Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 958: Strong development ability

"Master, do you want to go out and solve it."

   Qianqian pushed the door in and said, "Those swordsmen, it's really hateful, and the foul language is unbearable. If you just get up and are too lazy to do activities and don't want to clean them up, I can do it for you."

   Before she came in, she couldn't wait to roll up her sleeves.

Lin Beichen jumped up and hit Qianqian’s bright and white forehead, saying: "Go back to exercise. It has been five or six days of multi-person exercise. Your progress is slow. You are only the pinnacle master. Going out is not for those Sword repairers hanging?"

Qianqian rubbed her forehead aggrievedly, and said, "Master, I have worked very hard, and the time I practiced is only less than a year in total. I am already the Great Master of the Peak, one step forward. It’s just a half-step Tianren. This is already a myth and a miracle."

Lin Beichen hummed: "Did that catch the light of this young master? Without my grant, it has helped you improve your body's endurance and widened your channel. Can you improve so fast? Not to mention I am on you, no Knowing how much effort has been exerted, all kinds of treasures have never stopped. Is it difficult for you to be promoted to the top master in less than a year?"

   Qianqian retorted, "Sister Qianqian is the same as me, she is only an eighth-level master now."

   "Can Qianqian be like you?"

   Lin Beichen said contemptuously: "Qianqian is gentle, beautiful, and well-behaved. He only wants to serve me, where I am like you. You just want to marry me, just **** for my body."

   Qianqian stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and laughed.

   He knew that the young master was playing with Qianqian.

When    Qianqian was very young and didn't remember anything, there was no parents, and the memory of home was blank.

   But every time she sees such a picture, she feels at home.

   "Young Master..."

   Qianqian bit her lip and leaned closer: "Don't you think you don't want our bodies, Master?"

   Lin Beichen said: "You are a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl who is not fully developed yet. Let's talk about it when she grows up."

   "Master, it's actually already very big."

   Qianqian approached with watery eyes and said, "If you don't believe me, touch it, the front and back are big."

   "Really? I don't believe it."

   Lin Beichen expressed doubt.

   He stretched out his hand to check it, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and said: "Huh? It turned out to be true...Tsk tusk, your growth rate is much faster than your cultivation speed."

   Qianqian laughed ‘Goose Goose’ right now.

   "Then young master, would you like to experience it?"

   Qianqian pulled Qianqian over and said, "Sister Qianqian's development ability is stronger than me."

   Lin Beichen's heart beats.

Since the Lord of Swords died in battle and Ye Weiyang returned, it seems that he has no sex, life, and life... In fact, the two little maids have been with him for so long, both in terms of identity and emotional training, have been in place. , Like two little she-wolves waiting to be fed, counting the time, it's almost the same.

   "Young Master..."

  Qianqian eyes are like silk, looking at Lin Beichen.

   In fact, the two little maids were also wronged in their hearts.

  Master, you can sleep with other people, why not sleep with us?

   The monk can touch it, but the poor way can't touch it?

   Lin Beichen gently touched Qianqian's hair, and gave him a head touch: "It's not time yet."

   This kind of thing still has to happen naturally.

   Otherwise, it always feels weird, there really is a sense of bullying.

   Qianqian yelled dissatisfiedly: "Master, you are too double-labeled. To Sister Qianqian, you touch your head gently, and you just knock your head and explode output... I protest."

   "I will pay attention later."

   Lin Beichen jumped up and gave Qianqian another brain collapse.

   After washing, eating and drinking, Lin Beichen asked the two little maids to continue to do multiplayer exercises, and grasp the last moments of the KEEP occasional acceleration task to see if they can improve.

   After all, such opportunities are rare.

   Qianqian is now only a short distance away from the half-step Tianren, what if it is really promoted?

   Just look at the two little maids, discussing something together, muttering and leaving.

   Lin Beichen came to the courtyard, waved to the light sauce of the portable lightning whip, and walked outside the Jianxian courtyard alone.


   Hundreds of people gathered at the gate of Jianxianyuan.

   There were a few standing in front, spitting and cursing.

