"Oh, that's OK. I'll hang up first." Luo Feiqi knows that the other side is deliberately self-improvement, and he doesn't need to get angry with her. Don't even shoot the fourth girl at that time.

This hatred, she will find time to settle with them slowly!

"If you're late, you'll be rewarded." Flower elder sister put down a cruel words, also wait for Luo Feiqi reply directly to cut off this conversation.

Luo Feiqi put down the mobile phone, a trace of fierce flash between the eyebrows.

Since this year, she has been relying on means to pressure her even if it is not easy for her to win the fourth girl by her own means. Now she can't even let her participate in the opening ceremony!

Luo Feiqi looked at the time, but didn't expect that it was already eight o'clock in the evening. No wonder he was so hungry that he didn't want to take out his mobile phone and call didi directly to the shopping mall.

She needs to find something to eat, and then find a shop to buy a skirt. She has to dress up, and she can't let them look down on it!

Although her purse is a little bit

Luo Feiqi thought about it, and suddenly stopped in front of an X clothing store, which she had heard earlier. The design of each dress is the latest fashion, and there is only one dress, that is, the price is slightly higher.

But this time I have to pay for it. Can she afford to choose one at the right price?

Luo Feiqi entered the store and looked around. The shopping guide saw that she looked sweet and dressed neatly, so she carefully explained in her ear: "Miss, you really have a good eye. This is a new product from our store. The light and elegant color and a little lace on the sleeve make the wearer look more immortal. And this one is waist tied, I think This is the best way to highlight your figure. Would you like to try it? "

As a matter of fact, before Miss shopping guide explained to her, she took a fancy to the skirt at a glance. But when she saw clearly that she wanted five figures, she hesitated and had to stand in front of the skirt and enjoy it slowly.

"Well, who am I supposed to be?" When Luo Feiqi is going to apologize and say "no" to the shopping guide, there is a voice in her ear that makes her extremely disgusted.

Two seconds later, the figure that made her disgust to the extreme burst into her sight. "I didn't expect to see the famous Shen Da star in a shopping mall."

Luofeiqi's mouth is full of sneers, thinking about how to buy clothes as soon as possible and leave. She is really not interested in staying here and tearing with her.

"Miss Luo, you came to buy a skirt, but do you have the money to buy it?" Shen Menglei's appearance is not general arrogance, disdain of the expression is shown.

She and Luo Feiqi grew up in an orphanage, but she never liked luofeiqi's lofty appearance. Everything was better than her.

"Do I have money to buy it? It seems that Shen Xingxing has nothing to do with it?" Luo Feiqi does not have a trace of emotion on her face, but in her heart, she is wondering whether she has enough money to buy this dress before leaving.

"If you don't have any money, just leave quickly. Don't make a fool of yourself here. If you don't buy it, I will. " Shen Menglei has long known that Luo Feiqi has no money. A five figure skirt is not something she can afford as a star outside the 18 lines!

When she finished speaking, she motioned to her sister Hua to pay the bill. She did not forget to glance at Luo Feiqi. Her eyes were full of contempt for her.

"Who said I don't want it, shopping guide, please wrap it for me!" Luo Feiqi's attitude towards Miss shopping guide is excellent, and Shen Menglei's attitude is simply an angel and a devil.

Shopping guide Miss heart also more like Luo Feiqi, and dislike Shen Menglei's bullying. When she heard Luo Feiqi's words, she quickly took off her skirt, and then said to Luo Feiqi, "Miss, here's the bill."

On hearing the word "check out", Luo Feiqi's eyebrows flash a trace of flesh pain. For her favorite skirt and face, she has to cut her meat!

Shen Menglei caught the pain in her eyes. She quickly stepped forward and blocked the way of the shopping guide. She grabbed the skirt in her hand, "I want this skirt!"

After saying that, he raised his chin directly and looked at Luo Feiqi with a trace of Yin in his eyes.

"Miss -" the shopping guide Miss also wanted to talk, so she was scared by Shen Menglei's sharp eyes.

"It depends on who pays first. Please swipe my card!" Luo Feiqi vows not to give up, others don't want her to get, but she must get!

Luo Feiqi reached out and handed out his bank card. Before being received by the front desk lady, Luo Feiqi was taken away by a person nearby.

"Sister Hua, what? If you want to buy a dress, you can help Shen Menglei grab it together? " Luo Feiqi is not in a hurry to get back his card. Instead, he looks at Hua Jie coldly, and Shen Menglei, a nostril vent!

Sister Hua was also arrogant, but when her eyes touched Luo Feiqi's cold eyes, she felt inexplicable. Then she quickly suppressed her fear and said in a cold voice, "this dress was first seen by Meng Lei. Can't you let her go?"

Hearing this, Luo Feiqi immediately slightly raised a radian of the corners of her mouth, opened her eyes to tell lies, and she and Shen Menglei were the most powerful.

Who doesn't know how long she stood on this dress?"What I want is never let, and I don't share it. I'm not like someone who can share everything. Even her body can be shared with several men at any time

Luo Feiqi didn't blink his eyes when he spoke. He glanced at Shen Menglei, whose face was red and would explode at any time.

"Sophie, you're enough!" Isn't it obvious that she's sleeping with another man?

Shen Menglei was so angry that she almost ran away and glared at her sister.

"What? Shen Menglei, do you dare to be Luo Feiqi sneers, she doesn't like to look for trouble, but she is not afraid of things!

"You Shen Menglei stretched out her finger and glared at Luo Feiqi fiercely. She was about to slap her and was caught by sister Hua.

"Or give it to her, you have clothes anyway, and this dress -" doesn't fit your figure very well.

Sister Hua whispered in Shen Menglei's ear. She didn't dare to say the following words. After all, she knew how bad Shen Menglei was. She didn't need to find herself guilty.

"What about this dress?" Shen Menglei faintly guesses what Hua Jie wants to say, and her face becomes more dark.

"The dress doesn't look very good, and it's ugly and doesn't fit you." Sister Hua has excellent eyesight. She immediately realizes that Shen Menglei has already guessed what she just wanted to say, and instantly turns the front of her story.

But to tell you the truth, Sophie's figure is really super good, without a trace of flaws, and this dress is expected to be able to support her.

Luo Feiqi stood aside and looked at their interaction coldly, with a sneer in his mouth.

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