It's Wei He.

   The two red sticks that the city owner and his wife hired from the Central Empire to participate in the sword conference.

   It was a pity that he only played once, and met [Poison Hand Raksha] He Qinghua, and was very poisoned.

   Wasn't he taken back to the City Lord's Mansion for treatment?

How would it appear here?

   and also turned into this ghost.

Originally a two-meter-tall man, his muscles bulged like granite cut with a knife and axe, full of strength, like a glaring King Kong, but now his bulging muscles have shrunk, clinging to the bones like dried old tree bark , The whole person looks like a bamboo zombie who has got rid of water, and his skin is in an abnormal metallic state.

   The whole person looks like a zombie that has been dried for thousands of years.

   It's someone else, I'm afraid it's already dead.

   Wei He miraculously survived.

  Only in the head and face, the muscles have not completely dried up, so Lin Beichen can recognize it at a glance.

   His eyes were muddy, confused, and erratic, and his throat made a strange sound of "ho **** ho", like a savage beast.

   Only when he saw Lin Beichen, there was a ray of clarity in his eyes.

"help me……"

   Wei He, like a beast and zombie, struggled violently, squeezing out these two obscure syllables in his throat.

   needs to listen carefully to distinguish it.

   Is he asking for help?

   Lin Beichen was startled.

   Ask me for help?

   Could it be that the reason why he appeared at Jianxianyuan tonight was to come to me?

   Could it be that he knew that I was the protagonist and could accomplish things that others could not do, so he came?

   This person is very wise.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   "Master, two uncles, what do you think?"

   He asked for advice.

   Lin Beichen didn't understand Wei He.

Ding Sanshi said: "The head of Xiao Yuan of the Fengji Academy said today that he had been sent to the doctor for treatment, but he did not expect to show up here. It seems that he was abandoned... able to struggle to reach the Jianxian Academy. It's also fate."

   seems to say nonsense.

Shizhong Shengdao: "The poisonous poison of Poison Butterfly Mountain, even the great celestial being above level 7 can be poisoned to death. I didn't expect Wei He to last for such a long time... What is supporting him? It is a miracle. ."

   Oh, this sentence is a bit informative.

The beautiful young teacher Yin Shan hesitated and said, "After all, it is the elder hired by us in Baiyun City. If something happens, we don’t care, who will dare to accept our appointment in Baiyun City in the future? Who else is willing to have trouble with us? To lend a helping hand?"

   There is a bit of truth.

   Lin Beichen looked at Wei He, just about to say something.


Wei He suddenly struggled violently, his body twitching and struggling violently like a river prawn falling into a frying pan, the only intact face, black lines spread, as if there were black stripes under the facial skin The earthworms travel through the muscles.

   The two swordsmen in white clothes who had been holding him were caught off guard and were thrown away.

   Everyone was shocked.

   Someone rushed up to hold him down. But Wei He is a sixth-level celestial being after all, and the foundation is still there, and a dozen disciples of the Jianxianyuan can't control it.

   "It's the shelling poison of Poison Butterfly Mountain."

   Ding Sanshi said: "Quickly, stop him."


  【Guangjiang】 rushed forward and knocked Wei He to the ground with a paw.

   The latter has a twisted face, curled up on the ground, but there is some clarity in his eyes.

   He was lying on the ground, his throat **** ho **** ho no words.

   A sixth-level celestial being, in the North Sea Empire, can be said to be an invincible existence, and will definitely be madly recruited by all parties, but now it is like a beast that has lost its dignity, which is impressive, with emotion and compassion in his heart.

   Wei He struggled, as if there was only the last ray of mind left in his body.

   He stretched out his fingers that were as dry as a bird's claw, and began to write with difficulty on the ground.



   "Also...has a daughter...disability...waiting for me..."

   "I must... live."

   on and off.

   But Lin Beichen understood.

   Wei He said that he also has a disabled daughter, waiting for him to go back, he cannot die here.

"save him."

   Ding Sanshi spoke suddenly, his tone a little hasty.

   Lin Beichen nodded, he knew that Hai Clan Zuo's son-in-law was a sensitive point in his heart.

   Because Yan Ying also has a leg deformity.

   Once Lao Ding and Shi Niang were separated from each other and couldn't take care of her daughter. Yan Ying had suffered all kinds of hardships, and she had been displaced, only then could she have her extreme and cold personality.

   Lin Beichen raised his hand, a azure light of water enveloped Wei He.


