Here is Blue Justice!

You're alive.

The night I met the Pegasus bastard, the numbered one was summoned by Mr. Edo. It's not the meeting room I always use.

"I wonder why"

"Come on? Sometimes it's me. Like deepening rapport."

"Mr. Edo?

For some reason, it's our modest room. Mr. Edo will be here soon. Probably messed with someone. So, I'm a dick that gets bummed the fuck out of me.

The guys with numbers start making noises as they please. I don't have a job today, and the one with the alcohol. You idiot. Fucking piss me off.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I wonder if they're all coming together."

Shin, and quiet back like you hit water. It's Edo the boulder. Honestly, I'm scared.... Mr. Edo did not sit in a pipe chair, but put his back on the door and put his arms together. They're not gonna let us get away with this.

"There is nothing else I have asked you gentlemen to gather here tonight, with the numbers of Lady Esmerald. Um, it's about the Pegasus guy."

What? I'm sorry.

"Who heard such a story when he became the Four Heavens King?

I raised my hand in silence. In other words, Master Esmerald himself asked me.

"Right," Edo gave a bitter look.

"This is a wild thing."

"Oh, yeah?

Number three opens its mouth, not knowing what's going on. Mr. Edo nodded heavily and replied.

"At present, it is our Esmerald who holds the status of the Four Heavens King. Groschla, Kunzait. And Master Speinel.... if the man of Pegasus becomes the Four Heavens King, who will be kicked down, do you know, gentlemen"

"Oh, Master Speinel, aren't you? 'Cause I hear you're not going anywhere."

"Oh, it feels just right if someone's gonna fit in there."


"But Master Speinel is a legend to the organization. The other Four Heavens will not allow him to be cast off the throne of the Four Heavens."

"Oh, well, that's Groschla or Kunzait"

..................... no. No, you're not. No, this is not. When I looked at the other numbers, there were half the people who were aware and half the people who weren't.

Mr. Edo accumulated in a stockpile and finally said it.

"Master Esmerald. That man's position is now endlessly at stake...!

"What? Wait a minute! So what happens to us?!?

"Of course, you're fired"


"Ugh, that's a lie! That's not true!

It is instantly an annoying cry. No matter, I screamed, too. It's a crisis of retardation in no time if you think about getting promoted and using the lower end.

"The likelihood that Pegasus will use you as you are is like without. I would restructure and use my breathing people"

"I won't let you imitate me! Let's do it, let's kill him!

Oh, and the breathtaking near window clan.

"I don't kill, but I need to hit my hand. But keep it a secret from Master Esmerald."

"Why not? Even Master Esmerald is going to be chased by the Four Heavens, right?

"No, that one doesn't really care about that. I mean, it was Esmerald himself who recommended the Pegasus man to the Four Heavens."

It is no longer a slow suicide. What's that guy thinking?... Oh, you haven't thought about it.

"Um, Mr. Edo. But I don't know exactly what will happen. Are you sure it's okay for Shiteno to change so easily?

"Formal, but I hear we will decide through discussions between the Four Heavenly Kings. It's up to you to decide who's going to leave. There's just another easy and reliable way."

"What's that?

"It's about the Four Heavens dying. If you die, you need to replenish your replacement. In fact, Groshra and Kunzait were killed by their predecessors and caught in a cauldron."

I have a bad feeling.

"No way, Master Esmerald's..."

"No, don't say it!" Don, and Mr. Edo knocked on the door.

"Don't say it. It's too ridiculous, but too, too horrible."

Lady Esmerald dies? No, it kills me. Um, shouldn't you be a pegasus bastard. I ran scared just imagining it. But I can't even imagine that guy losing a painting. Negative weather, but Esmerald and Shitian King. I've seen her fight before, but she was terribly strong. No matter how well the Pegasus suit performs or how much it costs, hey.

"Anyway, you can't leave that one alone. Individually, let your eyes shine, grind your fangs, and polish your nails. I forgive. The existence that does harm to that one...!

That's all I said, Mr. Edo left the holding room. My quinta was shrinking.

The next morning, I was on my way to Colors alone. but

"... closed?

Hiko, I went up the stairs and tried to turn the door knob, and I noticed it was locked. That's crazy. This has never happened before. Even when the idle birds were ringing, they said they were doing it 24/7. You can call me if you want to take a break. Call the president on his phone. Fucking Ama.

Good morning, Aoi.

"Hey President, good morning. I can't get into the company, what do you mean?

"I took the day off. But Aoi, I wonder what kind of blow you would go to the office if you didn't have a job. No way, aim for the safe... '

I've been after it for a long time if it's a safe, but now is not the time.

"I want to ask you something. About the stolen suit. It's an example pegasus type, how much performance is it?

