Here is Blue Justice!

The guys from our organization always take care of us.

After Ren and I had dinner, I fell asleep and relaxed and watched TV. I live next door today. Red circles are quiet, and I think I'll be able to finish the day peacefully and safely.

"Brother, do you have a bath?

"Hmm, I don't know what to do"

"Want to come in with me?

"No, it's okay"


Ren just moves around. Stop because the dust will rise.

When he was dissatisfied, he said, then Len took a bath. Shall I relax a little more? Yawn one with that in mind. That's when the chime rang. Rare. Who?

Chimes don't ring if you're a red circle or a black martial artist. Comes in normally. Idaten Maru or Hundred Ghosts don't come all of a sudden. You should be doing one of your texts before you come home.

I look at the clock on the wall of the room. The chime rang again. It's after 19: 00. Let's believe it's not a weird one.

"Oh, this is a good time."

I got up and went to Sanwa Soil. Wear sandals and open the door. Outside, a woman stood with a casket hat on her eyes, wearing an overalls over her shirt. Tall is low, skin is brown. Younger sounds more like a kid. If it's a religious solicitation, I'll yell back at you.

"... somehow"

The woman didn't talk to me, so I say, 'I'm really busy right now,' Aura. Then the overalled woman showed a slight glimmer.

"Ah. What. I'm sorry I'm late at night."

Nothing. It's not that late now, but I'm more concerned about the language than that. I don't know what it is. The guy has to use a tame mouth. You look younger than me. Respect or corrua.

I don't know who you are, Tammy Mouth.

"Mm-hmm. Right. Yeah, you're right. I don't think Aoi's my man anymore."

... Aoi? How did you get my name? Oh, no, you're placing a plaque. Yeah.

The woman took off her hat and bowed her head small toward me.

"Uh, excuse me. Aoi,. Long time no see."


"The guys from our organization always take care of us."

No way. Oh, no, definitely when we get here.

"Esmerald again, it's the green rim. Do you remember that?

My former boss, Lady Esmerald, gave me a strange smile. I was grounded on the spot.

"Ha ha! Excuse me, please! Excuse me, please! I never thought Master Esmerald would come to a place like this! Because it's something I never thought I would!

"Oh, come on, Aoi. It seems odd when people see you."

"But! However!

"As I said earlier, Aoi is not my man. You're a hero. Don't bow your head that easily. Your man goes down, too."

Even so, I've been a fighter for six years. Lower end guts clinging to my body didn't lift my dugout posture. I could not see her face properly until Lady Esmerald grabbed my root half forcefully and entered the room.

When I managed to regain my composure, I served Lady Esmerald a duvet and prepared some juice and sweets. She immediately tried to reach for what was put out, but somehow she would pull that hand in.

"Oh, you know. So, what the hell happened today? Or were you able to get here all by yourself?

Master Esmerald nodded yes. Good. Mr. Edo's not here. I was wondering if I would be thanking Esmerald for leaving the organization now.

"I asked Ed about Aoi's house. He said we should stop going. I've ignored you because you're so loud."

"Ha, ha, really?"

"Yeah, it is"

I wonder what you're doing here, this guy. Think calmly about it, I wonder what I am, where the evil organization completely finds out the address and the face. Maybe it sucks even if you don't.

"So, uh, errands, things..."

Master Esmerald takes a sip of juice and turns his gaze to the TV.

"An errand? That's what I'm talking about."


"I haven't wanted to see Aoi's face in a long time. Maybe when it comes to business, it's business."

Is that all the executives of the evil organization came to the hero's house?... Well, I guess so. Master Esmerald can't lie. Sora Edo-san will stop too.

"How have you been?

"Thanks to you, I'm doing well as a hero"

"Oh my God! Good, I'm relieved. I haven't heard from you lately."

Oh, you mean that.

"Uh, actually, don't get out on the scene. I'm working the desk now."

"Even though you're a hero?

"Yeah, yeah, well"

I drank tea and turned away from Lady Esmerald.

"By the way, are those clothes, Esmerald-sama's personal clothes? You look great, though."

Finally, the conversation went off.

Lady Esmerald looked at the clothes she was wearing and hung on to the lights.

"Ed stopped me, but the other Phantoms said I was going to Aoi's house, and they picked out clothes for me. Look, Kagamura or something."

Kagamura? Oh, that's the Queen Bee Phantom guy. No, that young man liked to bake the crap out of you.

"If Aoi praises you, sometimes these clothes aren't bad."

"You look like a normal girl when you do that."

"Doesn't the usual me look like a normal girl?

"Never mind why you're the Aya of Words"

They look at me with a tight eye. A little grumpy, Master Esmerald eagled the cookies served on his plate and carried them to his mouth. That's how I chew it up shabby.

"How is everyone in the organization?

"Heroes can't tell you about the organization."

Oh, he's obstinate.

"You know what a hero administration is?

"........................... you don't know, those guys"

What, between now and now.

"I'm not taking sides with the Esmeralds, but you shouldn't do anything amazing and flashy. If you're blind, you're gonna be in trouble."

"You can't listen to a hero."

"I don't know what's going to happen, and even though it's an evil organization, I don't like crushing where I used to be taken care of, me"

Master Esmerald said something. I was. That's when I heard a noise coming from the bathroom. Oh, no, Len was there. I totally forgot.

Upon coming out of the bath, Ren held his head pointing to Master Esmerald in the room.

"Ah, your brother's bringing a woman into the gap where I'm taking a bath!

"You know, Len"

"It's cheating. Betrayal. Terrible! I thought we were alone without that heartless one because of it!

"Aoi, you... that's what you had with Len? I'll tell Groshra."

You're joking too hard.

