On the sword conference is temporarily over.

   All parties have returned to Baiyun City again.

   "Oh, good luck, just lie down and win."

   Ding Sanshi returned to Jianxianyuan, with a contented expression on his face, with a little sigh.

   Everyone is speechless.

   Even the younger brother Shi Zhongsheng and the younger sister Yin Shan don't know what to say about this brother.

At any rate, he was also the head of the Jianxian Academy, but in the end he was so afraid of death. Every time he stepped on stage, he surrendered and ran away. He Qinghua was also nicknamed Ding Runao by the poisonous tongue of [Poison Hand Rakshasa]. This is too shameful. Up.

   "What is your face?"

   Ding Sanshi looked at Junior Brother and Junior Sister, and said, "Is it embarrassing for me to give up and leave? Do you want me to die on the sword platform?


   Yin Shan and Shi Zhongsheng looked at each other.

   This sophistry seems to make a lot of sense.

   Knowing that he is lost, he can't really forcefully die.

   After all, ants still survive.

   "Even if I admit defeat, even if I am afraid of death, I have cultivated a genius swordsman for Baiyun City."

   Ding Sanshi confidently said again: "Negligee, what do you say?"

   Lin Beichen, who was eating Cuiguo, nodded repeatedly and said: "Two uncles, Master is right."

   After all, there is output only when you are alive.

   Knowing that he is invincible, instead of trying to be tough. That's not a will, that's a fool.

   This time, Lin Beichen stood Ding Sanshi's team.

   If he were replaced by himself, he would not set foot on Lunjian Peak at all if he knew he was defeated.

   "Anyone still knows me."

   Ding Sanshi nodded with satisfaction, and said: "By the way, you played today. There are a few tricks that you did not perform well. You did not fully grasp the essence of it. Come with me, and Master will show you the correct way of fighting with this sword."

   said, walking towards the backyard.


   What I am showing today is the afterglow of the Seventeen Swords.

  Master, didn’t you just cultivate to Jiansan?

   Lin Beichen was skeptical, and went up.

   Seeing this scene, Shi Zhongsheng, Yin Shan and the other disciples of Jianxianyuan suddenly became in awe.

   Regardless of how the head of the hospital pulls across on the swordsman platform, it is obviously a high standard and strict requirement in guiding the practice of martial arts.

   No wonder Lin Beichen can have such cultivation skills.

   It turned out that it was all because of Ding's teaching.

   After half an hour, the two returned to the front yard one after another.

   Yin Shan's food is also ready.

   "Brother, what have you found after going to the City Lord's Mansion several times?"

   Shi Zhongsheng asked.

Ding Sanshi said, "I searched the entire city lord’s mansion for a chance, but I didn’t find anything. However, I found several times that Chu Yunsun would go to the Xijian pool mysteriously and practice by the pool. I tried Observing closely, it turned out that Lu Guanhai was protecting Chu Yunsun's Dharma. I didn't dare to come close, so as not to startle the snake."

   Shizhong Shengdao: "I always feel that the old city lord must still be alive, right in the city, but unfortunately for so long, there has been no clue."

   "Don't worry, since I'm back, I will definitely figure this out."

   Ding Sanshi said: "Even if I can't find it clearly, there is still my apprentice."

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   Old Ding is getting more and more dogged now, and he doesn't know what happened to him. It's not at all like the straightforward teaching when he was in Yunmeng City Third Academy.

   However, Lao Ding went to the city lord's mansion to find out the news, but Lin Beichen was not surprised.

   So maybe he came back awkwardly late that day. He didn't go to the old lover to practice the etiquette of acquaintance with Bao Bao, but to investigate clues to the whereabouts of the old city lord?

   Lin Beichen suddenly felt that he might have misunderstood Lao Ding.

   "Brother, you pay attention to safety."

   Yin Shan reminded touchedly.

   "Don't worry, in this Baiyun City, no one dares to do anything to me."

   Ding Sanshi was confident, and said: "After all, I am a bad guy, not only strong, but also a brain-dead, few people dare to provoke me."

   Lin Beichen did not say a word, and accompanied Xiao Binggan to dry the food.

   After dinner, Qianqian took Guangjiang out and asked about the news.

   Lin Beichen and Jian Xue Wuming teased with his mobile phone, communicating with each other about the next plan.

After half an hour, Qianqian returned happily, saying: "It seems that the road to the outside has really been opened up. The Ziyang Jianzong and Nilian Baiwei who left the city this afternoon have all left safely, and those mysterious enemies have disappeared. "

   Hearing the news, everyone was relieved.

   "I always think something is wrong."

Ding Sanshi looked worried, and said, "Shishi, Junior Sister Yin, you two organize and focus on cultivating with your disciples. Don’t worry about the old rules of the sect and take away Baiyun City’s unique knowledge. They should be taught as soon as possible. At least let the disciples of the Sword Fairy Academy keep in mind. In this way, if something really happens after the Sword Conference, even if Baiyun City is destroyed, as long as our disciples leave here alive , The line of Baiyun City can continue after all."

   "Brother. The situation is so good now, how could the destruction of the city happen?"

   Shi Zhongsheng retorted incomprehensibly.

   "When times are troubled, I have to guard against it."

   Ding Sanshi said with emotion.

   "Master, do you know something?"

   Lin Beichen moved in his heart and asked.

   "Intuition, just foreboding."

   Ding Sanshidao.

Yin Shan thought for a while, tilted his head and said, "However, breaking the rules of the sect and directly imparting top combat skills and secrets to ordinary disciples. Once the head of Fengji Academy finds out about it, she will definitely come to him. Disposal of by city regulations."

   Xiao Ran is an old man from Baiyun City, most tough and rigid.

   On weekdays, the disciples in the city will be severely punished even if they make a little mistake.

   What's more, this kind of thing that breaks the rules of Baiyun City, he will definitely not sit idly by.

   "Then let him come to me. I am the head of the Jianxian Academy. I decide the matter."

   Ding Sanshi seemed very responsible, and said: "My apprentice is Lin Beichen, who am I afraid of?"

   Everyone: "..."

   While talking--

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

   A harsh scream came from the side yard where the kitchen was.

   In the next second, Qianqian saw Qianqian rushing like a bolt of lightning, and said in shock, "Master, the side yard broke in...a zombie..."



  A live zombie?

   Are there really zombies in this world?

   Lin Beichen stood up suddenly: "Go, go and see."

   Yin Shan and Shi Zhongsheng also followed curiously.

   In the side yard.

   A strange fishy smell, condensed but not scattered.

   I saw a huge black humanoid object about two meters high, lying on the edge of the pond in the courtyard, like an old cow, gulping and drinking water, half of his body was soaking in the water.

   It looked scorched all over, as if it was really a charred zombie.

   "Take it."

   Yin Shan drank.

   A few Jianxianyuan disciples shot.

   Jianguang whistling.

   The charred zombie barely resisted, so he was stopped and brought over.

   Its strength is obviously very weak, and it doesn't even possess the combat power of the martial arts realm.

Most of the clothes on    were scorched and there were only a few places that were kept intact.

   looks a bit familiar.

   Lin Beichen separated the zombie's hair and saw a face that was not unfamiliar.

   "It turned out to be him..."

  This discovery surprised Lin Beichen.

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