Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 931: It's not that the enemy doesn't get together

On the pumice seat of the Wuding Flying Sword Sect in the distance, all swordsmen, including the master of the Wuding Flying Sword Sect, Yun Feiyang, couldn't help being angry instantly.

   Baiyun City is just a small border town.

   Not to mention that it is in the martial arts forces of the host country Zhenzhou, even if you add a restriction, it is just that among the kendo forces, Baiyun City ranks low.

   Now, a small town lord with a bad name, dare to release such crazy words?

  On Jianfeng.

"as you wish."

   Li Zailin's complexion quickly calmed down.

   As a swordsman, the most basic quality is to maintain inner peace when he is out of the sword.

   Ten fingers move slightly.

In the scabbard behind   , ten indefinite flying swords flew out.

   Ten swords come out together.

   "Ten swords and a thousand calamities... kill."

   In the low voice, the ten indefinite flying swords turned into ten tribulations, and broke through the air attack.


   Chu Yunsun Yangtian laughed, and the dark red sword light on his arms flickered, gushing out like blood mist.

   In the next instant, the blood-colored profound energy condensed into a crimson five-finger broad sword.

   The sword is long and sharp.

   is like a sword of death from under the hell.

   Holding the blood sword in his hand, he cut out with a single sword very casually.

   The dark red sword light flew off the sword, cutting the air, and slowly forming a sword air holding the tail.


   Almost instantly, he smashed ten indefinite flying swords into pieces.

   is like a gust of wind blowing away the smoke.

  At the same time, Jian Mang seemed to be slow and impatient, and instantly cut through Li Zailin's body.

  Everything is completed and ended in the sword of electric light, stone and fire.


   A trace of confusion flashed across Li Zailin's eyes.

   He clearly reacted just now, but why didn't he avoid this sword?

   is like the moment when thinking emerges, everything is doomed?


   Chu Yunsun laughed, his figure flickered, and the **** sword in his hand passed Li Zailin's platinum.

   The head flew up.

   The blood from the neck was shot out like a fountain.


   The headless corpse split into two and fell down.

   Chu Yunsun stretched out his hand, took Li Zailin's head in his hand, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood.

   "Trash, too trash."

   With a disappointed look on his face, he raised his head and pointed to the members of the Wuding Flying Sword Sect on the pumice seats in the distance: "The Wuding Flying Sword Sect is too weak."

   There was an uproar all around.

   No one thought that this little-known Baiyun City Master was so powerful.

   a sword.

   was just a sword, and Li Zailin, the fourth elder of the Wuding Flying Sword Sect, was in seconds.

   and the methods are extremely cruel.

   Li Zailin has no bones left.

  Whether it is the major sects participating in the Lunjian Conference, or the powerhouses from all sides who come to watch the battle, for a while, staring at the young man covered with **** sword spirit on Lunjian Peak, his expression is shocked.


   Chu Yunsun's opponent Wuding Feijian hooked their fingers.

   "Too much bullying."

   The Great Elder of the Wuding Flying Sword Sect stood up and said: "No matter how Lin's heart is soft and he didn't kill Xiao Ran, this Baiyun City Master is so cruel... Sect Master, let me kill him."

   Sect Master looked solemn, and said: "Elder Song, be careful, if you lose, you must not be aggressive...

   "Sovereign, rest assured."

   Great Elder Song Shuo flew out.

  The battle continues.


   After a stick of incense time.

  On the irregular section of Jianfeng, five corpses lay down.

   Four Elder Li Zailin, Great Elder Song Shuo, left and right guardians Wei Sanxiao, Yin Chengxiong, and Sovereign Yun Feiyang, all died under the **** sword of Baiyun City Lord Chu Yunsun.

   Except for Sect Master Yun Feiyang relying on Zongmen Supreme Treasure [Indefinite Sword and Shield] to withstand the first sword, the other four people died under one sword, similar to Li Zailin's end.

   But Chu Yunsun had only two swords against the Sect Master Wuding Feijian Sect.

   One sword broke the shield, and another sword slashed Yun Feiyang.

  On the first team battle of the Sword Conference, since Chu Yunsun appeared, the real battle time was less than twenty breaths.

   The rest of the time is actually just talking and questioning.

   But it's over.

  The first team battle of the Sword Conference ended with the annihilation of the Wuding Flying Sword Sect.

Two elders, two guardians, and a sect master died. It is conceivable that the strength of the Wuding Flying Sword Sect was severely weakened, even if the other strong flying Sword Sect on the pumice seat was extremely angry, but there was nothing to do. Don't even dare to take revenge.

   This is a matter within the rules of the On Sword Conference.

   Even the Sect Master died, and the treasure of the sect was destroyed. Who could resist Chu Yunsun Yijian?

   After the tower guard Tan Congyuan of the North Sea Empire announced that the battle was over, the master of Wuding Feijian Sect rushed to Lunjian Peak, put down a few ruthless words, and took away the bodies of five sect bosses...