"Give me a break. Ren, this man is the Esmerald of the Four Heavens. I thought you'd seen it before."

"Hmm?... Oh, it's true. But why are there bad people here?

Lady Esmerald, who was called by the bad guys (you're right), laughed with a smile on her face that didn't eat anything and started eating cookies.

"Well, I hope you're not here to bring me back."

"I don't really care about you. I think it's best to be at Aoi's now. Oh, Groshra's fine."

"I didn't ask."

Ren poured milk into the glass and drank it all at once.

"I'm glad you look well. I'll tell Groshra too."

"Eh. Don't do that. That kind of thing."

"Ha ha! Oh, by the way, Aoi."


"Why don't we go back to the organization?

I'm not going back.

Immediately, Lady Esmerald looked bored.

"Is that so good a hero?


"But Aoi doesn't look like he's having fun right now."

I couldn't say it right back this time.

Did Master Esmerald satisfy me that I was stuck in words, get up and walk lightly and change my shoes in Sanwa Soil?

"Are you home already?"

"Number 13 with numbers is empty for you. You can always come back."

"I'll just accept your feelings"

"Don't be shy. I'll be back. Bye, fun, thanks, yuck!

"What!? Hey, are you coming again?!?

I tried to stop Master Esmerald, but she opened the door and ran out. I wasn't going to catch up. As always, he is a stormy man. Well, I was a little happy.

The next day. When I went to Colors, my paperwork was still waiting for me today. I sat in a chair that I was honored with and stared at my desk.

"Hey, boss, I'm going outside, too. I want to punch a fighter."

The president, who was reading the newspaper, began to round it up and bare it.

"You hated your job when you got here."

"Well, no suit, no weapon. You don't like anyone."

"Even now it's not like there's no suit. The Pegasus suit is back because of it. You haven't worn one since."

No, I don't think so. It's not my hobby.

"It's my certificate. I need you to rewrite it. He said he wouldn't wear a pegasus suit."

"So you're wearing another suit instead?

"You don't have to wear anything else, do you?

The president stops flirting and screws me.

"It's not good. You know, I don't understand what you're saying."

"Anyway, come on, he said you'd get blunt. You're not nominating a hero for the job the administration's turning around. Instead of Red Maru and Black Warriors, I should have gone."

"You're saying no. Blue Justice is marked by the Administration."

Huh? Really?

"The Administration thinks heroes like you are troublesome. You must be."

More than that, the president said, lurking his voice despite looking around the office where no one else was but the two of us.

"I'm Mr. Akamaru."

"... did he do something?

"Yeah, rather, he seems to be doing a pretty good job. But go a little crazy."

Isn't it usual that there's something wrong with the red circle?

"Mr. Akamaru, you're asking about the administration. I don't know where those assholes are, or how many people - or" assholes.

"Aren't you just interested?

"My sixth sense whispers. I have a bad feeling about this."

Really? I don't think so, but I think it's a good idea for a woman, and even this president is oddly sharp.

"You want me to ask him directly?

"I guess that's the best thing..."

The president clouds his words. Is it hard to ask a boulder? I don't know what to do. You can listen to me, but lately, I think Red Maru hates me a lot.

No, wait. I have a proposal. I just figured it out.

"Do you want me to follow you?

"A tail? You mean a barbaric investigation?

When I nod, the president looks blatantly disgusted.

"You don't have to wonder what it's like to get that far."

"But you care, don't you? I don't know. I don't think it's a good idea to keep it that way. I doubt it because I believe it. Huh?"

"... you're riding. Ah. You're going to run away from the desk work on the investigation."

Did you find out?

"No, no, no, you can leave that to the experts."

"Experts...... do you even know detectives?

"Sort of. He said he checked the red circle and nothing came up. You don't have to tell anybody. That's when you're just gonna have a laugh."

The president had thought about it for a little while, but exhaled, muttering in a small voice that it was.

"Well, let me ask you a favor."

"Whoa, let it be. I'll ask for it. Don't worry, I'm sure of your arm."

"Wait a minute!

"Get off me. I knew you were scared. Did you notice?

"That detective is someone you know, right? Do you have a discount?

You know what?

"Discount? Do you have one?

"Do you have one?!?

Conduct a bare survey of red circles. When the president gave me permission, I took a lunch break and headed over to Mr. Lew's.

Nevertheless, we may not know where or how Mr. Lew runs a detective. Mostly, I just meet him a lot.

That's why I fumbled around the city and found Mr. Lew sleeping on the park bench. I get a lot of anxiety, but if I've found it, I can't help it. I'm sorry, but I decided to wake him up and ask him for a job.

But when Mr. Lew found out I wanted to ask him to do a bareback check, he looked at me and said that he didn't feel comfortable scratching the rest of his hair.

"Please. If it's a commission, you can serve it a little bit."

"No, not money. I'm going to look into your colleagues, in a way, your colleagues. What are you going to do if you see an unpleasant part of that person? Do you think you can get along as well as ever?

Mr. Lew seems to be worried about me and Red Maru. Thank you, but I don't care about that if I only say red circles. Whatever, me and that guy were enemies when we met.

"I know so much about what you don't like about him. There's nothing more disillusioning."

"Well, if you say so..."


I gave Mr. Lew the picture of the red circle and the paperwork the president kept.

"Dawn Akamaru. Sure, you were a princess hero. For now, a week, let's find out. If there's anything wrong with her, I'll call you. Even if not, after a week the investigation is going to be shut down once and for all. I hope nothing comes up."

I'd love to, too, if I could. I wouldn't be foolish to pay for a bargain investigation. It's not like I can ask you to be comfortable. Even the president should know that much. Yet the president was willing to pay the commission. I thought there might be something, I'm sure.

Because it's that red circle. You can't make a big deal out of it.

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