Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 952: Even touch acceleration task

Lin Beichen said without hesitation: "I saw an old man without clothes."

   He did not hide.

   When he said this, he carefully used to Lu Guanhai's reaction.

  Because Lin Beichen wanted to know what role Lu Guanhai played in the secrets of Baiyun City.

Chu Yunsun’s cultivation method is evil, the old city master is suspected of being taken by the devil, but this old lover of the master, a kendo-cultivation is upright, without the slightest evil, seems to be the most normal one, but in her status, it seems that she can’t Stay out of things.

   Young Master Lin is not afraid anyway.

   It's a big deal.

   He and Guangjiang Human Beast are linked, and he is afraid that he will not be able to beat Lu Guanhai?

   I don’t do it now, mainly to give Lao Ding face.

   "Did you see the old town lord?"

   A strange color flashed in Lu Guanhai's eyes, and said, "Did you wake him up?"

   Lin Beichen laughed, and said: "Who is he referring to?"

   is the old town lord?

   or a demon outside the sky that is suspected to be in the main body of the old city?

   Lu Guanhai did not answer.

   She looked up and down Lin Beichen carefully for a while, and finally waved her hand and said coldly, "You go."

this one?

   Lin Beichen had already prepared for the'fish death and net breaking'.

   Didn't expect Xiao Shiniang to show face so much?

   "Thank you, Xiao Shiniang."

   Lin Beichen is overjoyed, and he will leave immediately.


   Lu Guanhai squinted his eyes, his eyes flashed with murderous eyes, his voice was frozen fifty degrees, and he said, "What did you call me just now?"

   "Thank you..."

   Lin Beichen was taken aback, suddenly reacted, and said: "Thank you, Madam."

   Oh, I made such a fatal mistake.

   What is the difference between calling him the deputy director in front of the deputy director?

   Lu Guanhai stared at Lin Beichen, his expression was cold, his eyes were cold, he was silent for a long time, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

   After a long time, she said one by one: "I saw a lot of broken swords in the sword mound stone forest outside."

   Lin Beichen said without hesitation: "It's none of my business."

   Lu Guanhai said again: "The more than 100 good swords in the Jianzhongsha area have also disappeared strangely."

   Lin Beichen said: "It's not my business...Huh? Is there more than a hundred good swords in the Jianzhongsha area?"

   Lu Guanhai's eyes flashed with cold light, and said, "Don't you admit it?"

Lin Beichen pointed at the sky and said impassionedly: "Mother, if you don't believe me, I can swear a poisonous oath. If I carry those broken swords and famous swords on my body at this time, let me... uh, let me... from now on There will be no sex, life, and life anymore."

   Lu Guanhai wrinkled his black eyebrows like a rapier.   For a guy like Lin Beichen who doesn't change his nature even if he becomes a pope, such an oath is more terrifying than death.

   Is it really not him?

Lin Beichen went one step further and said loudly: "I dare to curse the stupid thief who holds those broken swords and famous swords, add them to their bodies with chaotic blades, boil them in oil, burn their heads, beat them with lightning, ruin their appearance, and leave their homes... "

Guangchan on the side of    quietly touched her little schoolbag, and slowly lowered her head.

   Lu Guanhai snorted coldly and said, "You go."

   Lin Beichen immediately took the light sauce, and Sa Yazi ran away.

   Just after making progress, Lu Guanhai's voice came from behind: "Stop."

   Lin Beichen turned around.

   What are you doing?

   Lu Guanhai said: "Remember, don't call me a teacher."

   "Oh, yes, madam."

   Lin Beichen agreed and left immediately.

   Looking at the disappearance of one person and one mouse, Lu Guanhai's expression gradually calmed down.

   Seeing the sparsely inserted sword stone pillars that were pulled out, and looking at the sandy ground that had been completely lightened, she suddenly thought of something.

   The big mouse was carrying a strange-shaped bag just now.

   So those swords must be in the big mouse's bag.