   "Hahahaha, it's boring, it's really meaningless."

   Chu Yunsun looked disappointed, laughed arrogantly, and turned back to the Pumice Seat Mountain in Baiyun City.

   Lu Guanhai was expressionless.

   Chu Yunsun's gaze fell on Ding Sanshi's body.

   However, the latter has always been like an old monk entering concentration, bowing his head and closing his eyes, as if he had automatically isolated everything around him.


   He sneered and scolded.

   There is a **** atmosphere between heaven and earth.

   This is just the first session of the On Sword Conference.

   was so tragic that it was almost annihilated.

   Lin Beichen looked at the expressions of Yan Ruyu's people around him, and realized that such killings and deaths might not have been Terry---Sister Yan's expression was solemn, but it was not an accident.

   This made Lin Beichen realize that the level of danger of the Sword Conference was far beyond imagination.

   can be divided.

   can also divide life and death.

   As long as you set foot on Lunjian Peak, you can't help but live or die.

   is always in the hands of the stronger, between the stronger one's thoughts.

   So, is this the real face of the martial arts world outside the Beihai Empire?

   I'm so scared.

   Lin Beichen turned on the WIFI hotspot.

   There were also noises from the countless floating pumice stones around.

   originally thought that he would see five wonderful swordsmanship battles, which might even last for an afternoon.

   I didn't expect it to end so quickly.

   "The next game, the Immortal Sword Sect vs. the Bone Sword Sect."

   The voice of the tower guard Tan Congyuan echoed between heaven and earth.

The Immortal Sword Sect is among the great sword sects participating in the discussion this time. The strength can enter the top three Sword Sects, and the Bone Sword Sect is behind the Immortal Sword Sect in the ranking by a full 21. The gap is huge.

   I thought it was a crushing game.

   But after seven battles, the Bone Sword faction won a small one.

   And the blood of this battle is much less than the last one.

   Although the Bone Sword Sect lost, it only slightly injured three people, and only one had his arm broken, and no death occurred.

   Indestructible Sword Sect appeared three people, all of them were merciful.

   These seven battles lasted four full hours.

   When the battle was over, it was midnight.

   In the sky, one by one star-fire floating lanterns hung, brightening the lights shining tens of miles around Lunjian Peak.

   The Sword Conference did not stop.

   Until the third day, it was finally the order of appearance of "Scented Sword Mansion".

   "Scented Sword Mansion vs. Akabane Demon Mountain Clan."

   The voice of the tower guard Tan Congyuan echoed clearly between heaven and earth.

   The expressions of the people on the pumice stone all around instantly became weird.

  Because the disciples of the Red Feather Demon Mountain tribe molested the female disciples of the Sword Mansion, a conflict broke out between the two sides, which was considered deadly feud. Unexpectedly, in the first round of the match, the two sides met by drawing lots.

   Could it be that this is what the legend says, isn’t the enemy not meeting together?


   The leader of the Akabane Demon Mountain Clan laughed.

   The Akabane Demon Mountain tribe on the floating pumice also laughed excitedly and made a mockery.

   The opportunity for revenge is here.


   A stream of light fell on the top of Lunjian Peak.

   is the elder of the Akabane Demon Mountain clan who was drunk by the ‘Old Go’.

The power structure of the Akabane Demon Mountain Clan is much the same as the general martial arts forces. Twelve mountain masters are in charge of the clan, and there are elders and warlords under them. As the famous kendo power of the host real continent, they have a profound background and elders. The level of powerhouse, the cultivation base has reached the fourth level titled heavenly person.

   "The cup is sinking, the tentacles of the mud piano are non-flammable, and the gate of the tower is shaking and it is uncomfortable with Ward's pile of beasts."

   The elder of the Akabane Demon Mountain clan named Deren called the formation in jerky human language.

   Hang on the pumice stone.

   "Brother Chen, the old thing said, let you take the shot yourself, no one else in our team is his opponent." The young sister Hu Meier, a young teacher, has amazing translation ability.

   Lin Beichen laughed.

   "What are you worthy of letting me take it?"

   He looked down at Deren on the floating pumice, and said: "The sixth-level celestial being is as vulnerable as a wild dog under my sword. You are not qualified to let me take it...Brother, go up and pass it."

   Xiao Binggan, who was eating chicken drumsticks, kicked the chicken drumsticks back after he had eaten them, and stood up and said, "Okay."

   He exerts strength on his feet.

   The floating pumice rocks all shake.

   Xiao Binggan slammed on Lunjian Peak like a meteorite.

   Adhering to the safety principle of ‘quick battle and quick decision, never allow the other party to have time to sing loudly’ summed up in the [Lost Castle] trial, he directly took out 98K without any hesitation.

   "Thief Sun, leave you."


  98K directly sprays flames.

   hit when you come up.

   Xiao Binggan has no martial arts.


The first is more.

Happy Sunday everyone

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