Here is Blue Justice!

Don't be a hero!

Kyoue was alone, remaining in Colors. The windows are broken, the furniture is knocked down and he stares at the TV with a blurred look in the room vandalized all he wants.

Inside the screen, those who were here earlier were fighting. In this city, same time. Yet it seems as if something happened in a distant world. Bad war movie, or SF.

"… the president. Mr. Aoi. Why, why..."

The noisy voice of the reporter scratched out Kyoue's sobbing voice.

Under the floating fortress, there was a dispute between the heroes gathered from all over the city, headed by the Red Rounds, and the combatants and Phantoms of Pegasus Blade's gathered organization.

Because the fortress is floating and stagnant, the houses and buildings in the neighborhood have collapsed. Justice and evil were in the rubble, and I was about to pierce my faith.

Is the situation unfavourable? Advantageous. I don't know what's going on.

Red Maru Dawn just kept waving his gains. Defeat the pushing combatants and thrust them off with a twist. But the destination was far above. It is difficult to break into a floating fortress unless it is also a suit equipped with a flight unit. Also, only a few did not allow it. Whatever, there's a man in there who defeated Idaten Maru and Esmerald.

"Damn, are you all right!?

I can't get in touch with the people who were joining me. Everyone is fighting in pieces. You won't have to worry about black martial artists or peony, but I was curious about Ren's whereabouts. Red Maru didn't want the two of them to fight, but they didn't listen.

- Aoi is the only one I can't tell you!

"Ohhhhhhh, get out of the way! Get out of the way!

Whether you go into a fortress or not, it's better to sweep away the enemies on the ground. It is troublesome to be disturbed. But there's a lot of them. In all directions, as far as I can see, they are enemies. Perhaps not the power of a single organization. I don't know what the Pegasus man did, but he must have formed an alliance with other organizations or was forced to threaten to help.

Kick a flying white combatant and shake a servant. Wind pressure and a Phantom running out frightened by the Red Circle's temper. She didn't miss it and stuck out her gains.

The combatants push from the right. White, black, red, blue, yellow… the sound of the explosion struck and those directly hit were blown with the rubble. Hundred Ghost Peony points Shakyak at the enemy and releases an arrow.

Those who escaped the peony's fire approached her. But he hits me in the temple from the side, and I get a cone rub and spin through the hollow. Then another combatant was slapped to the ground. I get trampled where I groaned in pain and lose my mind.

"You guys..."

Are you all right, Auntie?

"Instead of your brother, we'll protect you."

Ren and Naoto stood beside Peony, looking at the enemy like Yunxia.

"Oh, thank you. But when it's dangerous, let's run, shall we? Still, a lot of noise over there."

At a point opposite them, the Sentinel Security Guards are rampaging around. Headed by Ashes Sky Airi, she is pushing straight into a horde of enemies, and the elites forged by her are knocking down and powerless the combatants.

Black martial artists and esmeralds were directly beneath the floating fortress, engaging the Phantoms in their special suits. Individuals are more combative, but battles are often numbered over quality. How far can it hold up? No one knows if we can grasp the victory that lies ahead. You don't know what else to do, so you keep fighting.

A collapsed building. Floating disc. Infinitely visible combatants, Phantoms. And the struggling heroes.

"... why is this all of a sudden?"

"Know what? You know what?"

There were those who saw the sight from afar. I'm glad I rushed, but I'm late, heroes with legs.

"It's too different than before, isn't it..."

Once, a giant spider shaped robot raided the city. But now a larger disc than that robot is about to invade the city. I stayed at low altitude and saw the Phantoms jump out of places like Catapult. The combatants open the parachute and descend to chase after their superiors. It was by the hands of Pegasus Blade that the evil organization of this city joined together in a way that obeyed his power. It was an unthinkable story from a hero who fought alone, mainly. Where we fought, it was the mountain of Sekiyama that was surrounded and shaken. That's what most people think.

"I'll go."

"Are you insane...!

A hero wearing a mask imitating the sun ran out.

"Shigeji, huh? They're fighting, too."

"Why don't we give it a try?"

Then, a hero with a dozen outfits, a pair of men and women head to the battlefield.

"If this city gets hit, there's nowhere else to go."

Heroes thrust with a sense of grandeur. I moved my legs with one person, another. scolding trembling hands and feet and deluding himself.

"Funny. I'll set you up"

An injected flame trajectorized the universe. Heroes wearing flight units follow a man named Jay.

