Here is Blue Justice!

Because today is your favorite ton of cutlets.

Things change over time, but a few months ago, I got something that didn't change over time.

That is a testament to the name of righteousness. It is a belief that every human being would have.

There was a twist, but anyway, I grabbed my justice with this hand.

... but.

Is a human being a creature capable of martyring in justice?

Justice is the way. It's a way of life. I'm now... no, I'm not the only one. Everyone stands on an invisible straight path ahead. It's terribly hard to keep walking even if you believe it's the right thing to do down that road.

I never bend what I decide to be like this. But there will be less rubbing. Rub less and rub less, and beyond that, what form of righteousness do you believe in?

I want to know that.

A year is fine. I like the separation. It's easy to understand.

"Do you want me to say congratulations?

"... I don't need it"

My boss, Miko Swan, smiled as mean as usual.

I close my laptop and put my weight behind my chair. It was unreliable for amplification, and I raised my temper to stop it.

"A year after you came to Colors. I mean, it's been a year since you became a hero."

"Well, don't be like that"

"Thank you, Aoi. It's thanks to you that Colors is on track."

"Are you sure?"

Colors' office. Look around. It's the breadth that hasn't changed, but there's more of them coming here. And employees. And clients.

... that day.

The first and last Blue Justice. The day I fought in my own suit.

A few months had passed since that day. Colors has a new employee coming in, my injury is totally better, and a new spring is coming.

"No way, I worked the desk."

When the shoulder should ring, the president shrugged and zeroed his grin.

The injury should have healed, and at the beginning of his return, he was fought by all kinds of guys. Aliens and weird robots, I guess. But I've been working on paperwork for a while now, and I've been asked to help the president. The president said, "Because you are the trump card."

"Mm, what. Is there something on my face?

"... no, nothing"

Maybe the president cares about me.

I don't have to do this anymore. Even if you ask me to do something about the Phantom, I have the Red Rounds. You don't have to force the president. You don't have to use me. Oh, could that be it? Is it better just not to be fired?

"Something tells me you're as beautiful as ever. Hehe."

"You're a bad seller of charm. What's the matter? You want me to raise your salary, too?

"Oh, won't you put it up?

"When you learn how to write the final book."

Who is this guy? Not the president I know. Aren't you out of your mind because the aliens even operated on you?

It's getting noisy out there when I'm stuck. I was going to work. I hear someone's back.

"I'm home - no, no, it's an easy job... what did Aoi do?"

Here comes Red Maru, who was in charge of Colors' violence, the servant. Looks like he's wearing jeans, not a hero suit, but a jacket. Why the hell do you have that?

"Welcome home, Mr. Akamaru. My client just called me."

"Ho or ho. I beat up the Phantom, so I'm glad to hear it."

"He said he would deduct the portion of the store wall that was broken from the request fee. I'll take it off your paycheck."

Why did Red Maru scream and remove the servant? Did you do it again?

"It's a mess. Can't you do your job in person? I'm the one who's gonna be the last one."


Red Maru stares at me and approaches me with a slight foothold.

"Don't let it get out of your face. You're a hero, you're a Phantom."

"This one's sick."

"I mean, I don't know, me. Pegasus, where was your hegemony when you busted it?"

This is why I don't like the ones whose brains are made of muscle.

"Go home when you've got your report, you idiot."

"I don't care if it's ours! Shit. Why don't you work for me?

I ignored the red circle and worked on the final book while the president taught me.

"Idaten Maru, we're back now"

"Yes, welcome home. I'll see you later."


"We're back."

"Ah, Black Warrior. You're the one who paid for lunch the other day. Are you going to drop it on expenses?"

"I can't fight satisfactorily when I'm hungry. That's a man named me."

"You're eating too much. You are!

One more.

The ones who finished their work as heroes come back. Not when people ask me if I envy them. But somehow I feel lonely - or left behind. This is just how I play the keyboard in front of my desk. I know it's work, too. But hey.


"... n, what?

As I was sorting out a bunch of paperwork, the president called out.

"I'll be done for the day when Kue returns. Why don't you cut up around there, too?

"No, I haven't done it yet."

"Which one?"

I point to the computer screen. The president put his face close to confirm it and nodded, humph.

"I'm not in a hurry. I don't mind tomorrow."

"Are you sure?

Yeah, and the president answers all the time. If you were the president before, you wouldn't think you could go home until you could, what are you going to say?

"Well, I guess I'll go home."

"Whoa, Aoi, go swallow!

Red circles were laughing raggedly and banging the shoulders of Idaten circles.

"Shall we go too?

"... No, I went back to my room to record the drama I was accumulating"

"I'll see you when I get home. Yes!

"Wouldn't Lord Akamaru send me home till morning! And I just say stupid!