   Lu Guanhai, who came to understand, had a silent look on Gao's cold and beautiful face.

The grand imperial pope, the big silver sword in his hand can kill the existence of the sixth-level celestial beings, the remnant swords inserted on the stone pillars, plus the more than one hundred famous swords in the sand area, are worth a total of nothing. Let it go, is this crazy?

   She came to the front of the tunnel at the tomb of Jianzhong, stopped for a moment, and did not go in.

   The air ejected from the tunnel is still hot.

   She has been standing still in the hot air, motionless.

   As if this way, I can gradually thaw and recover my frozen heart.



   "That's how it is."

   Lin Beichen finished talking about what he had seen in the sword grave in one breath.

  Of course, I have omitted the not very important details of searching for various broken swords, famous swords, and salvaging [Fire Passion].

   Ding Sanshi and a few people, after listening, their expressions were gloomy and solemn.

   The situation seems to be worse than expected.

   Once it is not done properly, Baiyun City will be destroyed.

   Ding Sanshi sighed and said, "It seems we need to take a long-term view."

Lin Beichen hurriedly said: "Master, I have done what you have explained. You are already a mature head of the Sword Immortal Academy. What to do next, please do it yourself. Don't let me interfere. After all, I I haven't formally been naturalized yet, so I'm not considered a disciple of Baiyun City. Besides, I still have to prepare for the next Lunjianfeng battle."

   Ding Sanshi did not use the bet on the Big Bird to press him this time.

   "Okay, you go and prepare for the sword fight."

   He let go.

   Lin Beichen heard the words and walked out happily.

"and many more."

   Ding Sanshi suddenly spoke again.

   Lin Beichen took a step.

   You husband and wife, specify what is wrong.

   Why are you talking?

   Is there anything that can’t be said all at once?

Just listen to Ding Sanshi slowly saying: "One piece and one relaxation is the way of civil and martial arts. If you have time, you can bring the brothers from the Sword Immortal Academy to help them improve their combat power in a short period of time, maybe soon. In the future, how many fires Baiyun City can retain depends on how many of these people can survive."

   Yin Shan and Shi Zhongsheng are a little strange.

   They have followed Ding Sanshi's previous thoughts and taught as much as possible the secrets and secrets of the towns and cities in Baiyun City. This is an extremely unusual thing, unprecedented in the hundreds of years since the opening of Baiyun City.

   But the combat power can be improved as much as possible, but there is not much hope.

   can do everything to the extreme.

   Now Senior Brother Ding is so solemnly begging Lin Beichen to take these swordsmen in white. How much can he improve in a short time?

However, Ding Sanshi had seen Lin Beichen in Yunmeng City Third Junior College. In order to cope with the battle of Tianjiao, he used many strange methods to greatly improve the combat power and strength of the third junior students in a short period of time. The precedent of the realm.

   So he had a glimmer of hope, looking forward to a miraculous recurrence.

   Lin Beichen walked and said, "Okay, Master, I will try my best."

   But what I thought in my heart is that I can’t help Old Ding.

  Keep does not release the occasional acceleration task, I have no choice but to open or hang it.

   Don't have too much hope for me.

   He went all the way back to the backyard, entered the bedroom, and was ready to catch up.

   After all, staying up all night and exploding the liver all night, and also withstood the brilliance of the spirit of the old city lord, should take a good rest.

  Who knew that just lying down, the sound of the death cell phone suddenly came in my mind.

   "Ding Dong."

   "You have a new KEEP occasional acceleration mission, do you accept it?"

   Lin Beichen was stunned.


  Is the old Dingtou actually the NPC triggered by the mission?

  Why did he just open his mouth and KEEP released a new occasional acceleration mission?

   Lin Beichen beat a salted fish, jumped up from the bed, summoned the phone for the first time, opened the KEEP software, and started to inquire about the content of this occasional acceleration mission.

   Great thing.

   Every time an occasional acceleration task appears, it is when Young Master Lin's strength soars.

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