Yun Qianmo is not sure whether the enemy is one, but the only thing he can be sure of is that Shen Menglei is the only enemy in the arena.

"Since you are so hard spoken, why don't we call two employees out for confrontation?" Talking about Yun Qianmo, he looks at the director, but the director's legs are soft. With so many employees in the crew, he can't remember what everyone looks like.

What's more, this surveillance video is still so vague.

The director's tone is a little bit hesitant: "it's a little unlikely."

There was a trace of impatience on Yun Qianmo's face, and said directly: "if you can't find out, you'll have to prepare a lawyer team"

it's obvious that Yun Qianmo wants to take the crew to court, and his play will surely die.

"I'll find it now," said the director

Then they looked at the people behind them one by one. The two employees were afraid of being discovered by the director. They pulled down their hats and wanted to find a chance to escape.

However, the director is an old fox. He can see the panic of the two employees at a glance, which makes him suspicious. He calls the two employees to the front of the director. The director recognizes the two employees at a glance and quickly says to Yun Qianmo behind him, "it's the two of them."

Cloud Qian Mo half squinted at the two employees, the chill overflowing, causing the two employees to fight a shiver.

They quickly denied: "we, not us!"

"Not you? Ah - "when he was a fool?

Standing by yunqianmo's side, he said, "if we don't admit it, we'll have to call the police."

When they heard that they wanted to report to the police, they immediately nodded and said, "we were all threatened by her. It was she who asked us to do tricks on rofeich's clothes."

Then she stretched out her hand and pointed to Shen Menglei. Shen Menglei's eyebrows jumped. She didn't expect them to admit it so quickly.

Shen Menglei immediately cast a threatening look at them: "you have to think clearly, this is slander."

Any clear capture of the threat in Shen Menglei's eyes, and then said: "I think Miss Shen is trying to plant booty."

"I planted it? Do you have evidence? " Shen Menglei is sure that at that time, she found two people at random. They must have no evidence.

But did not expect that the two employees immediately nodded, took out the mobile phone from the pocket and played the recording.

Just heard Shen Menglei's voice inside: "don't worry, as long as you help me to do something on luofeiqi's clothes, then the benefits will certainly be with you."

All of a sudden, all the employees around looked at Shen Menglei with a look of sudden realization.

Shen Menglei was flustered and forced to keep calm on her face: "that's what I said. It doesn't mean the scratch on Luo Feiqi's arm. It's also what I did."

Now all the people in the crew can see that this is what Shen Menglei did, but she is still dead, duck's mouth is hard.

Yun Qian Mo's face was black and heavy, and he raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He winked at random and immediately walked to the bodyguard on one side.

He randomly took the costume that he had just sent for and checked the sleeves. Sure enough, there was a blade inside, which was a woman's eyebrow scraper.

Back to the original position, handed it to Yun Qianmo.

Yun Qianmo took the eyebrow blade, and his cold voice came out of his mouth: "you are very brave, even my people dare to touch it!"

Then he turned his head to the two employees and said coldly, "if you want to tell me whether the blade was put into the clothes yesterday, you'd better confess to me, otherwise I have enough evidence to accuse you."

The two employees thought, anyway, these people have already confirmed that Shen Menglei did it. No matter how they explain it, they are all in vain. It is better to blame Shen Menglei for all the mistakes, and maybe they can get rid of the relationship at that time.

He nodded directly and admitted: "Shen Menglei ordered us to cut Miss Luo's clothes and hide the blade in her sleeve."

Shen Menglei looks at the two people with wide eyes, which is unbelievable.

"I don't have a blade hidden in her clothes!" Shen Menglei roared.

She really felt that it had nothing to do with herself. Although she had her clothes cut, she knew who did it.

Speaking of this also has to blame Luo Feiqi own, who let her annoy, deserve someone to frame her.

Of course, Shen Menglei did not dare to say it. She was afraid that she would be torn in two by the man in front of her.

"Oh! Do you know how to write "death" Yun Qianmo sneered, and in front of Shen Menglei's face, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed 110. The director on the side looked at it really, but he didn't dare to stop him. He was afraid that the big man in front of him would not be happy and cause trouble.

"Hello, police? I want to report to the police. Someone here intentionally hurt someone. The address is... "

Shen Menglei looks at Yun Qianmo and wants to go up and grab his mobile phone, but she is stopped at will. She thought that the man in front of her will directly cut off her play or block her.If that's the case, I can still act like a coquette with the gold owner and ask him to help him solve the matter. But I didn't expect that this man would directly report to the police. If the matter was to be spread out, his reputation would certainly decline.

Thinking of Shen Menglei rushing to Yun Qianmo and trying to snatch the mobile phone in his hand, yunqianmo dodges and dodges. He is stunned to see this scene at will, and quickly suppresses Shen Menglei to the ground.

After a while, Yun Qianmo finally put down his mobile phone and looked at Shen Menglei coldly and said, "I don't know how to live or die."

"Ah, what's good about that bitch? Why do you protect her like this? Is it because she has better skills in bed than me? In fact, I can kill the immortals you serve!"

When people are forced into a situation, there will always be panic and no choice of words. Now Shen Menglei is probably like this. The staff on the side did not expect that Shen Menglei would say such wild words.

I didn't expect that the pure goddess in my mind could even say such words. Usually think she is just bad temper, did not expect that they see only a superficial point.

Hearing this, yunqianmo looked at Shen Menglei and said, "you are not as good as Luo Feiqi, who doesn't want any garbage."

Any has always known his boss poison tongue, did not expect him to poison to this degree.

Shen Menglei heard Yun Qianmo say that, her face will be blue and white for a while, then she burst into laughter, and her tone is very vicious: "you think that Luo Feiqi is very clean, just by her invitation to Cl and Sophie, I know she must have gone to bed with those two chief editors! You're the only one who treats her like a baby. "

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