   Seeing Lin Beichen coming out, several people immediately stopped and stepped back.

   The Jianxiu crowd suddenly became tumultuous.

   "It's coming out, it's out."

   "I can't bear it anymore."

   "It's so cheap, you have to scold it."

   Countless eyes were focused on Lin Beichen.

   Seeing that Lin Beichen was finally scolded, the crowd was very happy, and finally reached the goal of the first stage.

   "Is there any morality? People are still sleeping."

   Lin Beichen raised his middle finger, rubbed his eyebrows, and said to Guangjiang: "Come on, show them five lashes first."


   Guangjiang understood, and promised, the long whip in his hand was directly thrown out.


   Five whip sounds, the shadow of the whip is like a dragon, breaking through the void.



   Amidst the screams, the five figures were strangled by the long whip directly from the crowd, pulled out directly, and fell severely in front of Lin Beichen, screaming that they could not get up.

   are the most ruthless sword repairs that have been called scolding before.

   "Do you dare to scold me?"

   Lin Beichen stepped on one of them’s chest and said, “Are you floating away, or am I unable to hold the knife?”


   This person looks like a kendo casual cultivator, with a fearless look.

He sneered: "My senior brother has disappeared outside your Baiyun City. Your Baiyun City Master announced to the public that I will wait for you to inquire about the confrontation. You can't come out behind closed doors. You are obviously shirking responsibility. It's like we are playing monkeys and cursing. You two sentences are considered light..."

   "Your brother is not a three-year-old kid, and he was lost outside the city. Just take care of me and find it yourself."

   Lin Beichen kicked the person and slid out.

   The man cried out in pain. He only felt that his ribs had broken seven or eight, but fortunately his internal organs were not damaged.

   This Lin Beichen really didn't dare to kill him.

   He felt more relieved immediately.

"People have participated in the sword discussion conference in Baiyun City. Of course, you are responsible." The man struggling to get up, with a smirk on his face, he sternly accused: "I know if you are secretly in Baiyun City. Start, plunder the property, if you don't give me an explanation today, then kill me."

   Lin Beichen glanced at Guangjiang.

   The latter flicked the whip in his hand.


   Before he could react, the man was hit by a whip, and suddenly turned into a rain of blood and exploded.

   "You all saw it, he let me kill him."

   Lin Beichen said, "I have never seen such a strange request when I grow up so old."

   The original noisy crowd suddenly suffocated.

   After a brief silence, the crowd boiled like a hot oil pan with salt.

   "Too arrogant."

   "It's crazy."

   "Everyone joined hands and killed this murderer together."

   The people who scolded the loudest before began to fan the flames again, encouraging the emotions of the sword repairs.

   Lin Beichen glanced at Guangchan again.

   bang bang bang bang!

   Five consecutive whips of lightning.

   The fanatics were all hit by the long whip.

   Five thin blood mist burst out, and white bone foam sputtered.

   Among the crowd, it seems that Zoran is blooming five magnificent blood flowers.

  The sprayed blood mist, like a basin of cold water, instantly extinguished the hot atmosphere of the boiling crowd.

   The sword repairmen looked at Lin Beichen blankly.

   They couldn't even dream of this guy, he actually dared to really risk the world, and in broad daylight, he would commit murder.

   This is completely different from what they expected before.

And at this time, Lin Beichen cursed with his hands on his hips: "Blind your dog's eyes, and don't ask me who Lin Beichen is. I just ran over to find something. According to your logic, this sword conference is still It’s organized by the Central Empire Alliance Council, why don’t you go to them to settle the accounts?"

   The crowd was silent for a while.

   Everyone was frightened by this arrogant and brutal brain.

Lin Beichen raised his finger to the noses of the crowd again, arrogantly and domineeringly: "Bullying is afraid of hardship? Haha, tell you, I am the hardest, how dare I run over to kidnap Laozi morally? Go and ask, I am born with a brain problem, and I am famous. Dude, am I ethical?"

   The expressions of a group of sword repairmen are constantly changing.

   They were a little alarmed to find that things were completely different from what they thought.

   This Lin Beichen, he played his cards completely unruly.


There is more.

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