinked his eyes and looked at "Old Chess", constantly discharging.

But'Old Qi' seemed to have not received Lin Beichen's signal at all, and completely forgot his previous promise. The red bamboo stick in his hand lay on the ground lightly, and a layer of pale golden brilliance radiated under his feet. Make a circle of rune ripples.


   It was like a snowflake flashed on the TV screen with bad signal.

   space flashed.

   ‘Old Qi’ just teleported himself and disappeared.


   Lin Beichen was anxious, and said angrily: "Where is my reward? Come back... haven't you given it to me?"

   What kind of person is this.

   If you can't afford to lose if you make it clear.

   also said that he was good at chess, so that he would not deny it.

   After losing six or seven sets, he immediately changed his face. He didn't honor the rewards he said, so he slapped his **** and left.

   Is this a human officer?

   Bad old man, really bad.

   "Mianxia, ​​don't worry."

   Master Shen persuaded: "[Qi Lao] has a distinguished status, and his words will not count. If he said that there is a reward, then there must be a reward, and I will give it to you sooner or later.

   "How late is sooner or later?"

   Lin Beichen was very angry: "Is the belated justice still justice?"

Master Shen said: "The reward given by Mr. Qi must come when you need it most. Don't worry, when you understand the true identity of Mr. Qi, you will understand that today you will be recognized by Mr. Qi. What a happy thing."

   Lin Beichen is too lazy to argue with this'old chess' fan.

   Too raised his hand and threw out a cloud of blue brilliance, covering Master Shen.


  Because of the fast pace of sword casting and sword testing, I forgot to take a bite of Master Milk.

Master Shen's face blushed suddenly, and he didn't let himself scream out because of his tongue. The next moment, he felt all over his body refreshed. The weakness caused by blood loss from the broken arm disappeared. Although the broken arm did not grow again, The fracture was healed, and there was no pain at all.

   "Thank you Mianxia."

  Master Shen quickly thanked him.

   said again: "It's up today, and Shen Xiaoyan is leaving."

   Lin Beichen arched his hands and said, "Farewell."

   Master Shen took four sword servants and four disciples, turned and left.

   The martial arts experts in the Seven Stars Gathering Sword Tower also hand in hand.

   But no one followed.

   Because of Shen Xiaoyan's hand, it has been abandoned.

   His sword forging furnace has also been destroyed.

   He can no longer make a sword.

   An abandoned craftsman, no matter how high his rank, has lost its value, and there will be no more parties to pursue and flatter.

   Of course, in a short time, I dare not ask anyone to trouble him.

   After all, the favors accumulated in the past are still there.

   Lin Beichen walked down from the game stage, took the pig rein from Qianqian's hand, and said, "Let's go too."

   Today, I came to the Seven Stars Jujian Tower to ask for a sword.

   Although the process has been a bit tortuous, it is also great to make a wave of extra money, and the goal has been achieved.

   "Master, what about these four pigs?"

   Qianqian asked drooling.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and said: "Bring it back to braised."


   Qianqian is overjoyed.

Several people were about to leave. Someone came over to salute and said: "Lin Tianren, here is Zhang Ru, a disciple of the Great Sword Sect of the Dagan Empire in the central part of the mainland. It is really fortunate to have witnessed Lin Tianren's demeanor today. Heaven is drinking a glass of wine, making friends, don’t know if it’s convenient or not?"

   is a middle-aged man speaking.

   The cultivation base of the second-level Celestial Realm can be said to be a strong one.

   This time the battle for the inheritance of swordsman in Baiyun City has attracted many strong swordsmen from all sides.

   Lin Beichen thought about it seriously, and said: "I still have very important things that I need to go back and deal with immediately, so it's not very convenient."

   mainly want to go back to eat braised pork in a hurry.

   Flying pig, the meat must be delicious.

   Zhang Ru: "……"

   The chat ended immediately.

   He had no choice but to leave a sentence, turned and left.

   When other people saw this scene, they extinguished their plans to come forward and talk about getting acquainted.

   Lin Beichen is about to turn on the pig...

   "Lin Tianren, please give me a look, I wonder if it is convenient?"

   Yan Ruyu's voice of ‘Wenxiang Sword Mansion’ came from behind.

   Lin Beichen threw the pig rein in his hand to Qianqian at the moment, turned around and smiled as a naive person, strode past, and said: "Convenient, of course convenient. Anyway, I have nothing to do when I go back. I am very idle."

   Zhang Ru, the Jue Sword Sect who had not yet gone far, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

   This fucking... is it too real?

   That’s not what you said just now.

   Other people also had their eyes broken.

   The dog is not a son of man, and he doesn't do human affairs.

   How big is the psychological shadow of Zhang Ru of the Supreme Sword Sect?

   "Please sit down."

   Yan Ruyu got up this time and greeted her politely.

   Lin Beichen sat down and said, "I don't know what Sister Yan wants to tell me? In fact, apart from chess, piano, sword, calligraphy and painting, poetry, song and dance, I have a little understanding."

   Yan Ruyu smiled faintly, and the charm of a mature beauty was inadvertently released.

   "I want to discuss with Lin Tianren about the inheritance of the sword fairy."

   She is straight to the point.

   "Ah, it's a wonderful use to discuss this word."

   Lin Beichen suddenly became excited, and said: "How does Sister Yan want to explore?"

   A murderous look came from a distance and shot Lin Beichen's body.

   Xiao Shishu Yin Shan looked sad.

   Lin Beichen said calmly, "Little Master, why don't you come and explore together."

  The beautiful young teacher suddenly changed his anger into joy.

   She came over with joy and sat beside Lin Beichen.

   Yan Ruyu did not respond, and said: "Lin Tianren, do you know how many top-level kendo strengths are there for the inheritance of the sword immortal this time, did you send someone to Baiyun City?"

   "My hen."

   Lin Beichen Road.

   "Fourteen top kendo forces."

Yan Ruyu asked and answered himself, and continued: "I am one of the Scented Sword Mansion, and the white-haired and armored tribe that you destroyed is also one of them. There are twelve martial arts forces of this kind... The triad Song Qiuyu and others who were killed by you last night are nothing but trash fish that can't make it to the table."

   Xiao Shishu Yin Shan laughed angrily when he heard it, and said, "Song Qiuyu is also a five-pole celestial being. In your mouth, it is also a miscellaneous fish?"

   Originally, the people of "Scent of Scented Sword Mansion" should be treated with courtesy and try hard to make friends.

   But when Yin Shan sees the three Yan Ruyu masters and apprentices, he doesn't have any good intentions.

Yan Ruyu was not surprised, but rather patiently explained: "Song Qiuyu's personal cultivation is indeed good, but the triad behind him is just a small force, and it is not qualified to participate in the battle for the inheritance of the sword fairy. Naturally, it is a miscellaneous fish. You must know that it is only meaningful if it is backed by a top martial arts force or a personal cultivation base supported by the empire."

   At this point, she glanced at Lin Beichen.

   These last words are also her reminder and warning to Lin Beichen.


This is for the new leader Laxie Meow. It's a bit late.

Goodnight everybody.

By the way, ask for a monthly pass.

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