I broke out of the office in the gap where they were arguing.

Red circles, idaten circles and black martial artists occasionally bring in every troublesome problem, but they basically do their job without doing so. Most Phantoms can't make it without the three of them.

...... Colors is doing well. Better than when I'm on my own.

I'm home.

When I went back to the house and opened the door, Ren, in an apron, was standing in front of the flush with a stick. He stares at the pork on the slab with cold eyes.

"Um, oh, brother, welcome home!

"... what are you doing?

"I was beating the meat. He said it would make him soft."

I unloaded my stuff and sat in front of the table.

"Heh. That? No, no, no, no. What?

"What? What are you talking about? Did you leave?"

"Oh, well, I guess so"

I sip the tea Ren made me and look around the room like it's just a little bigger. There was a line of novels on the bookshelf that had been lined up with novels.

"I wonder how you're doing."

"Haha, you may be lonely and crying"

As we talked about the two of us, the door opened. It was the Hundred Ghosts who brought up the shopping bag that came in. She also wore an apron, just like Ren.

"Oh, thank you."

When I bow my head lightly, Hundred Ghosts smile quietly.

"Hi. Sorry to bother you again"

"No, no, it's gonna be fine at all."

"Hey, Auntie, tell me quickly."

"Oh, yes, yes. Wait a minute."

Looks like Mr. Hundred Ghosts has been teaching Ren to cook for a while now.

Once, Ren, who ate Hundred Ghosts' dishes, apparently impressed me. Looks like Ren asked Hundred Ghosts to say, "I knew I had to grab the bag" or something. I'm so sorry, but she took it on because she's going to be free and she looks like she's having fun, too.

That's why I'm giving Hundreds of Ghosts the keys to my house so they can come any time. You can use the stuff in the house properly, and a hundred ghosts can trust you. Most importantly, because Len will be happy. She's gone and she's strong, but it won't be boring to leave a message alone.

"Aoi, you must be tired too, right? Look forward to your favorite tonkatsu today."

"Oh, seriously."

"It's worth making when you have two boys."

I fell asleep and turned on the TV. An announcer from the local bureau said, "Hero dispatcher crushed", "The mayor flew out of the country to get rid of the bad guys again", but what if the government did this?

"Oh, no, you can't, Ren. It's not like you have to be strong when you pound meat."

"So what do you do?

"Look closely. It feels like it's going to crush a little bit sharply."

.................. Something scares me.

I was blurry after dinner made for me by Ren and Hundred Ghosts. You're supposed to be watching TV, but you're supposed to be listening to the sound, and it's not getting in my head at all. I don't feel strangely excited.

"Yes, go ahead"

"Oh, you guys."

Hundreds of ghosts sit face-to-face with me and drink tea. I also put my mouth on Yukawa in such a way that I could put it on her.

"About the future, or what?

"Heh? What do you do?

"Aoi, your troubles"

I never sprayed the tea in my mouth, but I was just a little surprised. With the word "future" stuck in my face, I feel like, "Oh, yeah," myself.

The Colors guys, Ren, whatever, they seem to be starting something new besides me, and they seem to be on a decent path and in a hurry. I know it's something to be happy about, but jealousy prevails.

"Well, yes. Right. I haven't been physically moving lately, so maybe I'm thinking about something extra."

"Nobody knows what's going to happen tomorrow. I'm one of the troubled ones."

Hundreds of ghosts, too?

"Are you going to die lonely..."

I accidentally shut up. I'm uncomfortable only hearing water from the other side because Ren is in the bath.

"Marriage, isn't that right? I think if you were a hundred ghosts, you'd feel better."

"Really? Then I'll have Aoi get it for you."

"Ha, you're such a good joke"

I laughed and drank tea. Mr. Hundred Ghosts smiled calmly, but he looked away at it, seemingly containing something.

"And, by the way, what about the Colors part? Didn't that president tell you he was unscrupulous?

"Not at all. Mio is a very good boy. I'm just as good at relieving stress."

"Phantom busting, is that it?

Hundreds of ghosts nodded silently. That's how you look at me.

"Aoi, you are cared for. For Miko, you're a real hero."

"Do you want a hero to do a final book or something? Ah?

"I don't want to let go, I'm sure."

I don't think so.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to spare you"

"Oh, thank you again for today. Ren would love to, so thank you again if you like."

"You don't have to say such other manners. See you later. Good night."

Hundreds of ghosts get up and wave small. The door shut and I drank out the warmer tea.

No, when was the last time you wore a glove? I feel like I haven't fought a Phantom in another month.

I only have the gloves, but I don't have anything else from my grandfather. It seems that Grandpa is away from the organization.... Oh, something. I'm relieved. He thinks it doesn't have to be a weapon.

But I get anxious that you're safe. Is that all right?

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