"Damn! Why! Why is this happening!?

Heroes. Their contents are just people. "If you peel it off," dirty, dirty sexual roots in gold peek at your face. They all rely only on the performance, the power, of the suit. There is no great difference between combatants and Phantoms belonging to the evil organization. They are crumbs, stupid diagrams, and helpless human beings.

It's just not the same. It is not exactly the same. If there is light, let there be shadows. Just as it is righteous to fight evil. Whoever chooses a hero has more or less faith in him and in his heart.

"It's all, it's all your fault! I guess so!? Fine, I'll do it! Don't be a hero!

A young, old hero who was left to the end can look up to heaven and roar.

They fight. Heroes fight. A piece of pride and a piece of courage. A handful. You stay until the end, and you fight with the last conviction of justice you grab.

In a dim room in a floating fortress, there was Miko Swan. He was sitting in a chair, restrained and imprisoned. There's a big monitor directly in front of her. External fighting was reflected. Mio admitted how it looked and laughed satisfactorily.

"You're not laughing."

Pegasus Blade hit Mio's cheek. Of course he adds and subtracts. I picked the ants. I hit them delicately. Otherwise, the human face will be lightly crushed and bounced.

"... say it. You're supposed to be asking something. Your parents are supposed to be teaching you. Unseal my suit."

"Look. Look, it looks like we have all the heroes in this city. And you have more than half of the evil organization that was in this city."

Fighting around the floating fortress is beginning to dominate on the hero side thanks to the addition of those who were butting in.

The thumbnail and Mio shrugged.

"I wonder which wins, evil or justice. I wonder which is right."

"If I don't care, it won't take a second to get rid of the world. Don't piss me off, okay?

"I told you I'd tell you anything, but I didn't tell you I'd throw up. I don't know anything about that suit.... I did get it. It was the suit my father had hidden. That's all I'm talking about. I don't know the password or the real name of the suit you're talking about."

The name of the sword that once saved this country was too strong, for better or worse. For this reason, the kinsmen who feared to be used in various matters entrusted only the name of the sword to their distant relatives, and to protect the suit of Tenma until future generations. The suit that was taken was hidden by Mio's father. Mio didn't know why he didn't break Tenma's suit when he hated heroes.

Pegasus Blade roughs up his voice and stuffs it to Miko. She didn't even change her expression.

"You know Aoi."

"Then what?"

"Did you really kill Aoi? Did you confirm the body? Did you stop breathing properly? Really? I wonder what kind of relationship you had with Aoi. Subordinates and bosses? Do you know him, or are you friends?

"... you're a woman with a fixed liver. You talk too much."

Hmm, and when he exhales out of his nose, Pegasus Blade deflects his face from Mio.

"I've known him a long time. Synchronization. We've been chasing heroes around together since the Lower Age. Sometimes I dreamed that one day I'd get you up on top of the organization. He was a hero while I was away."

"He's alive, that guy. Justice Aoi is bound to live."

"Maybe! But so what? Me and him got a fight. So this is how you got caught here. There's nothing you can do where Aoi's bastard was alive. No weapons, either. No suit, either. Above all, he's powerless. Miko Swan. I'm gonna tell you because you don't seem to know him, but he's a root scum, a guzzle. I love and care about myself more than anything else. That's why you're not getting help. I'm sorry. Oh?

Right, and Mio leaks it small.

"But he's bound to come. Don't come to help me. To not bend my beliefs. Be sure to come to do your justice."

"Justice. Justice, hey. I don't think Aoi has that."

"He's a hero. I can't overlook this situation."

Pegasus Blade gazed at the monitor.

"I can't overlook the bad guys, are you coming to help your people?"

"I have that too. But Aoi and you are friends, right? I don't think that guy can leave his friends alone doing stupid things. Coming to stop.... didn't you confirm the body because you didn't have to? I don't know if you're gonna kill me."

"Shut up! Don't talk about me with your windy mouth! What do you know about it? Don't look, with pitiful eyes, look at me!

Mio's cheek was stretched again. Pegasus Blade is more powerful than ever before, and her consciousness flies.

- - Aoi, please...

I need your help. But Miko knew that she didn't have the credentials. I've been fooling Aoi for a long time. Real justice has pushed him in the way that even though he doesn't know what a real hero is, he does.

Still, Mio's heart is shrugged and she is caught up to the point where she cannot stand herself. Mean sexual roots everywhere, a glimmer of tears came from Mio's eyes and fell.

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