Here is Blue Justice!

Hey, wake up, you mess.

"Hey, Grandpa."

"I can't get my hands off you right now. Later."

I exhaled and decided to watch my grandfather's work. He's analyzing the stupid, beetle-shaped suit he just got. Weird tubes and stuff are connected to the computer, and Grandpa keeps hitting the keel and the keyboard indifferently. I don't know.

Stand up and stretch your body. I tried to take in oxygen, but the basement was dim and stinky. It seems to be connected to sewage, and the fresh air was unlikely to be expected.

"Well, the more so. I'm old."

"Shut up."

Shoulder to shoulder, I left the lab (which is worse built than the tissue one, but Grandpa seems to like it) and headed into the living space.

I don't know which one of the youngest kids from the Neng weather group brought the mold from the basement or even the smell of it. I sat on the couch and was devouring pizza.

"Give it to me, too."

"Ya. Aoi, did you forget? You just gave me a great mouth."

Reaching down to get a cut, he was slapped down hollow. Still a shitty kid.... the kid, Halimassi is wearing this high school uniform. It doesn't look good in a place like this. It stinks.

"What more did the master say?

"He said shut up. I've been evacuated."

"Yeah. Oh, the woman just now, because she's tied up. Take turns with your brothers and keep an eye on them, right? It's not a big deal to get hurt anymore, is it? I don't care if I get sick."

No, they fought the beetle earlier because of the sickness... I didn't say anything. Regrettably, angrily, sadly, these guys owe me help. Whether we want it or not, the facts are facts. The result is the result.

"But you're a gray youth"

"... what?

Sister Halima goggles up and stares at my face.

"No, you. I can't believe that Chinese high school girls are surrounded by weird jerks instead of making men. When I thought about that, I could cry while other HR."

"I don't care how I use my youth! Leave me alone, idiot!"

They threw me a spanner or something, so I panicked and ran into another room.

The escaped destination is the Azit storage of the Halima family.

Me and my grandfather, we're taking care of these guys now.... That day, that night, in that harbor, I was bogged down by mulberry dyeing and thrown into the sea. The Halimas helped me when I sank and couldn't move and I was bleeding to death. Rather than being picked up. By their hand, which was picking up garbage in the sea (Cee said, 'It's Rare Metal, Barca'), I was rescued on my own and hidden in an underground gym. For once, I owe you. I cursed my own idiocy for selling favors to such a midget, but I didn't think you were looking after these guys until your grandfather.

'This guy is amazing. He's our master!

Apparently, Grandpa wasn't amused that Pegasus Blade ruled the organization, and he's been a successful escape for quite some time. I wanted you to ask me out anyway.... In the meantime, I was wandering around the basement trying to create a "I met an indigenous. That is the Halima family. They seem to listen to their grandfather, admire his technical skills, glorify and respect his master, celebrate and lead him to Azit to live there.

So, would it have been another week? Sy said the dedicated nursing allowed me to move properly. That arrow tip, some asshole came aboard.

"… hey, I'll take turns"

"Oh, thank you."

"And then please"

Two people who have answered with their hands up are Harima Ichiro and Erlang. I owe these two a lot of things.

"What do you say, this guy, you're making a big deal out of him?

"You sound asleep now. Let's take a nap, too."

"Oh.... bad. Probably my guest."

"Ha-ha-ha! Never mind!

Ichiro slapped me hard on the shoulder. Um, I'm sick. My bones are crushed.

"Anyway, I was going to say goodbye to this Azito as well. In the meantime, I'm going to take my time here for a while."

Say, Ichiro and Jiro go back to their living spaces. I saw him after that.

"Hey, wake up, you mess."

"There he is!? Don't kick me all of a sudden!

A woman connected by handcuffs to the storage pipe calls. He was the one in the mind-boggling, seemingly wearing a beetle suit until just now.

A week after the Halimas helped me. I was so mediocre and serene that my life was ridiculous until now. Well, the environment sucks.

But they also threatened that life at last. It's a shame that that obsessive mulberry stain didn't confirm my body, but I hear you were hitting your next hand.

"Say your name. If you don't tell me, I'm gonna hurt you."

"Just what I want!

"Don't want it!... What the hell, you. Seriously."

The woman who came to underground Ajito has named herself as something of a Four Heavens King and has launched an attack. However, the suit moved strangely because of its good performance. Thanks to this, I was able to defeat members of the Halima family, including the sick me.

"Imitation like being attacked by yourself. By the way, do you fall asleep in big letters in front of your enemies?"

Shut the fuck up.

The woman shook her head, shaking her wavy hair.

"Mulberry dyeing... not Pegasus Blade and his men, right?

"Say no! I'm not saying anything! You can torture me or anything if you want to listen to me!

Trouble. What kind of organization does torture today? Enough. Let's leave this guy alone. If you're not even wearing a suit. Oh, she's just a loud bitch.

"Oh, hey, wait a minute. Where are you going? Are you going to bring torture equipment"

"No, just go to sleep. I'm starting to feel okay leaving you alone."

"Damn, hi, you're cowardly!

I'm not sure what's cowardly.

