Now the weather, on the surface, looks like the sun is shining, but the temperature is still very low. Luo Feiqi and Liang Chen need to soak in the water, and the degree of cold can be imagined.

When Luo Feiqi came out, Liang Chen just came out of the dressing room. Both of them were wearing big bath towels. They looked very sad in the cool wind.

Liang Chen first dropped the water and leaned against the cold marble on the side of the pool, but on the surface he had to make a sense of enjoyment. His face also played a faint blush and made him feel warm and warm in the hot spring.

Luo Feiqi has no time to love Liang Chen. The next person who goes into the water becomes her. Not only does she need to soak in the water, but she also needs to stand up and connect with the plot of falling down in the bathtub before.


With the voice of Wang, Luo Feiqi stood up from under the water, wiped the water on his face, and looked around in a daze.

And Liang Chen is a frightened appearance, fierce open eyes, two people's eyes are opposite, are a Leng.

"This Where is this? Are you making a movie Luo Feiqi looks around blankly and asks in surprise.

But Liang Chen plays the emperor is to sink the face, the long voice way, "comes the person, has the assassin!"

The plot after that is what they discussed before. Luo Feiqi's acting skills are outstanding, and he never loses ground in front of Liang Chen. His initial panic and reaction are unbelievable, and the interpretation is just right.


After a scene is finished, Luo Feiqi and Liang Chen are all taken over by their assistants. They quickly put on their thick coats, and their cold lips turn purple.

"Feifei, the performance is very good, and so is Liang Chen. It seems that without filming for such a long time, his acting skills have not decreased at all. He is worthy of being the Golden Horse Film emperor!" Guide Wang came over and said with a smile.

Unfortunately, both of them have no idea of chatting with Director Wang. They rush into the dressing room and change into clothes for the next scene.

Luo Feiqi just changed her clothes and came out. Before she could go to see how the scene was on the monitor, she heard a field service at the door suddenly shouting, "teacher rofiqi, someone is looking for it!"

Luo Feiqi looked along the direction of the voice. For a moment, the whole person was stunned.

Big bunch of red roses were carried in by several staff members, and they were neatly placed in the luofeiqi dressing room.

"Wow, is this from my boyfriend?"

"It's so big. It's not the same to look good."

"I haven't received them in my life. No, I haven't seen so many red roses. If anyone can send me half of them, I will marry her."

Luo Feiqi heard the girl in the crew surprised to talk about, quickly walked over, the leader looked at her, "Miss Luo Hello, please sign for it!"

Luo Feiqi looked at the words on the small card, and felt angry and helpless.

"Feifei, I wish you a smooth start - love your Zhou Yuan."

Luo Feiqi in the heart secretly turned a white eye, love you a big head ghost, send so many roses, he this is crazy!

Although in the heart is angry, so many pairs of eyes look at, Luo Feiqi on the face is to keep calm, reluctantly show a little smile at the courier, "these flowers or trouble you to take back, by the way, tell the person who ordered flowers, don't disturb me again!"

A little embarrassed on the courier's face, "this We have no right to take them back, miss

Luo Feiqi takes a deep breath and presses down the nameless fire rising from the bottom of his heart, "OK."

Luo Feiqi bowed his head and signed his name on the noodle list. Without waiting for the courier to react, he said again, "OK, please take this flower out and throw it for me."

“……” The courier was stunned for a second, but could not think of any retort, so he had to ask the workers to move the flowers out again.

The crew was restored to a clean appearance, only a few bright red petals on the ground showed what had just happened.

Luo Feiqi has a headache and sighs. He has no choice but to think about his existence.

A turn of the head, but surprised to find that the crew's eyes at this time are all focused on her body.

"I'm sorry to trouble you and delay your time. I'm..."

Before Luo Feiqi's words had been finished, another man leaned over from the front door of the crew and said in a loud voice, "excuse me, is miss luofeiqi there?"

Luofeiqi rigid back, in is a flower boy, but this time is not so exaggerated, but also enough to attract attention.

A huge bouquet of flowers that can hardly be held by both hands. Sunflower, white rose, starry, and several kinds of flowers are listed among them, which is more amazing than the vulgar red rose.

But Luo Feiqi is still filled with heart. Did Zhou Yuan know that he would not want red roses, so he prepared a second bunch of flowers?

Luo Feiqi walked over with doubts, but she guessed wrong. Another person sent flowers this time. "Feifei, congratulations on your starting today and taking the lead for the first time. Let's cheer up -- he Xinyu."Luo Feiqi originally wanted to deal with the same way as the last one, but he Xinyu was different from Zhou Yuan and hesitated again and again. Luo Feiqi still took the bouquet and handed it to yingzi, "put it in the rest room and find a place that doesn't interfere."

Yingzi nodded and answered, holding flowers to the rest room.

As soon as Luo Feiqi looks up, the crew members look at her with more and more curious eyes and whispers. Luo Feiqi bravely smiles and pretends nothing happened.

"Feifei is very popular. She is really a pretty lady and a gentleman." Director Wang laughs and laughs.

Luo Feiqi wryly smile, "director Wang, don't make fun of me. I'm sorry to add trouble to the crew."

"It's OK. It's OK." Wang didn't care much about waving his hand, but he said in a low voice, "but you still have to pay attention to it. It's easy to make a scandal. At that time, it's not good for your image. After all, it's the powerful people and the actresses. The less Trivia news, the better."

"Yes, I know," Luo Feiqi nodded, but in her heart, she did not want these things.

Before the two finished speaking, the voice of the field affairs' amulet rang again, "teacher Luo Feiqi, someone is looking for you."

"Well." Director Wang looked at Luo Feiqi in surprise, but he couldn't speak now.

Luo Feiqi is unable to love life, turn around, but this time is no longer flowers, but coffee and dessert, the crew of a staff, sweep the floor aunt have.

"Miss Luo, here is the receipt. Please have a look." The takeout man came up.

Luo Feiqi takes over in a daze. After a look, he understands what is going on. This is the handwriting of Yun Qianmo.

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