Here is Blue Justice!

We don't have a hero anymore.

Three days had passed since Justice Aoi disappeared. Mioko Swan, president of Hero Dispatcher Colors, ran out of hands, but his whereabouts were unknown.

Mio moves the wheelchair, opens the window and looks up at the sky. The sun hanging on the top of the sky did not clear her mind.

"Mr. President, I have a call for you."

Turning to his face, he had a receiver, and there was a nine-fold gaze over here with a troubled look.

"... we don't have a hero anymore"

"Uh, okay. I say no."

It's not worth it to exist in this world, such as a hero dispatcher without a hero. No, it can't exist. But Mio wasn't even willing to recruit new employees. It doesn't have to be him to make sense. That's what she thinks.

Huang Mae Ren, who was a cohabitant of Justice Aoi, and Niigawa Naoto were still children. After he disappeared, they took care of Red Maru Dawn, who lives next door to the same apartment...

"Sister, your room is getting dirty again."

"I bought the ingredients. What is this room? Are you going to keep a bug?

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

- I was taking care of him. Because Red Maru was not equipped with the ability to live. She can't do more chores than Ren, and she has worse procedures than anything else. And most importantly, there was no income. The three of them rely on the money Aoi left behind.

"What a pitiful situation..."

Red circles were painfully inclined to add or subtract their own cripples, move, and work. You can live for the time being without doing anything. Besides, some neighbors are like small-timers. She was on the other hand corrupt.

"I can't believe we were helped by that one, we..."

That's how I drink cheap wine. The heroine of the tragedy was stinging and the red circle was only a little drunk.

"Sister, what do you want to eat today?

Ren worked as well as Aoi did before he disappeared. It also seems as if you are avoiding thinking about him by moving your body. Ren, who was strongly dependent on Aoi, was, in fact, about to break.

After staring at both of them, Noe shifted her gaze to the daily calendar.

"Come back soon. Masayoshi."

"Dear Pegasus Blade, We're done analyzing most of this suit."

The man called his name stepped out of the training machine and exhaled a long breath.


Mulberry dyeing, Pegasus Blade received a report from his men. He is now the head of the organization. There is no one to turn against. Pegasus moves his gaze busily and throws it away in frustration.

"... what kind of observation is it that you haven't figured out the most important thing yet?

The bewitched man turned himself away. Because by the power of Pegasus, his life and other stone places were alike.

"That suit has the..."

Pegasus pounds his tongue. This is a win-win. Nothing changes where you killed the man in front of you. He knew it himself. This suit was used by Goken Tenma, but not inherited by Mulberry Dye himself. He just happened to find it and took it. True names, actual performance, and yet unseen armaments remain hidden.

"Fine. Keep investigating."

"Ha. And then, this is a separate report from the performance of the suit. … I think I know who it is."


"The provenance was unknown, but the suit of Mitsune Tenma was apparently to be delivered to the city's hero dispatcher."

Hero Dispatcher? Pegasus Blade frowned under his suit. It was a first-class product in the bend, and a dispatcher was about to get what the former Prime Minister used. He is stunned by the fact.

"Where the hell is it? Who took this?"

"You're a dispatcher named Colors. I hear he was an emerging dispatcher, but I've heard a lot about him lately."

"... well. Damn, that's what I mean."

Pegasus Blade laughs high. His voice echoed well in the caged training room of enthusiasm.

"Hi-ha-ha. Fuck, yeah, okay. All right, set up with Colors. Maybe we'll find out something. Oh, and also to the officials of Justice Aoi. Attack where he lived, too. Crush it."

"Ha? Aoi, justice?

"Need a reason?... Use those two. Just the right thing to do, because I need to remind you which position is up there."

"Got it! I'll set you up in a minute! Excuse me!

Shiny eyes, I couldn't tell from a man. Inside Pegasus Blade's chest is burning every inch of his no-go hatred for Aoi.

- Aoi, I'll smash everything.

Even after a few days, Colors was inactive. Aoi's whereabouts, he couldn't even grasp the clue, and Mio was spending most of the day blurring. Even Kyou, worried about her, couldn't do anything and wasn't going to do anything.

"Hey, Kyoue. I wonder if Aoi has done all he can to me."

"... that's not true. Aoi is not like that."

Mio was caught up in an idea. It is about one's origin. She had something she hadn't told anyone. If I could, it was also a matter that I never spoke of and didn't want to be exposed to.

Or maybe you're back.

"President? Did you say something?"

"No, nothing"

The book of silence descends. But the curtain began to rise quickly. Mio moved his wheelchair and looked out. More than ten wagon cars approached and began to stop in front of Colors one after another.

"... President, this is"

"A hero is a causal business."

Fighters and executives gathered at Pegasus Blade's behest looked up at the filthy miscellaneous building.

"Do we need to push this number of people here, Amenaka?"

A Phantom in a boar shaped suit squeaks. His men tried to be in tune, but realized they had Pegasus child's men and couldn't say anything.