"Enough. Seriously, it's a pain in the ass. It's definitely not your business anymore. I don't do anything. I'm not going to kill you, so stay put."

"Ah, you're so unaccompanied...!

The woman seems to be in a grip, roaring in a low voice, rolling around in a disabling position. Eventually, it stopped perfectly.

"Okay. Talk. So don't kill me."

"Are you a brain miso? Did you hear what I said?

"... my name is Corneforus. He's one of the new Four Heavens, dressed in a Hercules wolf bucket suit."

"New? Huh? What, did you replace it?"

No, just before I ran away from the organization, both Groshra and Kunzait had been hit. There is no such thing as Speinel from the beginning, and Master Esmerald is hidden in Colors. I see. Is it natural for a new one to come out?

"I was so weak, though. So, say your name."

"It's Corneforus!

"No, my real name. It's long and hard to say. Tell me your real name."

Corne managed to create a bitter look.

"… called Yukiko Ochamachi. Until recently, I was doing an OL."

"All right, that's fine. Bye, Michacho. Let me hear it one at a time. Who sent you here on your orders?

Kol managed to change his mind. Kocha-cho opened his mouth like he had noticed. It also looks very neat for some reason. Don't worry about it.

"It's an organizational order. Master Pegasus gave his life to eradicate those involved in justice Aoi. Hehe, it would be horrible."

"How did you know this place?"

"Come on? I just headed to the place where I was taught. Is that it? Who told you...? Phew, okay."

"Not so good."

Damn, I misread it. When I found out I was alive, I thought Mulberry Dye was going to set me up again, and I thought it had nothing to do with him. No way, I didn't think I'd do it this far.... You've really changed.

So, Colors, someone set me up in my apartment.

"That's not all. I managed to wash out your few friendships, and most of the four kings and other executives went out."

"... what? You guys are a little overdone."

"Ha-ha-ha, that's all you've done to piss off Lady Pegasus."

Colors has Idaten Maru and Lady Esmerald. There's a red circle in the apartment for once. Besides, the Black Warrior and the Hundred Ghosts might be after him. And then, uh, who would it be?

"Oh, you guys! You didn't aim for my parents! If it is, I'm gonna kill you."

"No, I haven't heard that far. Black Martial Arts Village Masaru. Hundred Ghosts Peony. And here. Uh, sure... there must have been a crew headed for Sentinel Security."

"I hope so."

Do you mind?

I nodded. Pushing me to that uniformed woman makes me sad about adding and subtracting less of my friendship.

"Well, it's the Four Heavens Kings like you. Somehow."

Groshra and Kunzait are on the move, too.

"Hey, no? You, say that fast!

Not if you're doing this. Perhaps Mulberry Dye knows about Len as well. That's bad. Oh, the "white, cool hero" he said before could be the mulberry stain in a pegasus suit. If that's the case, you're likely to bump Groschla into your apartment.

"I'm in a hurry, Justice Aoi. But I'm listening. You lost all your weapons and you don't even have a suit. What are you going to do with such a body? Wouldn't it be better to torture me to get useful information than to think about going outside and helping my people? Hmm?"

That's right.

... Damn. I don't have a weapon. In the fight against mulberry dyeing, the starch drum was broken and Menko ran out. I don't even have the glove of a favor line at hand right now. Probably sunk at the bottom of the ocean. Such a nari. Then, instead of the groshlas, even the cohort of combatants can't beat it.

Ren, no, IX, then the president. I'm worried about those guys, but they just annoy me that I'm back. Assuming we make it through the scene, Mulberry Dyeing must come up again. Now, they're really gonna kill me. I don't like it. I was afraid to die.

"Heh, heh. I can see that, Justice Aoi. You, you'll be scared right now. You don't like pain. You must be afraid to fight! You shouldn't like to get hurt! Then all you have to do is hurt me funny and crazy here! What do you say? It'll be fascinating!

"Ah, Aoi, my master's calling."

"Oh, okay."

"Oh, oh, don't ignore me naturally!

When I showed my face to Grandpa again, apparently, the work was done. He sat deeply in the chair that circled and exhaled a long breath.

"What's going on? You want me to rub it on your shoulder too?

"... Aoi. I need to ask you something."

"Oh, my God, change it."

I calm my ass down on the spot. Grandpa looked at me with a serious look on his face.

"First, I'll say it first. Don't insult me, young man. I knew you were going that way, going this way, fluttering.... Hey, Colors hero, Justice Aoi."

"It is. Did you know that?"

No big surprise. Anyway, Mr. Edo and Mr. Esmerald knew. I mean, I was ready when I followed him home and met my grandfather.

"So, what do we do? You call me a traitor?

"No, I betrayed the organization, too. I won't do that. Above all, it's crap."

"Well, what is it? Oh, yeah. I was wearing two pairs of grass shoes, a hero and a combatant. What the hell is going on now, motherfucker?"

Anyway, I'm not either of them anymore. I can't even be a hero. I'm not even going back to being a fighter.

"Look, you half-baker. But halfway through you, I want to show you something."

With that said, Grandpa pushed away the shelf behind the lab. Hardly, the contents of the shelf make a noise and collapse. The wall over there began to open slowly, little by little.

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