Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 954: Do you desire power?

Sachets are generally women's personal items.

   Especially in this world, for most women, it is almost as private as underwear.

   actually delivered it directly?

  咦, is this a token of love?

What happened to this world?

  Why do all the women think about me?

   "Thank you Elder Yan for me."

   Lin Beichen accepted quietly.

   Hu Meier hummingly said: "Sister Yan in front of you, Elder Yan behind."

   Lin Beichen naturally said: "I am not concerned about your feelings about sister Hu."

   Hu Mei'er then left happily.

   Lin Beichen put away the pink sachet, ignoring the surprised and enviable look of the swordsmen in white clothes at Jianxian Academy, and continued to flicker them.

   Within a moment, a total of ninety-eight swordsmen in white clothes have all gathered.

   After let Qianqian count the current cultivation level of each of them, Young Master Lin felt a bit of a headache.

too weak.

   These people are really too weak.

  The strongest among them is only the sixth-level master, only one person.

  , there are two third-level masters, five second-level masters, eight first-level masters, and twelve half-step masters.

   The remaining white swordsmen are all small shrimps in the martial arts realm.

  According to such an ultra-low basis, it is difficult to achieve the KEEP occasional acceleration task [The Rise of the Sword Fairy].

   But the task I accepted, I have to continue with tears.

"Next, we will begin to practice. And the set of cultivation secret techniques just mentioned, I call it [Ghost Envy and Shen Aotian Comprehensive Technique], and the first step of this comprehensive secret technique is [Shen Yin Guan ear】……"

   Saying here, Lin Beichen opened his palm.



   Ten small white prismatic Xiaomi Bluetooth speakers, turned into ten white lights, flew out of his hand, and landed on the stone pillars around Jianxianyuan.

   In the early morning sun, the Xiaomi speakers full of earth technology, shimmering with milky white light.

"what is that?"


   "I can't feel the slightest fluctuation of power, and there is no black pattern."

   "According to my intuition, this thing is not simple."

  The disciples of Jianxianyuan looked at the discussion curiously like little white rabbits that got out of the hole for the first time.

   In the next moment, Lin Beichen directly connected the speaker with the death phone, turned on the [NetEase Cloud] player, and started playing the episode "A Man Is Self-improvement".

   Familiar and exciting music sounded.

   "The arrogant and proud smile Wan Zhonglang."

   "Hot blood is better than red sunlight."

   "The gallbladder is like an iron strike, and the bone is like steel."

   "The mind is a thousand feet, and the eyesight is thousands of miles."

   "Swear to strive for self-improvement, be a good man, be a good man, and be self-improvement every day..."

   Lin Beichen didn't know how others felt, but his blood boiled over first.

   Ye Qinghui.

   is full of memories to kill.

   Soon, the swordsmen in white clothes in the yard gradually felt the strange changes.

As the rhythm of the music became more and more exciting, they felt that their blood was boiling, the profound energy was agitating, and the spirit began to be highly excited. They entered the high-frequency training state that usually takes a long time to enter. in.

  Swordsmen above the martial arts realm all understand how rare it is to cultivate in this state.

  Cultivation is definitely more effective.

   This is really amazing.

   They can't wait to draw their swords and start practicing.

"I believe everyone has already felt the changes in their bodies. That's right, this is the effect of [Sound of God], which can help you quickly enter the best state of cultivation. Next, I want to teach you all that it is [Ghost] The true meaning of "Xianshen Jingaotian Synthesis", come and do 500 sets of push-ups with me..."

   Lin Beichen lay prone on the ground on the spot and stood up.

   The white swordsmen were in a daze.

  What kind of practice is this?

   So weird, yet so simple?

   "What are you still doing, start doing it soon."

   Lin Beichen got up and scolded loudly.

   "Ah, yes, yes, right, follow along..."

   "Together together."

   The white-clothed swordsmen woke up like a dream, immediately imitating Lin Beichen's movements, and began to push-ups.

   That scene is quite spectacular.

