As soon as she entered the crew, Qianqian came running over and said hello to Luo Feiqi with some excitement, "sister Feifei!"

Luo Feiqi looked at her with a smile and waved, "Hi!"

"Sister Feifei, do you know that in today's scene, we're going to use via!" Qianqian is very familiar to rush up, intimate holding Luo Feiqi said.

The scene to be shot today is a big scene, a bit more dangerous action, so Luo Feiqi and Qian Qian and Liang Chen need to tie Weiya.

Hearing Qianqian's words, Luo Feiqi couldn't help but smile bitterly. It's really hard to understand Qianqian's excited mood.

It can be said that hanging Weiya is as terrible as shooting in winter. Hanging on it without eating or drinking is more than half a day. It is possible to spend a whole day hanging on it if there are too many parts of Weiya or the filming is not smooth.

When I get down, I feel pain in my back and thigh, and I feel uncomfortable when I walk.

"What is joyous about diaowia Liang Chen suddenly came over and happened to hear the conversation between the two people and cut in with a smile.

Qian Qian pursed her lips and looked at him, and said, "brother Liang, you don't understand. This is the first time I hang Weiya. I used to watch them fly up and down. Wow, it's a bit handsome."

"Feiqianya's head is not afraid of the beam and so on

"Hum!" Qian Qian childish stare Liang Chen one eye, "Feifei elder sister, we go to change clothes, ignore Liang elder brother, he always hit me!"

Luo Feiqi helplessly smiles, "good, good, go!"

After changing the costumes, the props group came back and tied up the three people's Weiya again. Luo Feiqi's experience of hanging Weiya is not much. With the rope slowly rising, the weight of his whole body is hanging on a trembling rope. Luofeiqi takes a deep breath nervously.

"Feifei, how are you? Is it a little nervous? " Liang Chen is next to her, keenly aware of Luo Feiqi's emotional change and asks with concern.

"Wow, brother Liang, I'm nervous. I'm a little scared. This Weiya doesn't seem as funny as it looks!" Before Luo Feiqi had time to speak, Qianqian not far away cried out in panic and tried to stretch out his hand to pull Luo Feiqi for a sense of security.

"It's OK. The rope is very strong. You're so thin. There won't be any problem." Interrupted by Qianqian, Luo Feiqi's tension in his heart has dissipated a lot.

Hearing Luo Feiqi's consolation, Qian Qian's expression changed quickly, and even lowered his head to see a circle on his body, "really? Am I really thin? So I don't have to lose weight? "

“……” Luo Feiqi wanwan didn't expect that her focus was actually here, some speechless looked at her, "yes, yes, it is true, but this fat, or continue to reduce it."

Qianqian pouted and pouted. Before he could open his mouth, he heard the voice of Wang Daodao's loudspeakers shouting, "you, stop talking, get ready. Start in two minutes!"

Several people all restrained the playful meaning on the face, took advantage of the last time in the mind to repeat the action again, strive to be able to finish the play early, also can be released from Weiya as soon as possible.

"OK, action!" At the direction of the director, several assistants who manipulated via quickly moved and pulled at the rope.

Luo Feiqi according to the previous rehearsal of good action down, she and Liang Chen shot for so long, with a very tacit understanding, the front of the action are not dangerous.

Luo Feiqi silently rehearses his next action in his heart, pretending to be hit and fly, roll over for a while, and then land again, and this group of actions is completed.

Luo Feiqi was so quick that he rolled in the air and was ready to land. Suddenly, there was a crack in the air.

before they could react, they saw that Luo Feiqi, who was still several meters above the sky, was suddenly crooked. Then he fell down diagonally and fell on a pile of foam road beside him.

Luofeiqi in the air also heard the sound of the broken rope, she was flustered, but there was no time to respond, she felt a sense of weightlessness.

she only had time to adjust her movements in the air, not to directly hit the back of her head, and then felt a sharp pain. Then it was dark. The whole crew of the

group was shocked by the sudden accident. After the reaction came, the entire crew was in disorder, and Liang Chen and Qian Qian were hurriedly put down. Check out Luo Feiqi's injury.

"How's Feifei?" Liang Chen fell to the ground and did not have time to stand firm, he staggered to Luo Feiqi rushed over, picked off the crowd around him, he asked urgently.

The accompanying doctors in the crew have also rushed over, but if you don't know where the injury is, if you rashly move it, it may aggravate the injury of Luo Feiqi, and he is at a loss for a moment.

Liang Chen looked at Luo Feiqi unconscious closed eyes lying there, only feel a burst of pain in his heart, he regardless of the image of the cry up, "hit 120 ah, Leng why!"People also just like the beginning of a dream to wake up in general, quickly took out the mobile phone to dial the emergency call.

Yingzi also rushed up, surrounded by luofeiqi, anxious almost cried out, she wanted to reach out to move Luo Feiqi, but did not dare, had to shout the name of luofeiqi in a low voice beside her.

"Sister Feifei, sister Feifei, wake up, don't scare me!"

The director's face is gloomy. Seeing that there are still staff around here, he says in a loud voice, "don't surround me. Disperse. The air is gone. The props group will clean up the things. Weiya, don't move!"

Wang said, his eyes in the crowd patrol a circle, "today this matter, don't reveal a word!"

With that, Wang looked at yingzi, who had begun to wipe her tears. "Yingzi, go and call your agent!"

"Yes, I'll go now!" Yingzi nodded and quickly ran to one side and dialed Wang Zhizhi's phone.

"Hello." Wang Zhizhi's calm voice reminds me of that end of the phone. Yingzi suddenly burst into tears, sobbing.

"Sister Zhizhi, something's wrong, sister Feifei. She fell from Weiya and fainted."

"What?" Even if she was as calm as Wang Zhizhi, she couldn't help breaking the sound when she heard the news, but soon she calmed down, "don't panic. Which hospital are you going to? I'll go there right away!"

"Beijing hospital."

"Well, I see."

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