One man stood before more than a hundred combatants. He is a man in a chachi-shaped suit. He pokes his wand, and it's a wind that's going to fall even now. But the Shachi man is a direct subordinate of Pegasus Blade. Poking at him would turn that horrible performance suit against the enemy.

"... Shashasha... you know why, don't you? I'm hiding in my breath. I'm taking my wheelchair mom alive and taking her. Shasha, why don't you just kill him? Otherwise, we're all gonna get busted by that guy."

"Yes, I know. The combatants surround themselves. We Phantoms are going inside. I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm a hero dispatcher here. I don't know what's coming out!

A boar-shaped Phantom is followed by a dandruff shaped Phantom. They didn't fail to be vigilant while anticipating that Colors had no heroes.

At the same time that the fighters of the organization raided Colors, the organization's hand was also extended to the apartment where Justice Aoi lived. It's smaller than the troops that went to Colors, but it's also a mix of Phantoms, too much fighting power to drop one apartment.

A lower end combatant stood in front of Aoi's room and listened to him to see what was going on inside.

"... no sound, I won't"

"Can't you feel the signs?

Hayabusa-shaped Phantom asks, but the lower end shakes his head.

"That sounds crazy. Yes, I'm talking about Justice Aoi living with two kids."

"Did you move?

"Would you like to ask your neighbor?

"... you think something like us would push you and give you a decent answer?

To Phantom's question, the lower end could not be answered. Summer had passed and the season was approaching autumn, but the midday sun was still relentless. Those who twisted their suits and pushed them over to the apartment are beginning to get irritated.

"Shh. In the meantime, there may be something, and will the door be forced to break? Hey, I can't do this. Do it."

I don't know what else to do.

Hayabusa Phantom prompts me and a big man in an elephant-shaped suit comes forward. When he stood in front of Aoi's room, he bashed his neck bone and shook his fist wide up.


The door opened with a loud noise. of Aoi's room. That wasn't torn. The door in the next room was opened. What emerged from inside was a woman dressed in a hero suit.

"Hih... So, I'm out. What about him!?

The woman's name is Akamaru Dawn. Formerly part of the Hero Dispatcher Mistrutine, he is an armed hero. But she didn't have a name as a hero. It's just that only the name of the giant thing she had came through.

"Hey, why are you here?"

"I'm out, I'm out!

"Shinobi - eh!?

Akamaru is a hero using Hiroshima's famous giant servant as a weapon. She was temporarily an urban legendary woman who spreads across the city, dreaded terribly by the Phantoms. Those on this occasion were not even given time to guess why the woman lived in the same apartment as Justice Aoi and appeared at this time.

"... so you're not ready?

"Pa, pa...?

The servant pushes through the sky. Red circles were treating huge gains lightly. The elephant man stares at the inscribed letter there, "Flower Festival," but cannot prevent the attack, floating in the hollow. He vomited in severe pain and summoned something as he chickened in his suit. Eventually the giant dances through the universe and falls on the road in front of the apartment.

Red Maru waved his servant and poked at the combatants.

"Who wants to fly next? Hmm?"

One combatant escaped when he saw a smiling red circle. I look out for the man who tried to follow him, and a hayabusa-shaped Phantom spreads his wings.

"Yeah, I'll deal with this guy! You guys, screw this apartment up!

"... don't be here"


"Already, yeah. If I do something to this apartment..."

Sawdust, the Phantom swallows. It was supposed to be an easy assignment. He resented the organization.

The combatants watched the battle between Red Maru and the Hayabusa man. In other words, when he got his hands on it, he could easily see him being swept away and in pain.

"but come on -"

"You can't lose!"

"Oh, my God!

The Hayabusa man was furious. He spread his wings and drove down the low altitude. A man's suit is not under-performing, but it's also not a good thing to jump through. The flight unit was on, but to such an extent as to allow for fast travel, it was not such that it could fly freely through the sky.

The red circle drops its hips and shakes through the servant. Hayabusa stopped moving on the brink and dodged the attack. but her attack is a tremendous wind pressure just by cutting the sky. Sweat transmits to a man's forehead. The sound and shock dulled the Hayabusa man's readiness.

"Call me no."

"Damn it!"

It is no longer a special attack. The man burst into tears. But the red circle flutters even though nothing has been done yet. Hayabusa Phantom stopped moving perfectly.

"... what. You?"

"Ugh, uhh..."

Red circle kneels and holds his mouth down with his hands. If you look closely, she looked pale. Hayabusa stares at the red circle.


"No way, you. You're a hero, aren't you? Are you conscious or something?

I was hungover. For the past few days, Akamaru had not lost his liquor temper all over his body because he had been drinking. She thought. Ren's knob is not good enough.

"Ah cancer. Let's throw up."

"Oh, yeah! Do it, you guys. Boom this bitch."

The combatants face to face.

"Copy that!"

"If you're weak, you can do it to us!


Three men jumped. Red circle gets up and tries to respond, but his legs flutter and relax, hitting his head against the apartment wall. The shock thrashed the contents of my stomach.

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