  Occasionally, someone passed by Jianxianyuan, attracted by the strange rhythm of "A Man Should Be Self-improvement", approached the gate, looked at it, and saw this incredible scene.

   Soon, a piece of news spread in Baiyun City.

   "Have you heard? The swordsmen in white at the Sword Fairy Academy are all lying in the courtyard, up and down, doing indescribable things to the earth..."

   "The leader seems to be [Devil Touching Corpse] Lin Beichen."

   "No way, he Lin Beichen has a brain disease. The other swordsmen in white clothes in the Sword Fairy Academy are all normal people. How can they go crazy with them?"

   "It should be forced."

   "It's miserable, these swordsmen in white clothes."

   Everywhere in the city, many people talked about gleefully.

   How is your Lin Beichen strong?

   You still don’t have brain problems.


   Sword Fairy.

   Five hundred sets of push-ups are definitely a big test for the average person.

   But for the warriors, it's easy.

   It's all done in less than a cup of tea time.

   doesn't even change his face, his heart is not beating, his heart is not breathing.

   "Very good."

   Lin Beichen nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Next, I will raise my legs high, one set of 1,000, and 10 sets intermittently."

   He beckoned and said, "Hey, my brother, when did you come? Hey, it's just right, come to the front as a demonstration."


   Xiao Binggan, who was standing aside watching the excitement, fell to the ground with the chicken leg bones in his hand.

   Are you going to demonstrate that shameful action?

   I knew I would not stand here to watch the fun.

   I'm also a famous [Crazy Shooting Heavenly Man] in Baiyun City anyway, I don't want face?

   But when Lin Beichen spoke, how could Xiao Binggan not listen, so he walked slowly to the front and began to demonstrate raising his legs.

   The swordsmen in white clothes underneath saw such a movement, and they started talking.

   "So shameful."

   "Weirder than the action just now."

   "Is this for the hips?"

   Amidst the discussion, they began to imitate.

   are all very simple movements. For these distinguished Baiyun City disciples, it is not a problem, they can easily understand the essence and main points.

   Once in the state, Xiao Binggan is still very responsible.

   is also very well explained.

   After all, this is not the first time to participate in such a multiplayer sport.

   Lin Beichen is very satisfied.

   In this way, you don’t have to do it yourself for the following KEEP training.

   However, my brother is considered a disciple of Jianxianyuan, right?

   turned around and gave him half of the admission procedure.

   Lin Beichen looked at him with joy, his eyes turned, and he fell on Qianqian and Qianqian again.

   These two beautiful little maids should also practice hard.

   Otherwise, when I enter the 5th Element 4th Level Celestial Realm, and then turn on the WIFI hotspot to share power, they may not be able to withstand the huge turbulent perfusion and explode.

Although Lin Beichen has never wanted to keep the two little maids busy and exhausted practicing, after all, they only need to be responsible for being beautiful and beautiful. That's enough, but occasionally it is necessary to use KEEP's open and hang training method to improve your strength.

   "From today, you are also disciples of Jianxianyuan."

   Lin Beichen waved to the two little maids and said, "Join the [Ghost Xian Shen Jingaotian Comprehensive Cultivation Technique] together, and you will gain powerful strength."

   Qianqian suddenly became excited.

   She has always been passionate about things like increasing strength.

   After all, the strength has increased, and the ideal of becoming a peerless **** will marry the young master.

  Qianqian does not matter much.

   After all, her pursuit is very simple, as long as she is stable and happy, she can quietly follow the young master, serve the young master every day, eat and drink, wash and bathe, and meet all the requirements of the young master.

   So Lin Beichen asked her to join the training, she did not reject it.

   But she still asked curiously: "Master, why don't you practice together? Don't you desire power?

   No, I long for tits.

   Lin Beichen said silently in his heart.

   "Master, I am already very strong, this kind of training has no effect on me."

   He gave a high-sounding explanation.

   Qianqian believed it on the spot.


Unexpectedly, another chapter has been added.

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