   The next moment, I saw Wei He's body, like an inflated balloon, starting to expand rapidly.

   The muscles that were originally shriveled have also become elastic, showing a hint of luster.

   After a dozen breaths, Wei He's figure returned to normal, his eyes became clearer, his vitality became stronger again, and his qi and blood reached the level of an ordinary great martial artist.

   Although he is far from his peak state, at least he is no longer dying like a beast.


   He exhaled a long breath, stood up, bowed to Lin Beichen, and said, "Thank you, Pope Lin."

   "Don't talk about this, come here, prepare the meal."

   Lin Beichen immediately stepped forward to support Wei He, and said with great enthusiasm: "I'll talk about it when I have enough food and drink."

  Since I have saved people, it must be the ‘Liu Xuande set meal’ that must be prepared. I am now instructing people to prepare hot water, clean clothes, and healing black stones, and let the chefs at Jianxianyuan prepare a big meal to entertain Wei He.

   I saved everything, not a few clothes for a meal.

   Do all the play.

   After all, this is a sixth-level celestial being.

   Wouldn’t it be good to be a little brother if you’re probated?

   After a stick of incense.

   the hall of the inner hall of the sword fairy courtyard.

   "Pope Lin's great grace, unforgettable without teeth."

   "Haha, Big Brother Wei is out there. There is no pope here, only brothers. If you don't dislike it, call me Brother Lin."    "How dare this...?"

   "That is to look down on the Pope of my small country?"

   "This... Brother Lin."

   Wei Heyi looked grateful and authentic.

   "Haha, Big Brother Wei doesn't have to be like this."

   Lin Beichen knew at a glance that this sixth-level celestial being had been moved by himself.

   Wei Xiaobao Dafa is really easy to use.

   It's just a pity that the last time I became a elder brother, I don't know where he is now.

   Am I Brother Ke?

   Lin Beichen reflected for a moment.

   "Brother Wei, what are your plans to take over?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   Wei Hedao: "Find a way to get rid of the poison in the body and restore the cultivation base."

   After undergoing hydrotherapy, Wei He's physical condition has recovered a lot, but it is still only the blood, vitality, and cultivation level around the peak of the Great Martial Master, because the poisonous butterfly mountain in his body is highly poisonous and has not been completely eliminated.

   Hydrotherapy has obvious treatment and restraint for the treatment of skin wounds and internal injuries caused by different kinds of profound energy.

   But the therapeutic effect of poison is not satisfactory.

  Especially [Poisonous Hand Raksha] He Qinghua, a high-level celestial being, uses a very high level of poison. [Water Therapy] is not so obvious. At present, it is only barely suppressing the "Hulling Poison".

   If Wei He wants to recover, he must get rid of all the poisons for hope.

   "What if the toxicity is hard to remove?"

   Ding Sanshi asked on the side: "I have heard that even the poison of Poison Butterfly Mountain is very difficult to dispel the poison of shelling."

   Wei He's face darkened, and he sighed, "If it doesn't work,...just think of a way to go home, take care of his daughter, and die."

   "Don't you want to take revenge?"

   "It is a fair fight at the Sword Conference, and I am inferior in poisoning skills, and I cannot blame others. Besides, I can't provoke a monster like Poison Butterfly Mountain in my casual training."

   "Then don't you hate Chu Yunsun for abandoning you?"

"If you are injured, you have no value, and you can't save you. If it's me, I'm afraid I can give up. City Lord Chu is ruthless, but in reason, it's just... he shouldn't have promised me before. Remuneration is deducted."

   "Brother Wei is going to collect debts?"

   "No... Brother Lin saved me. You are also from Baiyun City. Your life-saving grace is priceless, and Baiyun City does not owe me anymore."

   After a conversation, Lin Beichen's affection for Wei He increased sharply.

   This person has clear grudges and resentments, and he lives very well.

   "Brother Wei, I have a medicine that may detoxify, but I'm not absolutely sure, and I don't know if there will be side effects. Would you like to try it?"

   Lin Beichen hesitated and said.


   Wei He was surprised, and said, "I can trust Brother Lin, you can give it a try."

   "Okay, then please stay in Jianxianyuan for a few more days, and I will dispense the medicine."

   Lin Beichen Road.

   After drinking and eating, Wei He was taken to the courtyard to rest.

   Lin Beichen returned to his bedroom, took out his mobile phone, opened the [Taobao] APP, and searched for [Yinqiao Jiedu Tablets] in the drug category.


nice weather today.

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