Lin Beichen went outside to investigate.

  Qianqian is right, things are more than Wu Fenggu's watermelon.

According to the description of the Supreme Three Lights, there are not many enemies to block them, but the strength is tyrannical, they all wear masks, and they don’t speak martial ethics at all. They directly attacked and used various poison fog and hidden weapons. This kind of thing, described in the six words'everything is extremely useful', is almost cut into the bone marrow.

As a top kendo force, and in the conference on swords, there was no strong three-light clan. In fact, they had preserved at least 80% of their strength, but they were secretly attacked and killed because they thought it was unintentional and lost immediately. heavy.

   In the end, they lost eight celestial-level powerhouses, including four sixth-level celestial beings, and they were able to escape back to Baiyun City.

   What is strange is that as soon as they enter Baiyun City within a hundred miles, those mysterious enemies will not be chased and killed, and they will retreat instantly.

   Otherwise, the extremely supreme Sanguang clan might also be destroyed.

"I saw the bodies of the four elders of the Akabane Demon Mountain tribe, hung on a huge crimson flag on the top of the lonely mountain, and the eagle-faced heads of other Akabane Demon Mountain tribes were piled one by one in front of the flag piers. , No more, no less, exactly thirty-eight heads, none of the Scarlet Feather Demon Mountain Clan escaped alive, and none of them escaped back."

   "There are Wuding Flying Sword Sect, and they are all dead."

   "There are also the White Bone Sword Sect and the Wandering Sword Sect. They are all dead."

   "For every sword faction that was destroyed, the heads of the leaders were hung on the flags of different peaks, and the heads of the disciples were built into hills under the flag piers."

   The above are the original words of the extremely powerful Sanguang clan.

   They seem to have become scary birds.

  The news spread quickly in Baiyun City.

   All parties are shocked.

   Listening to this, it seems that there is a force secretly carrying out a certain conspiracy against the various forces in Baiyun City.

   It's just that all the members of the forces who failed to leave were killed, but why?

   They are already losers after all, it is impossible to take anything away.

   An undercurrent surging in Baiyun City.

  The three light tribes in the extreme uppermost called for the help of different kendo forces. The surviving elders went to visit the Immortal Sword Sect and the Great Desolate Falling Sun Sword Sect.

   Soon, Lin Beichen received a silver invitation.

   The post was made by Lu Wangchen, the Supreme Elder of the Immortal Jianzong.

   invited Lin Beichen to the Seven Star Jujian Building for a comment.

  【Wangchen Tianren】Lu Wangchen, this is a heavyweight figure. The word   'heavyweight' not only refers to his unfathomable cultivation, but also refers to his huge size-it is rumored that the blood of the giant family is flowing in this person.

   From the very beginning, Lu Wangchen faintly had the invisible status of the top powerhouse in Baiyun City.

   "Brother, I also received the invitation, let's go, or not?"

   Xiao Binggan played with scarlet hot stamping invitations in his hand, thinking that this thing should be able to exchange thousands of gold coins.

   "Go, why not go."

  Lin Beichen glanced at his invitation, his heart moved, and said: "Especially you, is it OK to go to the Seven Stars Jujian Building for food and drink?"


   Xiao Binggan suddenly drooled in excitement.

   The two soon arrived at the Seven Stars Jujian Tower.

   The area around the restaurant is already heavily guarded.

  Wearing dark gray standard light armor, the Sword Exterminating Sword Sect powerhouse guards with swords everywhere in the restaurant.

  Only those who receive the invitation are eligible to enter the restaurant.

   did not receive the invitation, but the kendo masters from all sides who heard about it also gathered around the restaurant to watch.

   Obviously, the news brought back by the Supreme Sanguang Clan has put tremendous psychological pressure on the powerful people who came to observe the sword conference.

   The appearance of Lin Beichen and Xiao Binggan attracted the attention of countless people.

   The two took out an invitation.

   The welcome guest at the door is Gao Lingyun, an immortal Sword Sect elder of the fifth-level pinnacle of heaven and human.

   "Two people, please come in."

   Gao Lingyuan checked the invitation and let the way go, saying: "There is a number on the invitation. Please take your seat according to the number. Please don't mess around."

   entered the familiar lobby on the first floor, and immediately a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect came up to greet and guide him into his seat.

   Lin Beichen is a silver invitation, and was guided to the big table in the corner of the edge, with ten people per table.

   Xiao Binggan is a scarlet bronzing invitation, which is guided to the central main table. Each table has four people. The status of the seated person is obviously more important.

  Many eyes with special meanings constantly looked back and forth between Lin Beichen and Xiao Binggan.

   especially watching the changes in Lin Beichen's expression.

   When I saw Xiao Binggan sitting in his seat silently, many of the gazes that looked at Lin Beichen were full of undisguised gloat.


   After Xiao Binggan took the seat, he realized later that he was separated from his brother.

   He gave a slight shock, then stood up and shouted loudly: "I want to sit with my brother, I want to sit at the big table."

   "Xiao Tianren should be safe and restless."

A fair-skinned young man dressed in purple clothes and a little cinnabar between his eyebrows at the same table smiled slightly, and said: "This seat is also exquisite. Everything is a record. You alone can defeat the Chiyu Demon Mountain Clan. You can be worthy of this place. A seat."

   Xiao Binggan glanced at him and said, "Who are you?"

   The young man said faintly: "Under the ‘Ziyang Sword Sect’, I will declare it."

  【Ziqi Tianren】Xuanming, born 【Ziji Sword Body】, the young generation leader of Ziyang Jianzong.

In the previous first round of the sword conference, Xuan Ming also appeared on the stage. One person defeated two fifth-level celestial beings and one sixth-level celestial being. Although not as dazzling as [Wind and Thunder Double Swords] Mei Lin, but It is also one of the most promising Tianjiao by all parties.

"Have not heard."

   Xiao Binggan got up, crossed Xuanming, and walked towards the big table where Lin Beichen was.

   has always been accustomed to standing behind Lin Beichen, Lin Beichen is holding him for everything except fights, and he doesn't like this kind of occasion where he is exposed to the forefront.

   Xuan Ming's complexion solidified.

   Being ignored in this way is still a novel experience for him.

   "Wait a minute."

   Someone spoke again and raised his hand slightly to stop Xiao Binggan.

He is a middle-aged man in white armor. He has a thin body and a handsome face, but he has no hair on his head. He is a big bald head. There are three white tails behind his buttocks. The tip of the tail looks like a sword tip. Stars of white light flickered around the tip of the tail.

   This is an alien.

   is a member of the top kendo force [inverse training white tail clan] in the second round of the sword contest.

"and who are you?"

   Xiao Binggan's chubby face showed a trace of impatience.

   "This seat is extraordinary, the elder of the'inverse training white tail tribe'."

The middle-aged man slowly got up, looking sincere, and said, "Young man, it is a recognition and an honor for you to sit here. Don’t do it for those that seem to be relevant but are not really important. People who easily give up the light that should belong to them."

   "Are you talking nonsense?"

   Xiao Binggan blinked his eyes and said, "Sitting here is an honor, so what am I doing practicing swords?"

   This question is absolutely impossible.

   Skillful lifting the bar.

  Rao is the elder of the ‘inverse training white tail clan’, Bai Feifan, who is very knowledgeable, but when he encounters such an expert, his face sinks, and for a while, he doesn’t know how to answer.

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