"Here you are!"

Just for fear that a little girl will quickly put the candy into her mouth.

Luo Feiqi smiles at them and takes out a bunch of candy. This time, the children were much more daring. One by one, they came forward and put the candy in their pockets from the hands of rofeich.

The children stopped and bent over to rofiqi, smiling shyly. Although luofeiqi didn't understand, they could see that they were thanking themselves.

Luo Feiqi stretched out her hand. The little girl who came to take the candy hesitated for a moment. She put the little hand in her palm. Luo Feiqi held it tightly, and felt that her thin bones were about to protrude.

Not far away, Wang Zhizhi motioned to the photographer that he had started taking pictures as early as rofeich came. The photos were sent back to China and exposed by the most famous paparazzi.

Soon, a hot search named "Luo Feiqi's trip to Africa" appeared on the top of the microblog. Before Luo Feiqi knew it, there was another disturbance in China because of her.

"Feifei goddess is beautiful and kind-hearted. She deserves to be my idol."

"Sure enough, beautiful people are beautiful even if they wear dishcloth!"

Because of the desolation of the area, luofeiqi only pursues comfort in her big brown coat and apricot straight pants. Although it is not said to be down and out, it is also quite different from her usual delicate appearance.

However, this does not affect her beauty at all. Instead, it brings out a bit of different amorous feelings. She is handsome and lazy, coupled with the sandy background, which can even be used as a magazine cover directly.

"This is a show, and also give candy to the children. I think it's hype. The picture is so clear that it's a set shot."

"That is, her brain powder has no brain blowing, it is not embarrassing to be torn down!"

Of course, in the praise, there will always be some disharmonious voices. Luo Feiqi is now popular, right and wrong.

"Everybody, have you observed here, how does this profile look like my goddess Ellie?"

During the photo taking, Ellie also had nothing to do with the fun. She stood not far away from rofeich and watched her hair candy. Later, she strolled around to see the local people's buildings.

In this photo, she left in profile. Wang Zhizhi found it when she looked at the photo.

But deliberately did not choose to delete, to shoot the documentary film candidates in Africa, in addition to Sophie's Audrey - Ni, other actresses tease has not been exposed in front of the public.

Wang Zhizhi's abacus crackles in her heart. Luo Feiqi treats African children kindly, which undoubtedly brings her a wave of favor. But that's not enough. Even if there is only one profile, it will be recognized as Allie.

Then things will be more simple, Luo Feiqi and Allie co filming, which completely raised the value of rofiqi, won more advertisers Pro tolerance.

To make a fire, good works are not enough. You have to be active in front of the public and let them remember you. Every day in the entertainment industry, there are new people crowding their heads and climbing upward. You will soon be forgotten without exposure. Wang Zhizhi knows this well.

Everything is going on according to her rehearsal script. More and more people begin to guess that the profile is Ellie. Soon, someone picked out her latest itinerary. The last record was to go to Africa. Many fans are not calm.

"Feifei is so nice to cooperate with Ellie. What kind of century is this?"

"Great, my Fei. This is the rhythm of going to Hollywood!"

At this time, on the top floor of Shengshi entertainment, Yun Qianmo's eyes are slightly deep, looking at several photos on the computer screen.

Luo Feiqi dressed up casually with a bright smile. She opened her palms to several children. On top of her hands, there was a glittering candy. With the golden sunshine, the whole picture was full of warmth.

In the next picture, rofeich stands up. A little black girl takes her hand with a shy smile. They go to Shanshan together.

Cloud Qian Mo's eyes with a bit of smile, the body around the cold breath seems to have melted a little.

But Luo Feiqi knows nothing about all this. The local network where they are located is not very good. Every once in a while, Luo Feiqi gets in touch with Yun Qianmo and doesn't have time to go on Weibo.

A few days later, the other two stars also arrived. The real shooting started. As he walked deep into the desert, the conditions became more and more difficult. At the end of the day, Luo Feiqi could even shake out two or two pieces of soil from her body at night.

Moreover, sometimes for the beauty of the picture, it is impossible to put on thick clothes, but in the desert, the sun is so hot that you may get sunburnt if you are not careful.

"How about today's shooting? Did director York say how long it will take to finish filming?"

At the end of the day's shooting, Luo Feiqi nests in the tent after washing and has a video with Yun Qianmo. On the small mobile phone screen, Yun Qianmo's face is slightly heavy, as if looking at Luo Feiqi, with a bit of heartache in his eyes.

Although the light in the tent is dim, Yun Qianmo still can see it. Luo Feiqi lost a lot of weight and was a little black, but his lips were pale. After all, it was in the desert, and the conditions were too poor.Luo Feiqi shakes his head, "did not say, but every day is speeding up the shooting speed, I think it should not be long before my part can be shot."

After all, all the top stars are involved in the shooting, and they are unpaid. Director York is also guilty of suffering here. He is speeding up the process every day. He wants to finish the shooting of the characters quickly. After that, he can stay here to shoot the scenery alone.

Yun Qianmo takes a deep breath. Luo Feiqi has been going to Africa for a whole week. He is absent-minded when he works every day. He is afraid that there will be an accident for him. Only when he receives the phone call from luofeiqi in the evening, can he relax.

"Don't worry. I'm really good here." Luo Feiqi sees cloud Qian Mo's worry light voice way.

At the same time, I began to think about what interesting things I met today. I can tell Yun Qianmo and change the topic by the way.

"Yes Luo Feiqi glasses a bright, "you know? I saw the fox mongoose today. It's really lovely. I want to take it home and raise it! "

Yun Qian Mo's expression remained unchanged, as if to say that I had drunk porridge this evening, and said in a bland voice, "then raise one, and I'll buy it for you when you come back!"

“……” Luo Feiqi speechless looking at Yun Qianmo, hurriedly stopped his crazy idea, "no, no, no, in case this is some state protected animal, I don't want to go to prison!"

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