"Like that? Yeah, that's pretty good. If you think just about performance, think it's more than you think. '

Quite, huh? Is it better than our Four Heavens King suit, or is it like Red Marl or Idaten Marl?

'I can't tell you the details, and I don't want to, but I don't mind if you think I'm the best in this city. I'm fine flat left that those Phantoms are coming in bundles. I'm pretty sure it's the strongest suit from east to west in ancient times. "

"... are you kidding me?

"I basically don't throw up. I don't want to tell you this story. 'Cause you're not going to be motivated. You said it was such a good thing, uh, disappointment.'

Although I was certainly disappointed and disappointed. But right now I'm Setouchi, whether I lose my job or not. I wanted to know if Master Esmerald could beat a Pegasus man, but if, assuming, the words of the Sexually Evil President are true... Fulfilling, can that guy win? In the first place, can you handle such a shitty suit and stay safe?

'That day, that night, if they hadn't taken my suit from me in that harbor, this wouldn't have happened...'

"What? The harbor? Hey, that suit, was it taken in the harbor?

'That's right, you're so loud. They put it in the warehouse to get it to us. You were stolen by some tiny organization. Oh, poor me. Sleep tight. "

Pegasus suit. Someone in the unknown. Harbor warehouse. And sure, that day... The suspicions were turning into certainty, little by little.

That night, we were told to gather in the depot again with numbers. but sometimes the train was delayed, and I wasn't likely to make it to the rally time. I can't help running if I'm late anyway, and I bought a can of coffee at a convenience store nearby and walked out relaxed ready to get mad.

Arrive in the organization late enough in time. Walk down the dusty, dim hallway as usual. And then the sound began to sound. Weird. It's quieter than usual today. Rather than, it's too quiet. I had a heartbeat. On purpose, something like a chill runs all over my body. Naturally, my walking speed has increased.

Kann, Kann.

You can hear footsteps from across the street. All the while, it was the man in the matter, the one in the Pegasus suit, who appeared from the corner of the hallway. Be vigilant, my stride will narrow. My body was starting to tense and tense.

"Hey," Pegasus lifts his hand in a light act. I tried to ignore him, but he was staring at me.

"It's been a while," Pegasus stops. I'm sure you're not going to let him get away with it. I didn't mean to run away when I got here.

I stop at some distance and look to Pegasus.

"... oops. I knew it was you."

Then Pegasus distorted his face. He laughed small and small, and eventually his voice grew louder. Laughing with a resounding voice throughout the organization, the bastard exhaled as if he was ready.

"Hi-hi, I knew you'd work strangely. It has been so for a long time. I was just like that. You know you're on the run. I haven't been able to do anything down to Dada in years. I could even run around because that's what..."

"You're alive."

"... oh. I didn't think it was gonna work that time when they left me on the bus. I ran away to be chased around by a hero and my buddies getting caught and smashed in the ass one after the other. Run, run."

Pegasus slapped himself in the chest more and more.

"I met this guy. Did you see that? You know that, don't you? This guy's not the most suits in the line. It's the right suit. It's the strongest suit. I found this guy in the harbor warehouse, and I smashed all the guys who attacked him. That felt good. Yeah? This is the power, you know. I can't be a fighter anymore."

I'm sure you're feeling better. The tongue goes around a lot.

"Hey, Aoi. He said he was doing the lower end of Esmerald right now. Compared to you, I was born. It's probably the best money earner in sync. But you're no match for me. Everything. Everything. I will be the Four Heavens King. I'll put this, uh, solid organization up to the best in the city with my power.... Don't get me wrong? I don't resent being left behind and abandoned. If you're in the opposite position, everyone will. But it's annoying, isn't it? The one who killed me lived, gave it to you, and the Four Heavenly Kings liked me...!

"It's okay to entrust you. Now I know one. I don't know why you're here."

"Oh, yeah. I was the organization that killed me, and I wanted to be big. Aoi with it. I'll be right back. And then I'm gonna blow you away."

Pegasus deepens his grin. Really, it seems annoying. A black mass of ambition was hidden from the bright white suit. Um, I guess I can't see the good-looking smile of someone I saw one day anymore.

"You're gonna do it."


Disappeared. The giant in front of me. The moment I recognized that, my vision was approaching the ceiling. Strike your body hard and fall. Again, I can hurt my back hard. I was beaten. No, I was stroked. That's just it, I'm gonna be like a superball.

"Who are you going to do this with? Who the hell do you think you're looking at? Aoi, it's the last time. It's an old favor, and now I'm gonna let you live. Until then, I'm just watching what I've been building up collapse. I can't do anything."

I can no longer but groan. I can only scowl like a worm.

"Bye. The next time I see you, it's time for you to die."

Until the end, I could only drop off a man named Mulberry Dye who was leaving Pegasus.

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