"Text message?" Luofeiqi was stunned. She had a heavy play today. She didn't have time to watch her mobile phone. Where would she receive the text message, "what text messages, I haven't been able to see, what happened?"

Wang Chizhi smiled. "All people know that you are still in the dark. You have won the nomination of the best new person award of Huading award. Five days later, it is the award ceremony. Now many people predict that you will be the biggest black horse of this Huading award."

Rofice was a little bit sluggish for a few seconds before he digested Wang Zhizhi's words.

Ding award, which is a famous award, is recognized in the industry for the performance skills of each winner. Although he is only nominated now, he may not be awarded, but for him, it is also a great honor.

"Really?" Rofitsch asked a little strangely.

"Of course it is true!" Wang Zhizhi affirmed, and he said uneasily, "you are ready to attend the awards ceremony in five days. If you have a reporter asking you about the award, you must answer it well these days."

"OK, I see."

Hung up the phone, luofeiqi still has a few in the dream general feeling, she started microblogging, "luofeiqi Huading Award nomination" several big words have been top to the hot search.

Her mobile phone also began to "tinkle Dong" ring up, and there are friends congratulatory messages sent.

Luofeiqi suddenly thought that he had not contacted cloud Qianmo today, and hurriedly withdrew from Weibo and dialed his phone.

"Congratulations, Fifi. I got the nomination." Cloud modest ink with smile low voice to pass, luofeiqi inexplicable feel some embarrassed.

"You already know?"

"Well," cloud asked, with a deep, deep response, "how much do you have that I don't know?"

Rofitsch couldn't help but tick the corner of her lips and showed a sweet smile. "Don't congratulate. It's just a nomination now. What is the end result is still unknown."

"Why don't you know, you will certainly win the prize," said the cloud, with a voice of modesty and coolness, with a certain meaning. "I see, those actors are so far away from you. No one can win the prize except you."

Hearing cloud modesty, rofieqi couldn't help laughing. "You are so sure. If I don't win the prize then, I will face."

"No case." Cloud Qian Mo affirms that, does not conceal the inner appreciation and confidence to luofeiqi.

"Well, I'll borrow you." "Rofice nodded and said with a smile.

"Sister Fifi, I'm shooting!" A voice of field affairs came out of the way.

"Go to the theatre. I will let you go to the awards stage in the most beautiful manner." Cloud Qian Mo also heard the voice over there, and said before rofitsch opened up.

"Well, I'll call you again when I get back in the evening." Rofice hung up the phone with a reluctant voice.

As Wang Zhizhi expected, after the filming, rofice had just returned to the hotel and was blocked by a crowd of journalists.

"Miss rofitsch, for your nomination for the Huading award? Do you feel anything? "

Rofice had a gentle and alienated smile on her face. The question was already in her manuscript from Wang Zhizhi. She just had to answer it directly.

"I am naturally very happy to be nominated for the Huading award. It is also a affirmation of my acting skills. Thank you for your trust in me."

As soon as the voice of rofiqi was down, another reporter pushed up with the microphone. "Miss rofiche, do you think you will be the last winner?"

"I think you should ask the judges about this question. I can only say that I will do my best to shoot every play well. As for the award-winning, it is not what I want to do."

"Miss rofitsch, there are new actors Qin Yihan who are in the current nomination list. Do you have any comments on her? Do you think you are more skilled than her

The reporter's question is somewhat "leading the war" meaning, luofeiqi a bad answer, will cause two fans to choke each other situation.

Luofeiqi smiled and looked at the reporter coldly. "I think her acting skills are very good, but we have different styles. I will also watch her play, learn the way she plays, and hope that we can be friends."

There are also reporters who want to rush up and ask what, but the hotel security has arrived, and yingzi together to protect luofeiqi into the hotel.

Five days passed by in a hurry, until the morning of the ceremony, luofeiqi left the crew and rushed to the company to prepare for the modeling to award ceremony.

Such a big thing, modelling is naturally the top priority, luofeiqi can already imagine how the red carpet of the female star will be how competing.

Generally less than the next day, is a full-blown announcement, "who is the Yan pressure who", this has become a common way for female stars to hype."I tell you, this red carpet is the battlefield where the female star soldiers can't see blood, so we should be well prepared." Vincent said in a coquettish voice as he smeared various cosmetics on her face.

Before Luo Feiqi spoke, Vincent lifted his hair and said, "but ah, don't worry. With me, no one in the red carpet can be more beautiful than you. The one who competes with you is Qin Yihan, and he will be your loser!"

Luo Feiqi showed a complicated expression, and looked at Vincent without saying a word. "Well, Vincent, do you want to hear me give you a suggestion?"

Vincent looked suspiciously at rofeich. "Yes, but if you want to teach me how to make up, that's fine. I don't accept any advice."

It is acknowledged that Vincent's make-up skills are superb, which is recognized in the industry. However, there is another thing. Vincent's make-up only follows his own ideas, and he does not allow anyone to dictate the style of make-up.

Luo Feiqi gave Vincent a helpless look. "No, no, it's just that if you can say less than two words when you make up, maybe my makeup today can be more perfect."

Vincent's whole person was stunned, stiff for a few seconds before he looked at Luo Feiqi in disbelief. That sad look almost made him think that he was something that had just abandoned his "heartless man".

"Are you hating me for talking too much?" Vincent looked at rofeich with a gesture of heartwarming, the injured said.

"Well," said Luo Feiqi reluctantly with a smile, "I just want to give you a suggestion, absolutely not dislike you!"

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