"Are you going back?" Looking at the evening, Yun Qian Mo asked. But he didn't say anything more. He knew it was not the time to show his mind.

"Let's go." It was a little cold at night, but she felt warm all over.

As soon as she got home, Luo Feiqi sent a wechat to Yu Qingshang. As a result, she saw Yu Qingshang's reply within a few seconds. Before reading one, she saw several news coming in.

She knew that Yu Qingshang would be so excited.

The two chatted for half an hour. Rofeich went to wash and sleep. She thought she would be too excited to sleep tonight, but she didn't expect to go to sleep in a few minutes.

The next day, Luo Feiqi went to the company early. She had to prepare for the shooting of Sophie and cl. she had to shoot this cover. If she did, it would not be far from her becoming a big star.

Sophie's time is on March 5th, and CL's on March 8th.

On the same day, Luo Feiqi and her agent were preparing to go to the shooting site of Sophie to have a haircut. On the way, rofiqi went to the bathroom, but the agent waited for a long time, but she didn't come out. When she went to the bathroom to look for her, she didn't see anyone.

She immediately called Sophie magazine to explain the situation, then called her company and started looking for someone.

As soon as Yu Qingchang heard the news, she immediately called Yun Qianmo, but before she started to say, yunqianmo knew the news. She didn't have time to care how he knew it. She just wanted to find Luo Feiqi quickly. She said anxiously: "find Feifei quickly. I'm afraid she will have an accident."

"And this time she attaches great importance to the shooting, and will not easily break the appointment. Something must have happened. "

Yu Qingchang's eyebrows and eyes are full of sorrow. She is afraid that Luo Feiqi will have an accident.

She won't hide herself, so someone else may have taken her away. But she didn't have a grudge with anyone recently. How could she be kidnapped suddenly?

Is it for money or for what?

"Well, I know. I've sent someone to look for it. Just wait for the news." Cloud Qian Mo eyebrows since heard Luo Feiqi missing, has not been stretched.

At the first time he got the news, he sent someone out, but half an hour later, he has not got any news.

He reached out and pinched his brow, searching for places where Luo Feiqi might go and whether anyone she knew looked down on her

But after thinking for half a quarter of an hour, there was still no clue.

In the long wait, everyone who cares about rofiqi is like an ant on a hot pot.

It took about an hour and a half to report. There was a monitor in Yuandao who just caught a car that could be taken. It came out from the beauty salon where Luo Feiqi and his wife were. After that, they had been deliberately avoiding the monitoring. Fortunately, the monitoring of Yuandao there was just all-round, so that we could get a little bit of it.

"But the license plate number is fake..." Report the above at will, and then say this sentence, so that the hard to grasp the clues and broken.

"I want to see that man monitoring." Yun Qianmo thought for a moment, and finally let arbitrary show him the monitoring.

After the U disk is inserted into the computer, it can be adjusted to the location of the car. Yun Qianmo takes a look at the car and instantly finds a possible point. "There is a small mark on the car. After I restore it, you can take it out to find out what car has this mark."

"Good." Nod your head at will, just hope.

However, in two minutes, Yun Qianmo restored the original blurred picture to HD, and handed it to anyone.

How powerful a computer is to be so fast?! Arbitrary heart can not help but admire. He has always known that cloud computing technology is particularly powerful, but he did not expect to have reached the point of God!

After leaving at will, Yun Qianmo himself also searched the Internet for pictures, but after searching for a long time, they did not find any similar ones.

Yun Qianmo beat the table in agony and anger, and the glass almost fell off the table.

I didn't expect that under his eyes, he would dare to fight against luofeiqi. If he wanted to catch that person, he would never let him get better!

An hour ago, in the hut.

Luofeiqi slowly wakes up and finds herself in a messy hut, her hands and feet are tied, and her mouth is stuffed with a dirty rag, which makes her feel sick when she smells it, but she can't spit it out.

"Well..." Luo Feiqi tried to make a voice and wanted to see if there was anyone outside. However, more than ten minutes later, no one came in.

Luo Feiqi looks around, also did not find a sharp weapon to rescue her. Helpless moment, heard outside someone talking, Luo Feiqi continues to lie on the ground, squint eyes pretend to sleep.

soon heard the sound of the door. A woman came in with her high-heeled shoes. Luo Feiqi almost smoked when she smelt the perfume on her body.

She noticed the woman squatting down to look at her face, and then she heard, "why hasn't she been awake for so long?"

Luo Feiqi can't recognize who the voice is. She should not know How can someone you don't know kidnap her? She's a woman!

"No, according to the effect, she should have been awake more than ten minutes ago. Is it that the potion is heavy? " A man with a scar on his face spoke next to the woman.Smell speech, the woman mouth hook up a smile, squat down again, to Luo Feiqi said: "don't pretend, wake up."

Luo Feiqi was shocked. The woman knew she was pretending to be sleeping!

In this case, she did not need to continue to pretend, opened her eyes and slowly sat up, a calm face, in her eyes can not see a half silk fear.

The woman thought it was fun, but she was so brave that she could be fearless in the face of danger. The woman stretched out her hand and squeezed Luo Feiqi's chin, which made her almost burst into tears.

The more scared she was, the more calm and plain Luo Feiqi's face became. Just as she wanted to ask the man what he wanted to do with himself, she said, "if you look so good, I'll take your face off first, and you'll seduce people like that."

"Who did I seduce me?" When she heard that she was going to disfigure her face and give her a false accusation, she was immediately angry, but she still did not dare to annoy this person, so she could only speak in a flat tone.

"Ah Who did you seduce? You don't know? Don't pretend to be a woman's watch. Do you want to be a princess The woman's eyes flashed a trace of Yin, heard Luo Feiqi actually did not admit, and squeezed her chin.

Luo Feiqi frowned with pain. She could feel that if she provoked the person in front of her, her jaw would dislocate in the next second.

"If you want to disfigure me, at least you have to make it clear to me?" This woman is a little abnormal at first sight. She doesn't know that she seduces people. How does she know? Brain disease or delusion of persecution!

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