Here Comes The Lady Chef

Chapter 401: Floating dream

"Yeah! So many grapes!" Zhou's eyes lit up!

"Mother, this is only a small part of the emperor's reward, and the others must be coming soon ..." Gentle sold a little bit, temporarily maintaining the mystery of the reward!

"Yeah, so many grapes ... Wow! This grape is really sweet! It is sweeter than honey!" Zhou said to himself, stretched out his hand to pick one and put it in his mouth, another exclaimed . (Starting)

A gentle and comfortable smile.

In the previous life, even if Dad entered the palace and became the imperial chef, the mother did not live a few days, so let her be born again, and make up for the family!

Quickly flashed into the kitchen, Cai Mi's figure appeared in front of gentle.

"Master!" Gentle was a little excited.

A few days ago, she came back from the palace just for that artificial egg. She wanted to discuss with Cai Mi, but she came back too late. Cai Mi had already fallen asleep.

Afterwards, it was gentle entering the palace early in the morning, and the master and apprentice both missed it.

Now, when he leaves the house again, Cai Mi is in front of him, still with the smile and the pouting temper.

"Shh, how many times have I told you this girl, you and I can only call in places where no one is!" Cai Mi looked around nervously.

"Yes, yes! I know, Cai Bo! Cai Bo eats grapes!" He took a bunch of grapes with a smile and shoved it into Cai Mi's hands.

He turned around and began to get busy.

On the third day, she only asked Princess Yunji for three days' vacation, and she didn't know whether it was enough.

"This grape in the Western Region is really as sweet as honey. What is the girl busy with?" Cai Mi asked a bunch of grapes from the Western Region to pay tribute, and asked with great praise.

"Caibo, Rouer wants to use this grape to make a wine ..." Gentle said a little embarrassed.

"Oh? Is it wine making again? Aren't your spirits given to General Sheng the other day? Why, now you still need to make wine for him?" Cai Mi teased the grapes without spitting the skin.

"Caibo!" Gentle pretended to be angry.

"But. Speaking of your wine ... Hey, I really didn't stop! The boy of Sheng Yaoshan has a good amount of wine, and you know him so well. This wine must be right! But, this is just the wine delivered. Ah? The girl ’s house is better to hold on! ”Cai Mi raised her chin, and then took a bunch of grapes in her mouth again, so she chewed, and teased again.

"Bo Zei! This wine is not given to General Sheng!" Gentle slightly annoyed, telling the truth unconsciously!

"Oh, not for Sheng Yaoshan? It was for Ren Gongzi." Cai Mi's directness really made gentleness speechless.

"I'm right? Hey, Sheng Yaoshan's temperament, your spirit is right to his appetite; what about Ren Yue's kid ... Hey. It's so elegant, it's hard for you to think of fruit as wine ... I said, you Which one does this girl like? It's almost OK, don't hang both. "Cai Mi hee hehe hehe said.

"Bo Zei! I don't have that heart! It's just wine making!" Gentle annoyed, without raising his head, he just fiddled with the grapes in his hand.

"Okay, make wine! Hehe hehe hehe, in my opinion, both are good, one black and strong. One white and tender, be a general lady ... good, be a general daughter-in-law ... also Not bad ... hehe hehe. "Cai Mi laughed and chewed. It sounds so blushing and heart-beating in gentleness.

"Caibo! Grapes are here! I don't have enough!" Gentle annoyed, and then turned around, trying to **** the grapes in the hands of Cai Mi.

"Okay, I don't say, I eat grapes ..." Cai Mi kept dodging, but her face looked like a flower.

Seeing the gentle anger gradually subsided, this dared to approach slowly.

"Well, what about wine?" Cai Mi grinned.

"Um." Gentle and irritable responded.

"Will you do that?" Cai Mi continued to laugh.

"No." Gentle replied again.

"Remove the rotten grapes first, and wash the remaining grapes. If you do n’t want to peel them, just leave them alone, anyway, the Saimi grapes that went into the palace in the Western Regions. There was no need to spit. In fact, the grape skin still has its special flavor and nutrition. "Said Cai Mi, and ate another grape.

"Zaibo will make wine?" Gentle and curious.

"Have done it before. Treat yourself! But you don't use such good grapes!" Cai Mi didn't agree.

"Bobo, great! Teach me!" Hearing gently, his eyes lit up again, and all the depression and irritability just disappeared.

"Not angry? Which one do you like?" Cai Mi came again with a smile.

"Bobo! Bring the grapes! I will do it myself!" Tenderness was really angry.

"Hey, dry the drops of water on the surface of the grapes, find a clean ceramic jar, don't have oil!" Cai Mi grinned, and continued to say solemnly.

"What then?" Gentlely followed.

"After washing your hands, pinch the grapes directly, grab a handful of grapes and hold them vigorously, then put them in the jar, then put the sugar on top of the grapes, and put three pounds of sugar per ten pounds of grapes. Finally, seal the wine jars Keep it in a cool place. It can be given to Ren Yue's kid for about a month or so! This kid ... hey, there is oral administration! "Cai Mi said that the light and breezy wine was gentle and tangled, in his opinion Just a matter of minutes.

"Oh, by the way, it's hot this day. After unsealing for a month, you can take out the grape skin that floats on it and you can drink wine directly. If you think that Ren Yue's boy has a good volume of wine and likes a little wine, he will delay the opening Time. Do n’t forget, after opening the wine, do n’t forget to close the lid of the wine jar every time you sip the wine, so that the taste of the wine does not evaporate. ”Cai Mi told her, took a few more grapes and tasted it by herself went.

"It can be so simple!" Gently looked at Cai Mi's back, muttering to himself.

With Cai Mi's guidance, the gentle speed got even faster.

Picking grapes, rubbing grapes, finding jars, putting sugar, covering ... everything went well.

In three days, she has made a lot of wine. Although the grapes are quietly waiting for fermentation in the jars, her tender heart is extremely stingy.

For three years, she casually gave him three years of promise ...

He really took it to heart!

If, after three years, she dies for revenge, at least she has made him this elegant and unique wine.

One thought of fate, one thought of fate.

In previous lives and in this life, I have a dream ~ ~ Sweet wine with a sour heart is called "Floating Life".

Gently thought for a while, gently put a lid on the last jar.

Of course, in these three days, gentleness is not just coming back to make wine, but also making the amber cakes developed by the family for the family to taste.

In addition, some more were done, some were given to Nangong Xue, and some were given to Sheng Yaoshan.

Of course, with the gentle amber cake, the emperor's reward!


(Masked robbery subscriptions and tickets ~ (@ ^ _ ^ @) ~ for all support 嗫 o (n_n) o ~~) (to be continued)

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