"Hehe, what Fliggy Traveling Chamber of Commerce will I take?"

   Unless there is an Alibaba behind it.

Lin Beichen smiled proudly, and immediately changed the conversation, saying: "But since it is Sister Yan, you reminded me, I still have to give you a face, okay, then I won't be a cub for these four pigs. Go back and raise them. Every time I see them in the future, I think of sister Yan you, as if I saw you."

   Yan Ruyu: "……"

   The chat is very unpleasant.

   According to external legends, Lin Beichen has a brain disease.

   I saw him behave amazingly before, and thought it was a misinformation.

   Now it seems that it may be true.



   Baiyun City, City Lord’s Mansion.

   Carved fence and jade masonry, Qionglou Yuyu.

   "You let him go like this?"

The city lord Chu Yunsun, whose eye sockets were sunken like a cave, roared distortedly: "I don't want to kill him, do you kill him? Why don't you start? Are you still in love with him, ah? You still hide in your heart. Look at him, right? He is all the same, you still... believe it or not, I will send someone to kill him now and let him disappear mysteriously from Baiyun City."

   Lu Guanhai standing by the window said without turning his head: "Okay, you'd better do it immediately."


   Chu Yun Sun Maoruo said madly: "You don't force me, you know, for you, I can do everything, I can destroy everything."

   He is like a madman, there is no trace of the demeanor and temperament of being a city lord in him.

   Lu Guanhai turned around slowly.

   This is a woman with an unusually beautiful face.

   Her face is very small, as if only the size of a palm.

   Her facial features are very delicate, like a work of art carved out with a carving knife little by little.

   Her skin is as white as snow.

   Black hair, thick black willow eyebrows are like a knife, revealing tenacity and determination.

   She is not the kind of person who is naturally noble, but there is always a kind of cold and arrogant in her eyes, which will make people feel a sense of distance in the first place.

   If it is a male, it will also have a strong desire to conquer.

   is like a sword that is not broad but tough enough to make people want to hold it in the hand and swing it wanton.

   "Ding Sanshi has a disciple called Lin Beichen, who is now the Pope of the Temple of Lord of Swords, or..."

   she said.

Chu Yunsun laughed and interrupted: "I know that he killed 14 celestial beings last night, including Song Qiuyu's arrogant trash, haha, so what? You wouldn't think that a little Lin Beichen, can you shake the sky?"

   Lu Guanhai said: "Just now I received the news that Lin Beichen saw Shen Xiaoyan in the Seven-Star Jujian Building, begging for the success of the sword, and then annihilated the white-haired and armored tribe with one sword.

   Chu Yunsun's expression was slightly stagnant, lying on the ground.   "So, he has the strength to fight the 14 top kendo forces?"

   He stared at the ceiling.

   Lu Guanhai did not speak.

   "In this case, we really can't kill Ding Sanshi in the city lord's mansion... his apprentice is a bit scary."

   Chu Yunsun came to Lu Guanhai, bowed very sincerely, and said, "Guanhai, thank you for saving my dog's life again."

   Lu Guanhai's expression has not changed.

   She continued: "I gave Ding Sanshi a place to participate in the sword conference."


   Chu Yunsun’s expression began to twist and hideously again: "How can you do this?"

Lu Guanhai still said unhurriedly: "Ding Sanshi is the big brother of the Jianxian Academy. Before the head of the Jianxian Academy disappeared, he left a handwritten letter to save Ding Sanshi from his crimes and let him take over as the head of the Jianxian Academy. Inheritance is the property of the Jianxian Academy. I have no reason not to let Ding Sanshi participate in the sword discussion conference."

   Lu Guanhai was expressionless and authentic.

   When she spoke, there was a bitter cold in her eyes.

   Chu Yunsun began to gasp for breath, like a seizure, and shouted angrily: "So what, I am the city lord, I can abolish the decision of the front courtyard leader..."

   "But you don't have [Baiyun Baijian]."

   Lu Guanhai is faintly authentic.

   Without [Baiyun Baijian], many powers belonging to the city lord cannot be truly implemented.

   These words were like a thorn, which suddenly pierced Chu Yunsun's heart.

   He screamed strangely, roared like a madman, and started smashing things frantically in the room.

   Lu Guanhai just watched quietly, without stopping.

   "I'm going to kill that old thing, kill him, kill him..."

   Chu Yunsun's expression was like a wild beast that had gone mad and lost his mind.

   Lu Guanhai walked over and slapped his hand.


   Chu Yunsun was flew out, slammed into the stone wall of the room, bounced back, and fell heavily to the ground, struggling to get up for a long time.

   He was lying on his back facing the sky, the palm prints on his face were so clear, red blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth and nose.

   But his expression is cheerful and excited.

"carry on."

   The lord of Baiyun City said loudly and authentically: "Hit me, watch the sea, you are very old and have not beaten me, continue to beat me..."

   Lu Guanhai did not make another move.

As if she hadn’t heard it, she continued her topic, saying: “Accurately speaking, Ding Sanshi got a quarter of the quota, because he only has the right to participate, not the right to form a team. If he wants to really participate in the sword conference , He must find a martial arts force willing to accept him before the conference begins."

   Chu Yunsun wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth and nose, and said, "So, then Lin Beichen has to ask for a spot?"

   Lu Guanhai nodded.

   "Hahaha, interesting, I really want to know who is willing to accept this pair of masters and disciples."

   Chu Yunsun laughed happily.

   "So, are you ready to participate in the Rongjian Conference?"

   Lu Guanhai stared at him sharply.

Chu Yunsun gritted his teeth and said: "Of course, I said, for you, I am willing to do anything. There are still three days before the sword conference. After three days, I can complete the last transformation. Whoever dares to stop me, I will Whoever kills, I will definitely get the Sword Immortal Inheritance for you."

"it is good."

   Lu Guanhai said, raising his hand and slapped it out again.


   Chu Yunsun's body, backflip 720 degrees and twist 360 degrees, directly hit the wall heavily.

   He fell to the ground with a transgressive expression, and said: "Yes, that's it, hit me, hit me soon...uuuu...I'm so happy."




   has a brand new look and full of vigor.

   The smile on every white swordsman's face has never disappeared.

  "Jianxianyuan hasn't been so lively for a long time." Shi Zhongsheng was relieved.

  He is taking his disciples to practice sword.

came back.

   The previous feeling seems to have come back again.

It’s just that the younger sister Yin Shan doesn’t know why. Since she came back from the Seven Stars Jujian Building, she has been a little out of her mind. She doesn’t practice sword training anymore. She is in a daze under the old tree at the door and next to the ancient well. Is it right? Come reflect and watch your face.

   "What, do you want to raise pigs?"

   Lin Beichen's exclamation came from the room.

  Ding Sanshi’s voice can also be heard: "Flying pigs are strange animals. The four flying pigs you snatched back are exactly one male and three females. They are used for breeding, which is definitely a shortcut to get rich."

   "Master, do you really know how to raise pigs?"

   Lin Beichen will be suspicious.

   Ding Sanshi said, "Of course, when I was wandering about the rivers and lakes, I raised pigs for others."

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows: "Uh, that's the case, just use your name. I'm sorry for Netease if you don't know how to raise pigs."

   Since flying pigs are so valuable, raising pigs can indeed make a fortune.

Ok, deal.

   Next, the two talked about the quota for the sword conference.

   "What? Do you still need to team up?"

   Lin Beichen's eyes widened: "That's not right, didn't it mean that our Jianxian Academy had its own quota from the beginning?"


Today, there was also a four-time watch, but something unexpected happened. Jianxian’s channel was beaten back because some of the previous chapters involved H...Uh, do you think this is possible?

In the afternoon, I am going to modify the previous chapters.

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